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Translate this balance sheet sample into Russian

5. Make sentences:

• The lecturer distributed many materials a few diagrams a few balance sheets a few balance sheet samples
• It was a lecture on accounting balance sheet making securuties share capital reserves loans investments
• The balance sheet says that the assets the liabilities the net assets the total share holder's interest of the Company in 1997 are/is..

6. Complete the sentences:

Current assets consist of cash, marketable securities...

Long-term assets consist of property, plant and equipment, in­vestments...

Total assets consist of current assets and...

Current liabilities consist of loans and...

Long-term liabilities consist of loans and...

Total liabilities consist of current liabilities and...

Total assets minus total liabilities make net assets...

Shareholder's interests plus minority interests make total...

ü to consist — состоять

7. Answer the following questions:

On what subject was the lecture mentioned in this Unit read?

What sample did this Unit capture?

What terms were lather difficult to remember?

Unit twenty nine



On a certain day after the lecture on the UK taxation system the Group was to visit the Tax Department of a lawyers' firm in the centre of London. Mr. Hill and the participants went there by tube which is the fastest means of transport when one wishes to move in the centre of the city. After they got into the building of the firm they went to the secretary's office.

Mr. Hill: Good afternoon.

Secretary: Good afternoon, sir.

Mr. Hill: My name is Hill and here is the Group of Russian busi­nessmen. We have got an appointment with Mr. Brown for three.

Secretary: Mr. Brown is waiting for you in the conference room. Follow me, please.

In the conference room a few Englishmen were waiting for the Group. Mr. Brown, Head of the Department, welcomed the Group and introduced his colleagues. They were solicitors and legal assistants of different offices. Each of them spoke about his scope of business for some time. Thus the participants had some information on com­mercial taxes, international taxes. Project Finance taxes and other taxation matters.

A lot of questions were asked and answered then. The discussions were very useful and informative. Before the participants left they were offered latest Tax Guides containing current tax rates and tax saving hints.

Here is an extract from the Guide:

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 289 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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