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Vocabulary. Unit I. Getting acquainted get acquainted with smb - познакомиться с кем-либо acquaintance - знакомый


  1. get acquainted with smb - познакомиться с кем-либо
  2. acquaintance - знакомый, знакомство
  3. introduce smb to smb – представлять кого-либо
  4. address – обращаться
  5. know by sight – знать в лицо
  6. letter of introduction – рекомендательное письмо
  7. shake hands – пожимать руки
  8. spell (one’s name) – называть по буквам
  9. make friends with smb – подружиться
  10. close (bosom) friend – близкий (закадычный) друг
  11. call on smb – зайти к кому-то
  12. call for smb – зайти за кем-то
  13. drop by to smb – заскочить к кому-то ненадолго
  14. polite - вежливый
  15. patronymic – отчество
  16. greeting – приветствие
  17. How do you do? – Здравствуйте
  18. let me introduce myself – позвольте представиться
  19. pleased to meet you – приятно познакомиться
  20. your face seems familiar to me – ваше лицо кажется мне знакомым
Greetings Possible replies
Good morning! Good afternoon! Hello! Fine, thanks. Not so bad. Very well
Hi! indeed.
Good afternoon everybody! Splendid! Can't complain. I'd rather
Hello there! not say.
I am happy to welcome you. More or less. The same old way. Pretty
Allow me to greet you. much the same.
How are you? Nothing much. Nothing to boast. So-so.
What's new? Pretty bad. As bad as ever.
How are you getting on? Rotten. Lousy. Real bad. From bad to
How are things? worse. Could be better.
How are you doing?  
What's up?  
How are the children?  
How is your mother keeping?  
How are things at home?  
Starting and continuing a conversation Possible replies
I wonder, if you are an Englishman or not? Come and see us soon.
Haven't we met somewhere before? Drop by and see us any time.
Where are you from? You are always welcome.
What do you do for a living? Keep in touch.
What's your profession? Remember me to you sister.
What are you studying? Give our love to your parents.
What's your major? Please, give my warmest regards to your wife.
  Say "Hi" to John from me.

Saying good-bye

I'm afraid it's time for me to go.

May I thank you and say goodbye?

I'm afraid I have to go now.

Must be going, I am afraid.

Sorry to rush off.

It's time for us to leave. We can't stay any longer.

Good-bye! So long! See you soon.

See you later. Bye for now. See you at the University.

Take care. God bless you! Good luck.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 812 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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