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Getting to Know UCLA

The UCLA campus is like a city in miniature, with our own restaurants, stores, museums and swimming pools. Classroom, labs and libraries bustle with activity. Gardens and plazas add to the welcoming feel. And in the evening and on weekends there are public events that attract audiences from all over Los Angeles: music, dance, lectures and NCAA sports.

Student life

Yes, UCLA students spend a lot of time studying. But there’s s a lot of learning that happens outside the classroom, from discovering new interests and friends to cheering the Bruins at the Rose Bowl. Student groups get together to celebrate Tet nad Nowruz, share a luau and learn taiko drumming and kendo.

Living on Campus

Fully 94% of freshmen live on campus, in the residential area nicknamed “The Hill”. It’s a short walk to classes or the library. And after class, there’s the nearby Suset Canyon Recreation Center for swimming or tennis. Then, a choice of dining halls. (Yes, you can eat with friends from another residence hall, or just check on line to find which location is serving the food you like best).

Financial Aid

More than half of UCLA undergraduates receive some kind of financial aid or scholarship, with an average award of 17,000.



Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 441 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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