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Once you’ve started operating as a …………………..photographer, you should understand the pro’s and con’s of being self-employed

3. The heads of the world's leading companies admitted that overregulation has become the biggest threat to their businesses, in a sign of the dramatic creep of ……………….. across the globe.

4. Since John and his dad have worked in one department, they………………………..whenever they get together.

5. Members of the Tour X Student Club arranged recently a barbecue style meeting with Mr. Johnson, the head of ANP Tours, to ……………….. of tourism business.

6. Faced with any sort of technology, very few people take the time to read instructions. Instead, they try to ……………………, making up their own ideas about what they're doing and why it works.

7. Such……………………… agencies gather information first and then make the provocative calls to potential candidates.

8. Our goal is to become your primary resource for any information related to obtaining and maintaining ………………………. positions, be it a career in the plant, as a skilled technician within the manufacturing industry, or as a self-employed service mechanic.

9. While some schools were closed yesterday, others struggled on with a ………………………in order to take care of those pupils who hadn’t heard about the teacher’s strike.

10. So, today we‘ll show you the result. But most of the ………………………..had been done by 1990.

Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. Хотя вопросы были очень трудные, я смог кое-как справиться.

2. Кропотливая подготовительная работа вымотала нашего шефа, и в день презентации он слег с гриппом.

3. Я уже не внештатный дизайнер, теперь я работаю в сети магазинов «Папирус».

4. Давайте сменим тему. Я не люблю, когда мои гости говорят о работе.

5. По результатам исследования, бюрократизм в государственных учреждениях Украины возрос на 20% по сравнению с прошлым годом.

6. Переманивание кадров – это очень прибыльный бизнес, потому что компании всегда много платят за хороших профессионалов.

7. Последняя волна увольнений на нашем заводе коснулась как рабочих, так и служащих.

8. На вечеринку, посвященную 15-летию компании, мы пригласим только минимальное число основных сотрудников.

9. Так как у Бонда не было времени на ознакомление с работой компании, ему пришлось немедленно приступить к выполнению задания.

10. Дорогая, я буду поздно. Мы наконец-то подписали контракт!


UNITS 1 - 3

Task 1. Substitute in place of the words underlined a suitable idiomatic expression.

1. "To find people with the right skills and to persuade them to leave their present job over here, we don’t have to advertise in the main print media," said Mark Wylie, general manager of Apple Recruitment.

2. Remember: your task is to attract investors who are not part of the company.

3. Laser Research Inc. has had some separation of the one part of a parent corporation into an attached independent corporate firm in the eye surgery area.

4. This new senator really appeals to the ordinary people in an organization who have no special position in the labor unions.

5. Excuse me, how many retail stores do you have in Donetsk region?

6. It’s a hot time for the owners of the overpriced young well-paid business people bars.

7. The BCC says that the flow of new troublesome bureaucratic rules is continuing. Over the past two years the government has introduced new rules governing flexible working arrangements for parents.

8. Société Générale wants to be among important, influential people in the French banking.

9. The changes have left only the smallest number of employees needed to keep the office to manage the transition of Netscape's development activities.

10. I’ve sent 10 letters to the most popular companies which produce advertising for another companies, inviting them to our “Outdoor advertising” seminars.

11. When he was born with severe disabilities, doctors said he would not survive for long. But 19-year-old Mridul Seth has overcome all odds to become the MHM’s young person who becomes successful very quickly, esp. in business.

12. Firstly, you'll have to get permission from the important person. Secondly, try to get rid of that unmanageable person; dishonest & careless in business in your department.

13. “Citybus” is just a small or young company, but they have a potential to become the leading transport corporation.

14. The human resources department will reassure you that it's a minor detail-just to write your signature at the bottom of a contract, but in reality these documents are not minor.

15. In his speech he even hasn’t mentioned people who to make the preliminary preparations or do the preliminary research.

16. After two difficult financial quarters, Intel on Wednesday reported about important changes in the highest levels of the company.

17. Developing a new product, some manufacturers turn to designers working independently for different companies.

18. 57% of the food market is presented by three food large, slow-moving companies that have not changed with the times, and we think it’s not good for the competition.

Task 2. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. Российский нефтяной магнат сломал ногу, катаясь на Альпийском горнолыжном курорте.

2. Корпорация «Звезда» и ее дочерняя фирма «Звезда-тур» приглашают на работу юристов, секретарей и переводчиков.

3. На работе я – только маленький винтик, но дома меня все уважают.

4. На твоем месте я бы не ставил свою подпись. В этом контракте нет четко оговоренных условий поставки.

5. Первый месяц на новой работе Иван чувствовал себя не в своей тарелке.

6. Вчера у меня было очень много заказов, но я кое-как справился.

7. Петренко хорошо работает, но мы не должны ему очень доверять. Он – перекати-поле.

8. Должно быть, вы проделали грандиозную подготовительную работу!

9. Председатель этого районного учреждения не любит, когда его называют авторитетом местного масштаба.

10. На нашем заводе все довольны зарплатой – и рабочие, и служащие.

11. После окончания института мы с друзьями планируем открыть рекламное агентство.

12. В нашем отделе не хватает людей, так что тебя некому учить, что к чему на предприятии.

13. Пять лет назад я начинал как индивидуальный предприниматель, а сегодня у меня небольшой мебельный завод и 60 человек рабочих.

14. Алексу не понравилась новогодняя вечеринка, потому что все сотрудники говорили только о работе.

15. В цену также входит доставка и обслуживание.

16. Посмотрите на этого толстосума! Купил еще один сахарный завод!

