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Read some more Information about an interview

There are twobasic ways of interviewing. You may simply be asked to"tell about yourself. In this case you must do most of the talking, and include of your qualifications for the job.

The other way is which the interviewer finds out about your qualifications is by asking questions. This is probably the way most interviewers learn about you.

Here are the questions which are most often asked during an interview:

- Why would you like to work for this company?

- Are you looking for permanent or temporary work?

- What job would you like most?

- What do you want to be doing in five years? In ten years?

- What qualifications do you have for this job?

- Do you prefer working alone or with others?

- What subjects did you like best in school (university)? Least?

- How do you spend your spare time?

- What is your main strength? Your main weakness?

- What jobs have you had? Why did you leave?

- What salary do you expect?

- Do you have any debts?

- Have you had any serious illnesses?

- Do you smoke?

- How do you feel about working overtime?

- When can you begin work?

- How did you become interested in this company?

Be prepared to answer these questions completely. Do not answer "I don't know", "Anything", "I didn't think about it", "I don't care". Such answers are irritating to many interviewers. Show that you are interested in the company.

Now, look through the negative factors that often lead to rejection of the applicant. They are given in order of frequency.

- Poor personal appearance;

- Inability to communicate clearly - poor voice, diction,

- Lack of planning career - no purpose and goals;

- Lack of interests and enthusiasm - passive, indifferent;

- Lack of confidence - nervousness - ill-at-ease;

- Failure to participate in activities;

- Overemphasis on money;

- Poor scholastic record;

- Unwilling to start at the bottom - expects too much too soon;
-Lack of tact;

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 427 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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