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Dialogue. «Can I Help» Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold:

«Can I Help»

Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy:   Harold:   Nancy:   Harold:   Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy:   Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: This is a nice restaurant, isn’t it? Yes, it’s very pleasant here near the window. And the cakes are very good, too. Mmm..... Yes, they are. I like these cakes very much. Another cup of tea, Nancy? Yes, please. Thank you. I’ve got some snaps of the family with me. Some snaps? I like to see them. Oh, these are good photographs. Is this your father? Yes, that’s my father. He’s the commander of a hovercraft. Really? Fantastic! So you’re a commander’s daughter. Yes, indeed.
Vocabulary: snaps a hovercraft to keep an accident a nurse an ambulance to break a leg
And who is this lady?

That’s my mother. She is a commander’s wife.

Is she a housewife?

Yes, that’s right. She is at home all day.

Who is this boy?

That’s Peter. He is my dear brother.

Oh, your brother! How old is he?

He is 12 years old now. He is still at school.

Who is that girl?

It’s Peter’s sister.

Why... It’s you, Nancy. You are Peter’s sister.

Yes. Do you like the picture, Harold?

Of course. I like it very much.

Well, then. You can keep it.

Thanks. And here’s my photograph for you.

Oh, great! Thank you, Harold.

Another cup of tea?

No, thank you. Look, here’s my last snap.

Who is this policeman?

It’s my uncle David. He’s my mother’s brother. Oh, Harold. What’s that?

It’s an accident.

Let’s go and help.

Help? How can we help?

Well, I am a nurse after all. Come on!

Goodness! Look at that bus!

Excuse me, constable. Can I help? I am a student nurse.

Constable: Certainly. There’s an old man in the bus, his leg’s broken.

Nancy: Let me see.

Constable: Move along, please.

Old man: Oh, my leg. My leg.

Nancy: It’s all right, sir. The ambulance is coming in a few minutes.

Constable: Here’s the ambulance. Move along, please.

Doctor: We are taking the man to the hospital now.

Nancy: All right. Be careful. His leg is broken.

Constable: Move along, please.

Harold: Nancy:   Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Harold: Nancy: Well, Nancy. How are things? A man broke his leg. He’s in the ambulance now. He’s going to hospital. Oh, Nancy. You are wonderful. Well, it’s my job. Come on. And now for the cinema. Look, here’s the cinema. What’s the big picture? It’s called «Accident in Cannon Street». Well, I never.....

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-02-18; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 465 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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