17. У нашего банка есть филиалы во всех районах города.

18. Откуда у него деньги? – Его родители - «молчаливые» совладельцы Проди-банка.




Idioms in focus:

Task 1. Study the following examples and try to understand the underlined idioms in context. Find their Russian equivalents.

1. The stock of the Internet company rose very quickly when they went public, selling its shares to potential investors.

2. When we joint this consortium, the EU project was in full swing as the members of the consortium had won this EU grant two years earlier.

3. In 1990s the Government closed down most of the mines in Donetsk, which resulted in the growth of unemployment among miners.

4. She felt lack of job satisfaction, so she hung up her hat to take a more challenging job.

5. After lengthy negotiations we finally clinched a deal.

6. The merger of the two companies will inevitably lead to the house-cleaning. The structure of the company will be changed and hundreds of jobs may be lost.

7. Last year, Group Bon Appetit PLC took over Innovia Cafes, having bought the control stake of its shares.

8. Profits were falling until the bookstore branched out into selling CD’s and cassettes.

9. We need to wind up now, we've only got five minutes to take the final decision.

10. Many wheat farmers have begun to diversify into other forms of agriculture.

11. If you want this job, you should get a jump on this opportunity and send your CV before the vacancy is advertised in newspapers.

12. The assumption that the brightest law graduates gravitate to large firms leaving only the worst students to hang out their own shingles, does a disservice to a great number of highly qualified attorneys who choose to practice on their own.

13. The manufacture and supply of automotive products is Bosch’s core business, accounting for the major share of total turnover and driving the growing export businesses.

Task 2. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions.

1.to go public 2.in full swing 3.core business 4.to get a jump on 5.to clinch a deal 6.to hang out one’s shingle / to set up in business 7.branching out / to branch out into 8.going out of business / to close down 9.to take over 10. a house-cleaning 11. to diversify into sth 12. to wind up / to wind up a company / to wind up in the wrong hands 13. to hang up one’s hat a) basic activities of the company b) to strike a deal, come to an agreement; fig. – to be of decisive importance in taking decision c) to get a head start, get started before your competitors d) in fully active operation e) to sell shares of a privately owned company to the public f) reorganization of a business, usu. including dismissal of employees g) to stop/cause to stop operating / stopping trading; going bankrupt h) expansion/diversification/ to expand i) to buy a company or gain control of it by buying of its shares or the company j) to start a business, announce the opening of a business / start new type of business k) to vary range of products in order to expand operation l) to finish working m) to cease to exist; to end up in the possession of someone you don't want, e.g. in the hands of a competitor /put a company into liquidation

Task 3. Substitute for the underlined phrase an idiom with the same meaning.

1. Many of the city's leading restaurants were put into liquidation for the whole of August.

2. STS sold the shares to the public on the London Stock Exchange in 2000 and now hold nearly 80% of the silicon etching market.

3. He started his business in Brandon many years ago, and has been a lawyer then ever since.

4. Many British firms are prepared to undercut one another to the extent that may be necessary to strike a deal.

5. The process of reorganisation including dismissal of employees decreased the efficiency of the company’s work. It can be explained by the reaction of the staff to the pressure from redundancy process as well as rumours of more staff cuts.

6. Shortly after TokCO gained control over OnkCO, by buying its shares the group’s share price reached a peak of almost 400 pence. But then it began to decline dramatically.

7. It's possible to expand one’s interests from computing to jobs in banking, accountancy and so on.

8. OK, just to bring the meeting to an end, could I summarize what we have decided?

9. In the beginning Philips concentrated on making light bulbs, but in 1920s it started varying its product range and since then, the company has continued to develop new and exciting product ideas.

10. (heading) State tries to get a head start to prevent global warming.

11. The foundation of Frost and Sullivan’s GPS includes assisting companies to reach the full potential in their basic activities.

12. Mariner slugger Edgar Martinez, who has spent his entire major league carrier in Seattle, announced, that he would finish working at the end of the season.

13. The 7th China Hi-Tech Fair, an important international event, is expected to be in fully active operation on October 12th in Shezhen, south China province.

Task 4. Complete the sentences with one of the idioms in focus, paying special attention to the form of the verbs.

1. In 1978 the company ……………….., offering half a million shares of stock on the New York Stock Exchange.

2. The market is called a perfect one when competition in such market is………………………..

3. The car specialists don’t consider BMW40 worth the first prize. They think, it was BMW40’s superior design that ………………...

4. The government decided to …………….. the bank after it declared bankruptcy.

5. The clothes manufacturer recently ……………………into children's wear.

6. If this confidential information ……………….., the company could be in serious trouble.

7. The choice facing some publishers is simple: ………………. into computer software or go bankrupt.

8. You should …………………the tender. If we win, our sales will increase rapidly.

9. She is good enough at fixing vacuum cleaners that she should ……………… and try making some money at it.

10. Siemens focuses on eight ……………… segments: energy, industry, communication, information, health care, transportation, components and lighting – which gives the company a uniquely wide scope of operations.

11. Warren ………………. (after 31 years in Austin Fire Department Chief Gary Warran announced last week that he would resign his position).

12. In the course of the process of monopolisation a lot of small and medium businesses …………………...

13. The merger resulted in ………………….., which was accompanied by compulsory redundancies.

Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. Битва компаний цифровой связи в полном разгаре, так как есть еще много незанятых ниш на рынке коммуникационных услуг.

2. Компания «Альфа Ассистанс» занимается производством электродвигателей для бытовой техники. Это ее основной вид деятельности.

