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Riding the bus

A: Pardon me, do the buses stop here?

B: YES, most downtown buses stop at this corner.

A: I want to go to Washington Avenue. Can I take any bus that stops here?

B: You can take any bus except number 12. The number 12 turns off at Richmond

A: How often do the buses run?

B: They are supposed to run according to the schedule that you can see over there. In fact, the buses don't always run on schedule.

A: What are the usual intervals between the bus arrivals?

B: About every fifteen minutes. You won't have to wait any longer.

A: Bus is coming. It's number 5. You can take it.


Public transportation agent: May I help you?

You: Yes, thanks. I am staying at the Peachtree Plaza in town. What's the best way to get there?

P. T. A. You can take a cab, bus, limo or hotel shuttle.

You: What do you recommend?

P. T. A. That depends. A cab is faster but more expensive. The bus is cheaper but a little slow. It would probably be a good idea to take your hotel shuttle.

You: All right. Where do I catch it?

P. T. A. Just go through those doors and look for the shuttle sign. When it comes by, wave and the driver will pick you up.

You: How much does it cost?

P. T. A. It’s a courtesy shuttle, so it’s free. You can tip the driver, if you want.

You: Thank you for your help.


You: I’d like to rent a car for several weeks.

Rental agent: Do you have a reservation?

You: NO, I don’t.

Rental agent: All right, I’ll see what we have available. Would you like a subcompact, compact, mid-sized or luxury car?

You: I don’t need much room, just good fuel economy and safety. What do you recommend?

Rental agent: I have Chevrolet Caprice ready. Would that be all right?

You: Fine. How much does it cost?

Rental agent: Well, if you are renting for a week or more, I would recommend our unlimited mileage plan.

You: How does it work?

Rental agent: You pay a flat rate for a week and you can drive as much as you want. You can also drop off the car at any of our agencies nation-wide. You’ll start off with a full tank of gas. Try to fill it up just before you drop off the car, because we charge more than a regular gas station.

You: OK, I’ll take it. Where do I sign?


Service station attendant: Regular or super unleaded?

You: Fill it up with regular, please. Could you also check the oil and the tires?

S. S. A. Your oil is a little low. Shall I put in a quart?

You: O. K. Would you mind cleaning the windshield, too?

S. S. A.: Sure. Where are you headed?

You: To Washington. I’ve got to do some research there. I know nothing about the city.

S. S. A.: It’s a great place – lots of good restaurants, museums, stores. How long will you be there?

You: I’m not sure yet. Probably several days.

S. S. A.: Have a safe trip!


Mary Almar is going to hire a car so that she and her husband can go on a trip to Delphi. She is at the Self-Drive car Rental Company.

Mary: Good afternoon.

Assistant: Good afternoon, madam.

Mary: I want to hire a car tomorrow. Do you have any available?

Assistant: We have a Fiat 124.

Mary: How much would that cost?

Assistant: It's $12 a day plus 12 cents a kilometre.

Mary: And that includes insurance, presumably.

Assistant: Yes, insurance is included.

Mary: But I have to pay extra for the petrol, don't I?

Assistant: Yes, you buy your own petrol, but we check the car and put some oil in before you start.

Mary: Do I have to pay a deposit?

Assistant: Yes, we require a deposit of 20$.

Mary: And do you accept American Express?

Assistant: Yes, that'll be all right. And we need to see your driving licence.

Mary: Right. Can I see the car, please?

Assistant: Certainly, madam. This way, please.


Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 226 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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