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Repeat what else each of the businessmen said

11. Write down all the sentences relating to:

• the factory

• the company

• the goods to be bought

Unit thirty eight

Ordering the devices


After Ivan Smirnov had a fact-finding visit to Newall Ltd. he studied the materials he got and reported the results of his visit and survey to the General Director. In the morning he tele­phoned Mr. Freiser and made an appointment for 11 a. m. the same day. Thus they met at Mr. Freiser's premises at 11 and after some preliminaries they got down to business.

Frank: Judging by your early call this morning you have brought us good news, havent'you?

Ivan: That's true. Last night I spoke with my General Director and he gave me the go-ahead to the purchase. And here is the list of the devices we are interested in.

Frank: And how many devices of each type are you ordering?

Ivan: 5 of each the five types, or 25 all in all.

Frank: It is rather disappointing, I should say.

Ivan: I agree with you here. It's a rather small order. But it's a trial order. If our customers are satisfied with the devices they will order some more. Meanwhile we'll contact our customers in a few other cities in Russia. They might be interested too.

Frank: And speaking about your trial order, when do you need the devices?

Ivan: Can you deliver them next month?

Frank: At the earliest we can deliver them during the second half of the month. And how do you want us to ship the goods?

Ivan: By air, this time. They are not very heavy and besides our customers are impatient to test them as soon as possible.

Frank: If I understand you properly you would like us to ship them on cif terms by plane. The cif prices will be much higher than the basic prices stated in our bro­chures.

Ivan: Then let's discuss the price now.

Frank: Shall we have some coffee or tea first?

Ivan: I don't mind a break at all.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 189 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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