3. Несмотря на то, что у него не было подходящего образования, личное обаяние, отличные коммуникативные навыки и знание нескольких иностранных языков сыграли решающую роль, и Джордж получил должность менеджера внешнеэкономической деятельности.

4. Акции компании «Омега Лтд» уже не приносят хорошие дивиденды, поэтому на собрании акционеров было принято решении продать мелкие пакеты акций населению.

5. Компания Проктер энд Гэмбл – лидер на рынке моющих средств, так как рекламные кампании это фирмы начали действовать раньше, чем конкуренты.

6. Рокфеллер начал свой бизнес с продажи куска мыла и стал одним из самых богатых людей в мире.

7. Сначала компания БМВ занималась производством летательных аппаратов, но затем изменила специализацию и стала ведущей автомобильной компанией.

8. Бизнес Джона шел неудачно, и его предприятие пришлось ликвидировать.

9. Дойче банк купил акции Дрезднер банка, и произошло слияние банков.

10. Завод был производителем тракторов, но затем диверсифицировал свой бизнес и стал ведущим производителем кухонной утвари.

11. План развития бизнеса компании-дистрибьютора попал в руки конкурентов, и она потерпела фиаско на рынке.

12. Ухудшение условий труда, а также сокращение заработной платы стали причиной его решения уйти с работы.

13. В результате слияния двух банков было произведена реструктуризация.



Idioms in focus:

Task 1. Study the following examples and try to understand the underlined idioms in context. Find their Russian equivalents.

1. Putting the consumer in the driver's sea t is the logo of a bold reform of car sales rules proposed by the European Commission. Its aim is to help people make the right choice as far as buying of vehicles is concerned.

2. The pecking order in his company is very difficult to understand for most of the workers.

3. (heading) Blair's peace talks take back seat: Tony Blair was yesterday forced to tone down his plans for an international Middle East peace summit in London, after Israel and the United States warned him not to ”interfere“.

4. Bush’s management style can be characterized by the ability to delegate and run a tight ship: he makes decisions quickly and never looks back, pushes big, controversial policies before they have broad support.

5. Education is a stepping-stone to a good job.

6. Nowadays shops have to go out of their way to make customers’ shopping experience secure and comfortable.

7. His inability to take the lead as well as being tied to the management’s apron strings and too much influenced by their ideas are on the way of his promotion.

8. Among young people, this brand of designer clothing is the ultimate status symbol. Youngsters are ready to pay through their nose to gain the so-called respect of their mates

9. When it comes to marketing managers of the company, James stands head and shoulders above them all. He always exceeds monthly targets.

10. Some US policy-makers were convinced that economic pressure alone could bring Japan to heel and help the US gain control over the country.

11. Any accountant worth his/her salt should be aware of the latest changes in taxation.

12. He is an autocratic type of a manager, appreciating low-level decision-making and imposing his point of view on his subordinates.

13. Some English politicians express the view that it is natural for Scots to occupy the subordinate position within the British economy If a relatively small part of the UK, Scotland, had a leading position, it would be the case of tail wagging the dog.

Task 2. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions.

1. in the driver's seat 2. a tail wagging the dog 3. to run a tight ship 4. head and shoulders above sb 5. to bring someone to heel 6. a pecking order 7. a back seat/ to take a back seat 8. a stepping stone 9. status symbol 10. to be tied to someone’s apron strings 11. to go out of one’s way 12. to impose one’s point of view on sb 13.to be worth one’s salt a) to be too much under the influence/control b) to exceed one’s power over sb c) a job/ position/ success which helps to achieve something better/ higher in profession, social status d) in control, in charge e) when a subordinate makes decisions for the manager f) a sign of wealth and importance in society g) run an organization in an orderly & disciplined manner h) with a reputation to uphold i) superior in skill, ability, intelligence, physical force j) make sb obey orders, bring sb under control k) a hierarchical system which determines who dominates l) to force acceptance of m) a position in which one has little or nothing to say in the managing or running of affairs, without importance, influence; verb: let the subordinate decide the direction in which the company is going

Task 3. Substitute for the underlined phrase an idiom with the same meaning.

1. He is superior in skill and ability than other actors in the film.

2. Patients seem to be very low down in a hierarchical system as far as making charges to hospital policy is concerned.

3. A secretary is often seen as a boss’s sign of wealth and importance.

4. I had to let my partner make decisions when we went on the business trip.

5. Think of this job as a position which helps to achieve something better.

6. They exceeded their power to be kind to the newcomer.

7. Executives who force their subordinates to accept their opinion are considered to be autocratic managers.

8. Any judge with a reputation to uphold would immediately report an attempt to influence the jury.

9. The designers say that being in control of your living room sofa is made easy with the RM-AX4000 Home Theatre Remote Control from Sony.

10. While describing the dangers Israeli managers face, the Chairman of the Board of Discretix Technologies warned against adopting " subordinate making decisions for the manager " approach, where management of Israeli companies with subsidiaries in target countries try to manage the company from their secluded Israeli head office.

11. Ruth runs an organization in an orderly and disciplined manner and has no time for shirkers.

12. Western politicians opposed the president's effort to bring the Supreme Court under control.

13. In spite of ten-year experience in marketing, Michael is too much under the influence of his boss.

Task 4. Complete the sentences with one of the idioms in focus, paying special attention to the form of the verbs.

1. I believe that our team is ……………the other teams in the league and we can meet everybody’s high expectations.

2. There's a clearly established ……………in this office.

3. Craft union branches have established autonomy, and now the more militant …………….of union branches …………………..of the union.

4. In 2002 Matthew Wharmby wrote a manual in which he gave advice how to…………………………….when occupying a managerial position.

