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Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson,

Most of us would agree that no child in this land of plenty should go to bed hungry at night.

Most of us do not agree, however, on the causes of and solutions to the reality of hungry children in our midst.

In the meantime, while we discuss, while we debate, while we disagree, children continue to wake up hungry, attend school hungry, and fall asleep hungry.

Help the Children believes that we need to keep searching for root causes and for effective long-term solutions to poverty, but that we cannot allow children to be hungry TODAY.

One hundred percent of all donations to Help the Children goes directly to children, either through food shelf disbursements or through school breakfast programs.

If you are concerned for the hungry child TODAY, please join in our work by sending a check in the enclosed envelope. With your efforts, our efforts, and the efforts of those who continue to look for long-term solutions, we can put an end to hunger for the little ones.



Dear Daniel Turman:

We sincerely regret the damage your package received during handling by Transatlantic Express, Inc. We realize your deliveries are important to you, and you have every right to expect them to arrive in good condition.

As happens in almost every endeavor, particularly when huge volumes of materials must be handled undertime pressure and the employment of mechanized equipment, occasional accidents occur. Even so, we consider this one mishap too many.

Be assured that we are constantly improving our processing and handling methods to avoid incidents such as this.

Please accept our apologies.


Дата публикования: 2015-01-14; Прочитано: 195 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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