5. To be fair, the present Government is trying not very successfully to ……………some of the corrupt elements within the Departments.

6. Japanese managers act as facilitators and idea generators, they never try ……………their subordinates.

7. Virtually any wine shop ……………carries at least a few wines from New Zealand.

8. Richer Pickings ……………to secure his company a lucrative niche in a $4 bn audiovisual market dominated by independents.

9. I ……………regarding what kind of apartment we rent for our holiday.

10. The waters of the Atlantic brought the slaves from Africa to Brazil, their bodies in chains but their souls still …………….. Africa’s …………….

11. He was working so hard that his family life had …………….

12. He only bought the yacht as a……………– he doesn’t use it very often.

13. He is paying so much attention to the exhibition in the Tate gallery because it’s a ……………on the path of his recognition as an artist.

Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. Он научился эффективно управлять бизнесом после получения МБА в Австрийском колледже.

2. Менеджер, получивший МБА, стоит на голову выше менеджера, окончившего обычный университет.

3. Используя современные методы управления предприятия, новый управляющий заставил подчиняться штат филиала, и все сотрудники стали эффективно выполнять свои функции.

4. Получение хорошего образования является краеугольным камнем в поиске хорошей работе.

5. У штурвала этой крупной корпорации был настоящий профессионал.

6. На переговорах главное уметь очень мягко и незаметно склонить собеседников к своей точке зрения.

7. Ни один уважающий себя бизнесмен не станет пренебрегать маркетинговыми методами.

8. В деловом мире часы не только показывают время, но и являются показателем статуса владельца.

9. Четкая иерархия позволяет определить обязанности каждого, что способствует эффективному управлению предприятием

10. Принятие решений некомпетентными сотрудниками может привести к развалу компании.

11. У него нет продвижения по службе, так как он боится принимать решения самостоятельно и держится за «подол» своего руководства.

12. Несмотря на то, что он изо всех сил старается завоевать авторитет среди подчиненных, недостаточно развитые навыки общения делают задачу трудно достижимой.

13. Нельзя позволять обстоятельствам брать над тобой верх, если хочешь достичь успеха, как в карьере, так и в личной жизни.





Idioms in focus:

Task 1. Study the following examples and try to understand the underlined idioms in context. Find their Russian equivalents

1. If you require a loan to buy a large expensive item like a house you have to give a down payment at once. Its purpose is to ensure that the lender can easily recover the amount of the loan.

2. Local businesses have a vested interest in seeing lower rates of crime against property.

3. We were going to put in an offer for the house on the corner but we’ve missed the boat. It’s already been sold.

4. The bookshops were suddenly full of books about Princess Diana, all hoping to cash in on the princess’s tragic death.

5. He really pulled the carpet from under her feet when he secretly applied for and was given the promotion that she had wanted.

6. I’m impressed that you got $2000 for that old car. You certainly drove a hard bargain.

7. A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.

8. I’ve had to tighten my belt since I stopped working full-time.

9. You are on to a good thing with this buy-one-get-one-free offer at the shop.

10. The lack of reliable statistics comes from the growing black economies that have escaped accurate analysis.

11. Rivera has lost his job and now his family is on the dole.

12. If the house could keep itself clean, we wouldn’t be employing her, would we? What does she expect? Money for old rope?

13. Most gamblers find it extremely difficult to get out from under this obsession.

Task 2. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions.

1. black economy 2. to be on to a good thing 3. to drive a hard bargain 4. to cash in on 5. to miss the boat 6. to get out from under 7. a down payment 8. money for jam/ old rope 9. a vested interest /vested interests 10. on the dole 11. fringe benefits (perks) 12. to pull the carpet from under sb's feet 13. to tighten one’s belt a) to eat less food, spend less money, because there is little available b) sth valuable that an employee gets besides wages or salary c) (informal) receiving unemployment benefit from the state d) an interest in or connection with some enterprise that involves personal gain; (pl.) = groups who promote their personal goals, usually at the expense of others e) money earned without any effort f) partial payment paid when a purchase deal is made or when an order is given, before one is in possession of goods g) to become free from difficulties, especially from a burden of debts or work / recover financially from indebtedness or bankruptcy h) lose opportunity i) profit from j) be tough in business dealings and consider only one's own advantages, profits etc. often unfairly k) to find a pleasant, financially advantageous position l) work which is paid in cash & therefore not declared for tax m) stop giving help / support

Task 3. Substitute for the underlined phrase an idiom with the same meaning.

1. The new reforms were opposed by both groups who promote their personal goals and welfare groups.

2. We are financially in an advantageous position working for the multinational.

3. Most French perfume houses lost opportunity years ago because they became fixated on the belief that if a ¼ oz bottle did not cost $4 or $5, nobody would buy it.

4. It was a sort of wedding where the cost of the ceremony and reception goes as a partial payment paid when a purchase deal is made, and you than continue dishing out your wages every week of life.

5. Counterfeiters are trying to profit from the huge demand for Levi jeans.

6. Kevin was receiving unemployment benefit from the state for a year before he got a job.

7. Babysitting is money earned without any effort if the children don’t wake up.

8. I would like to become free from my boss who is always watching my work.

9. The growing amount of work which is paid in cash & therefore not declared for tax is beginning to worry the government.

10. Employees must pay a tax on valuable things that they get besides wages or salary.

11. Ukraine was always going to be tough and consider only her own advantages before signing a treaty.

12. We will have to spend less money for a while until the economy improves.

13. The bankruptcy of their family business left her without support.

Task 4. Complete the sentences with one of the idioms in focus, paying special attention to the form of the verbs.

1. She heard there was a job opening in the factory but she applied too late and ……………………………………..

2. Residents said local gang leaders ……………………. on the violence to seize valuable land.

3. It is impossible to quantify exactly the extent of the…………………….., as it is not declared officially

4. One of the …………….. of working for airline companies is cheap travel by plane.

5. She is …………………………….with this job, as she’s got a competitive salary and a number of fringe benefits.

6. The tobacco companies have a ………………………. in claiming that smoking is not harmful.

7. The Building Society have agreed to give us an 85% loan which means we shall have to make ……………………………….. of nearly $500.

8. We sold the house but the buyers ……………………….. and we got less than we hoped.

9. The area is very poor and there are many people ……………………….

10. Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, you’ll need to …………………….

11. The luxury of being a painter meant she could ……………………… urgent deadlines, as well as other strains and stresses of office work.

12. All you have to do is sit around the pool and make sure nobody drowns. It's……………………………………....

13. We’ve managed to ………………………. of our competitors with this new product.

Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. Благодаря постоянно растущему спросу на нефть нефтедобывающие компании находятся в выигрышном положении.

2. Первоначальный взнос был незначительным, и он позволил себе купить особняк в кредит.

3. Это - пустяковая работа для человека, который обладает неординарным мышлением и имеет творческий потенциал.

4. Управление «Новостями» включает в себя непрерывную борьбу прессы с правительством и заинтересованными сторонами.

5. Чтобы избежать долгосрочного судебного разбирательства, она решила согласиться на все условия, выдвинутые руководством, и подать заявление об увольнении.

6. Новость о том, что его лучший друг предал его ради возможности подняться по карьерной лестнице, выбила почву у него из-под но г.

7. Благодаря хорошей социальной политике этой компании сотрудникам предоставляются дополнительные льготы, такие как медицинская страховка, возможность пользоваться спортзалом и бассейном, льготные путевки в санатории.

8. Борьба с теневой экономикой является приоритетным направлением этой партии.

9. После введения высоких экспортно-импортных пошлин на трубы трубному заводу пришлось экономить на всем.

10. После интенсивного периода охоты за крупным клиентом коммерческому директору компании в последний момент удалось заключить сделку на выгодных условиях.

11. Как пишет «Экономическая газета», в Германии пышным цветом расцвело социальное иждивенчество, вызванное нежеланием населения трудоустраиваться на низкооплачиваемые должности, и стремлением жить на пособие по безработице, составляющее 75% от заработной платы.

12. Не закупив высокопроизводительное оборудование своевременно и не захватив рынок, компания упустила свой шанс.

13. Многие обвиняют ее в том, что она воспользовалась нестабильной ситуацией в компании, чтобы изменить расстановку сил в отношениях с коллегами в свою пользу.

6Test your Idioms


UNITS 4 - 6

Task 1. Substitute in place of the words underlined an idiomatic expression.

1. Celeste asked for the money as a partial payment paid when a purchase deal is made on an old house.

2. The administration has no interests that involve personal gain in providing public schools good or bad.

3. I get a company car – it’s one of the valuable things that an employee gets besides a salary of the job.

4. The small town profited from their success after the winter Olimpics.

5. After he resigned, his family was receiving unemployment benefit from the state for a year

6. He thinks we're losing opportunity on improving relations with Russia.

7. The bank was able to be tough in business dealings and consider only its own advantages because the company badly needed cash.

8. He's in a pleasant, financially advantageous position with this chauffeur service he runs.

9. As soon as the company grows a little bigger and begins to show a profit, we intend to sell shares of a privately owned company to the public.

10. After the strike it would be some time before production was in fully active operation.

11. Our software business is diversifying into more interactive products.

12. If the rent goes up we'll have to put a company into liquidation.

13. With the boss on vacation, Mr. Burns was in control and was enjoying it.

14. She found herself explaining the new therapy to her doctor - a real case when a subordinate makes decisions for the manager.

15. The astronauts had developed a hierarchical system which determines who dominates that was military in its rigidity.

16. Linda was content to take a position in which she had little to say in the managing affairs, and let her assistant run the meeting.

17. The job was just a position which helps to achieve something better on his way to fame and riches.

18. Lucy doesn't even drive; that car of hers is purely a sign of wealth.

19. Stopping his allowance left him without support, forcing him to look for a job.

20. Business has been bad, so we'll have to spend less money, because there is little available.

Task 2. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. Покупка нового итальянского оборудования по производству бесшовных труб явилась краеугольным камнем в решении проблем качества выпускаемой продукции.

2. Построение новой системы управления, четкой иерархии позволило компании достичь более эффективного управления бизнесом.

3. После повышения в должности он решил поменять свой спортивный автомобиль на машину представительского класса, т.к. машина – это показатель статуса владельца.

4. Она хочет получать деньги, ничего не делая. В нашей компании, где трудоспособность и инициативность являются краеугольными камнями успеха, это невозможно.

5. Грег упустил свой шанс, отказавшись работать над этой сделкой. Теперь вероятность подняться по карьерной лестнице для него невелика.

6. Предательство его подчиненных выбило почву у него из-под ног.

7. Хороший руководитель не пытается навязать свою точку зрения коллективу, а всегда готов рассмотреть идеи подчиненных.

8. Основным видом деятельности компании является производство и дистрибуция шахтного оборудования.

9. Если ты позволишь обстоятельствам взять над тобой верх, то уже никогда не сможешь вернуть себе как авторитет подчиненных, так и доверие руководства.

10. С развитием цифрового фото спрос на пленку упал, поэтому компания-производитель пленки решила диверсифицировать свою деятельность и перешла на производство высококачественной фотобумаги.

11. Ни один уважающий себя банкир не станет связываться с мошенническими операциями.

12. Предприятие засветилось в махинациях, поэтому его пришлось ликвидировать.

13. Сотрудники, проработавшие в компании год, получают дополнительные льготы, такие как пользование машиной компании и бесплатная медицинская страховка.

14. Если мы воспользуемся ситуацией, то сможем выйти на мировой рынок.

15. Он влез в долги, купив новую машину, и теперь ему придется тратить меньше денег.




Idioms in focus:

Task 1. Study the following examples and try to understand the underlined idioms in context. Find their Russian equivalents.

1. Before the project takes off, we need to make a business plan and get adequate funding.

2. AT&T Corporation plans to buy a big stake in McCaw Cellular Communications Inc.

3. ‘The bank manager is on the phone. He says it’s about our overdraft’. - ‘Oh, really? He should be used to us being in the red by now; so what’s he getting so excited about, I wonder?’

4. As the project devoured more than expected ₤4 million, we began to wonder if we were throwing good money after bad.

5. New models and new ideas have turned the company around and saved the factory from closure.

6. Allied-Signal was planning to use the proceeds from the sale of Union Teas to reduce debt.

7. Venture capital is somewhat more difficult for a small business to obtain than other sources of financing, such as bank loans and supplier credit.

8. According to a recent survey, parental concerns about what kids are doing after school create significant levels of stress and hurt productivity.

9. Textbook prices are soaring into the hundreds of dollars, but in some courses this fall, students won't pay a dime. Using ads in textbooks will help to keep costs down for students.

10. Two thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.

Task 2. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions.

1. funding 2. stake 3. be in the black/ be in the red 4. throw good money after bad 5. turn the company around 6. proceeds 7. venture capital 8. to hurt productivity 9. to keep costs down 10. at stake o) operating at a profit, making money/ operating at a loss, losing money p) to slow down/ decrease productivity q) to control expenses/ to prevent from increasing r) at risk s) financing or financial backing for a project or business venture; money t) make business profitable again after losses u) money obtained by selling something; profits v) investment/ a sum of money invested in a business/ shares owned in a company by an individual or organization w) lose more money in an attempt to compensate for a loss x) capital for investments, which may easily be lost in risky project, but can also provide high returns

Task 3. Substitute for the underlined phrase an idiom with the same meaning.

  1. Six months prior to seeking capital for investments, the entrepreneur should prepare a detailed business plan and begin working on a formal request for funds.
  2. Bad keyboard shortcuts decrease productivity, leading to $650MM lost in worldwide productivity every week.
  3. The refusal to grant extra financing to schools in the poorest areas caused a political storm.
  4. The company’s final results put it seriously at a loss and a sharp fall in its share price has taken place.
  5. She answered by handing me over her share of the profits at Derby and Nottingham – and there were my expenses paid, at the rate of nearly two pounds a day.
  6. We have to try and prevent our advertising costs from increasing if we want to stick to the budget.
  7. Investors in the project began to pull out as they realized they were simply losing more money in an attempt to compensate.
  8. Cable & Wireless Plc has cut its shares in Digital Telecommunica-tions Philippines Inc to 25% from 40%.
  9. We have a great deal at risk in this transaction.
  10. In order to make the company profitable again, Shamrock mentioned their action plan's key points.

Task 4. Complete the sentences with one of the idioms in focus, paying special attention to the form of the verbs.

1. This race was her last chance to win a place on the national team so everything was ………….

2. Cooking at home can help to ………… and bridge a gap in family budget.

3. Schedule compressions and management time fillers may cause indiscipline at work and ………….

4. It is difficult to obtain adequate ………… for new projects during the recession.

5. They will need to raise ₤1 million in ………… if they are to get the business off the ground.

6. Pearson, which has a major ………… in BSkyB, gained 4p to 451p.

7. We can afford a new car; we are ………… at the moment.

8. Hiring him to improve that software is …………; it's based on an older operating system and will soon be obsolete.

9. San Diego will use the ………… from the bond issue to acquire and install new police facilities.

10. If the company is less efficient than its competitors, technology can help to ………….

Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. По предварительным оценкам, стоимость проекта может превысить ₤ 1 млн. Так как эта сумма превышает наш бюджет, нам придется сократить расходы.

2. Согласно последним данным, корпорация RVC Video приобрела более 50% акций в Majestic Films International.

3. Если мы потеряем этот контракт, сотни рабочих мест будут под угрозой.

4. Исследования показывают, что неблагоприятная рабочая обстановка негативно сказывается на продуктивности труда.

5. В данный момент правительство не может предоставить необходимое финансирование для проведения исследования.

6. Если ты попробуешь отремонтировать эту машину, ты просто выбросишь деньги на ветер.

7. Доход от фестиваля будет перечислен на счет местного благотворительного фонда.

8. В целом, эксперты предупреждают, чтобы получить необходимый венчурный капитал требуется время и настойчивость.

9. По прогнозам аналитиков, компания будет продолжать нести убытки в течение года.

10. Руководство компании пригласило на должность менеджера опытного специалиста в надежде, что он сможет вывести компанию из затруднительного положения.




Idioms in focus:

Task 1. Study the following examples and try to understand the underlined idioms in context. Find their Russian equivalents.

1. By sitting up till two in the morning, and rising again at six, Frank Headley burnt the candle of life at both ends.

2. I’ ve been working my fingers to the bone to get everything ready in time for the presentation.

3. After a year of keeping your nose to the grindstone and working overtime, you finally get away for that vacation you've dreamed about.

4. Mickey is used to handling dodgy deals but this time he fears he may have bitten off more than he can chew.

5. Since he lost his job, mounting debts were beginning to take a heavy toll on his finances.

6. Financing your studies may seem like a tall order, but there is plenty of help available.

7. The essence of the dead-end job is that it is a juvenile job, offering little opportunity for absorption into the higher grades of the industry.

8. I know it's not the job you'd hoped for, but at least you can use it to get your foot in the door.

9. Could you show me how to use this machine? I can't make head or tail out of the instructions in the manual.

10.As a goal-oriented person, he’ll stick at nothing to get what he wants.

Task 2. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions.

1. burn the candle at both ends 2. work one’s fingers to the bone 3. keep one’s nose to the grindstone 4. bite off more than one can chew 5. take its toll on something 6. a tall order 7. dead end job 8. have got/get/give a foot in the door 9. make head or tail of sth 10. stick at nothing a) work hard without taking rest b) cause a lot of harm or damage c) have taken the first step towards getting something d) a job without prospects or opportunities for the future e) understand something that is confusing, mixed up f) do everything to accomplish one’s aim g) exhaust, make too great demand on one’s physical or mental resources by overwork h) take on a task that is too difficult i) work very hard manually for a long period of time usually because one needs the money j) a task which is difficult to accomplish  

Task 3. Substitute for the underlined phrase an idiom with the same meaning.

1. You’ll find it hard at first but if you do everything to accomplish your aim, you’ll succeed.

2. It’s a bit silly going away on a day-trip after you’ve been on night duty. In this kind of job you can’t overwork.

3. Bob is a very strange guy. Everything he says and does is very strange. I cannot understand him.

4. As a blue collar worker, I work really hard and then the government takes half my income in taxes.

5. The Philips deal also gives Sparc an opportunity to start operating in a new market – consumer electronics.

6. I've only got six weeks before my exams start so I'm trying to work hard without taking any rest.

7. He’s stuck in a job without prospects in the local factory.

8. With two additional jobs, Bill is clearly taking on a task that is too difficult.

9. The disease has caused a horrendous harm in parts of western Africa.

10. Getting a thousand new subscribers is a difficult task to accomplish.

Task 4. Complete the sentences with one of the idioms in focus, paying special attention to the form of the verbs.

1. This part-time work has allowed Frank to ………… and he hopes it will lead to a full-time job.

2. Joseph's been ………… for weeks, taking on two jobs during the week and a third on weekends.

3. Don't …………. Let someone else help you organize the conference.

4. Meeting the deadline was a …………but finally we managed to complete it just in time.

5. He found himself stuck in a low-paid, ………….

6. The recession is ………… on the housing markets.

7. ‘What does this message say?’ – ‘I don’t know – I can’t ………….’

8. She's ………… at the local factory to support her children.

9. He became more and more irritated by her ability to ………… in order to get to the top.

10. We expect John to get good grades again, since he really …………

Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. Как очень целеустремленный человек, он пойдет на всё для того, чтобы добиться своего.

2. Ключ к успеху лежит в том, чтобы не брать на себя больше, чем ты можешь сделать на самом деле.

3. Трудясь на двух работах одновременно, он подрывал своисилы и в конечном итоге заболел.

4. Она всегда хотела работать в сфере СМИ, но ей потребовалось два года, чтобы попасть на телевидение.

5. Растущая безработица негативно сказывается на потребительских расходах.

6. Он не хотел оставаться на этой неперспективной работе и поэтому ушел из компании, как только нашел более подходящее место.

7. Окончание проекта в срок казалось невероятно трудной задачей, но благодаря общим усилиям, команда достигла поставленной цели.

8. Он говорит на неизвестном мне языке. Я ничего не могу понять.

9. Они работали, не покладая рук, чтобы успеть завершить реконструкцию объекта в срок, указанный в контракте.

10. Стараясь совмещать учебу с работой, она работала и днем и ночью.




Idioms in focus:

Task 1. Study the following examples and try to understand the underlined idioms in context. Find their Russian equivalents.

1. On its home turf the combined bank would be unrivalled.

2. Rear-view mirrors are just the kind of widget that car makers could easily buy from cheap-labour plants in Asia.

3. He committed the Spice Girls to product endorsement deals for everything from ASDA supermarkets to Polaroid cameras.

4. A television advertisement or commercial is a form of advertising in which goods, services, organizations, ideas, etc. are promoted via the medium of television.

5. This fact sheet describes brief examples of ways to promote your product or service from the various print and electronic media.

6. Cornering the market has a long and chequered history. Although there have been many attempts to corner markets in everything from tin to cattle, to date very few of these attempts have ever succeeded.

7. Spam is the pejorative term used for unsolicited, unwanted e-mail.

8. Data mining a supermarket database could reveal that certain items are purchased together, such as beer and chips, or that other items are purchased sequentially, such as basic pet supplies followed by pet food.

9. Corporate spies are determined to use various methods and get the company’s secret by hook or crook in order to use it for their competitive gain.

10. In show business media hype is the practice of spending money on public relations in an attempt to bolster public interest in a movie, television show, or performing artist.

11. Prices may vary so it’s well worth shopping around before you buy.

12. Walking is an excellent exercise and window-shopping is a lovely way to relax after a stressful working day: it is exciting to imagine buying expensive things you like when it does not cost you anything.

Task 2. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions

1. home turf 2. widget 3. endorsement 4. commercial 5. promote a product or service 6. to corner the market 7. unsolicited mail/ mail drop 8. data mining 9. by hook or by crook 10. hype 11. to shop around 12. to go window-shopping a) direct mail, junk mail b) to compare (eg. prices at different shops) c) unnecessary promotion [of a product or service] in newspapers and the media; publicity d) domestic or local market/ an area that a person or group considers to be their own e) by one means or another f) a generic term [not an actual object] meaning a company’s product g) an advertisement on radio or television h) own most or all of the supply of a certain commodity and so control the price i) to look at goods in the shop windows j) advertisement technique in which a famous person speaks in favour of a product k) collecting information about consumer tastes and preferences l) try to sell product/service by advertising; speak in favour of something  

Task 3. Substitute for the underlined phrase an idiom with the same meaning.

1. Using famous people to promote the product can be very profitable, both for the sporting personalities and for the companies which sign them.

2. A(n) advertisement on TV plays an active role in the future and forward markets, ranging from the initial production to the final sales.

3. We need a credible strategy for selling such an innovative development as high-definition television.

4. Singapore has made significant efforts to get control of the market in this type of specialized service company.

5. Junk mail is always theft of service no matter what its topic.

6. Techniques which allow to collect information about consumer tastes can reveal that purchase patterns for some products such as angel food cake, whipped cream, and fresh berries have a shared seasonality.

7. Templeton was recruited to obtain the formula by all means.

8. He says that there isn't any energy crisis at all, that it's all an unnecessary publicity, to maintain outrageous profits for the oil companies.

9. Company A produces 6,000 items a month at a price of $0.33.

10. This job offers only minimum wage so she decided to compare it with other positions and look for one with better pay.

11. Looking at goods in the shop windows can provide a much needed break from the daily stress.

12. The gymnastics team won the championship in their own area.

Task 4. Complete the sentences with one of the idioms in focus, paying special attention to the form of the verbs.

1. In one year alone, Michael Jordan’s ………… of Nike helped sell one and a half million pairs of shoes – and earned him an estimated $20 million.

2. If we managed to hold negotiations in our office, we would feel more confident on our ………….

3. The company distributes a range of accessories and ………… for smartphones and handheld computers, satellite navigation and mobile scanning products to its UK channel partners through its distribution division.

4. The new movie by Steven Spielberg is getting a lot of …………. It’s a gigantic PR job.

5. I’m not going to buy anything now; I’d just like to ………….

6. The government has launched a campaign of television ………… and leaflets.

7. Trade fair can give the opportunity to ………… your business and help you engage with customers.

8. They've more or less managed to ………… the fast-food ………… - they're in every big city in the country.

9. Despite all visible challenges I was determined to get that job ………….

10. The Direct Mail Information Service says that through the nation’s letter boxes last year dropped 2.1 billion items of what is usually referred to as ………….

11. ………… tools allow marketing departments to identify groups of customers and develop highly targeted campaigns.

12. If you want to buy a new car on hire purchase, you should ………… for the best interest rates.

Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. В середине 80-х компания Levi’s запустила удачную серию телевизионных рекламных роликов, которые помогли значительно увеличить продажи их продукции.

2. Детали для производства этой аппаратуры поставляются из разных стран ЕС.

3. Я использую свой почтовый ящик в основном для деловой переписки, но кроме нее вынужден читать еще рекламные электронные письма.

4. Даже если не собираешься ничего покупать, можно просто рассматривать витрины в магазинах.

5. Издательство Random House активно продвигает на рынок новую книгу, написанную известным автором целого ряда бестселлеров.

6. Производители спортивных товаров часто приглашают известных спортсменов рекламировать свою продукцию.

7. Крупные супермаркеты часто применяют различные техники сбора информации с целью определения потребностей и предпочтений покупателей.

8. Это очень перспективная должность. Я бы хотел получить ее, чего бы это мне ни стоило.

9. Новый ресторан в Мадриде уже успел завоевать клиентов и в данный момент контролирует рынок благодаря своему фирменному блюду паэлья..

10. Этот вид товара не нуждается в крикливой рекламе, он и так хорошо продается благодаря советам тех, кто его уже попробовал.

11. Прежде чем купить новый компьютер необходимо сравнить цены в разных компьютерных супермаркетах.

12. Стратегия компании имела целью укрепить позиции компании на местном рынке в течение ближайших лет.




Idioms in focus:

Task 1. Study the following examples and try to understand the underlined idioms in context. Find their Russian equivalents.

1. Safe food handling practices not only protect your customers, but also help you increase profitability, reduce liability, promote goodwill.

2. The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the bank and building societies refuse to play ball.

3. As a team manager, you should delegate enough authority to get the work done, to allow assistants to take initiative, and to keep the operation moving in your department.

4. I don't have to go out of my way to reassure him; we see eye to eye on the most important issues.

5. Tom is regarded as the black sheep of the family by his colleagues. The reason for this is that he often avoids being asked for help.

6. Production manager gave a presentation of the product development in order to bring the prospective partners into the day-to-day process of business.

7. We would value your input and advice on how to improve the management of our company.

8. Washington was last night doing its best to mend fences with the Europeans saying it understood their concerns.

9. The fledgling company will have to work hard to win credibility with customers.

10. Many corporate employees in Japan take their cue from the PM and wear casual clothes to work.

11. Unprogressive managements which had made little attempt to meet the workers halfway and sort out real grievances would be driven to put their house in order.

Task 2. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions.

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studopedia.org - Студопедия.Орг - 2014-2024 год. Студопедия не является автором материалов, которые размещены. Но предоставляет возможность бесплатного использования (0.135 с)...