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Exercise 5.4 Read the statements. Are they true or false? Correct the false ones

1. Human resources departments of tax militia accept all citizens of Ukraine who have university qualifications.

a) True; b) False

2.Actions and decisions of tax militia are final and cannot be appealed.

a)True; b) False

3.Public officers of tax militia bear responsibility for service misconduct.

a)True; b) False

4.Tax militia protects the State Tax Service employees against illegal infringements related to the implementation of their service duties.

a)True; b) False

5.The state of health is important when applying for a job at the tax militia department.

a)True; b) False

6.It is beyond tax militia competence to take measures to compensate damages incurred to the state.

a)True; b)False

7. Tax militia search for taxpayers who dodge taxes and other obligatory payments.

a)True; b) False

8. Tax militia is a special department within the bodies of the State Tax Service.

a)True; b) False

Exercise 5.5 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations as they were used in the text:

1. Здійснювати контроль –

2. Податкове законодавство –

3. Оперативно-розшукова діяльність –

4. Розслідувати злочини –

5. Обов’язкові виплати –

6. Платники податків –

7. Забезпечувати безпеку –

8. Службові обов’язки –

9. Приймати рішення –

10. Здійснювати допит –

11. Приймати на контрактній основі –

12. Нести відповідальність –

Exercise 5.6 Complete the sentences with the missing words:

1. Tax militia prevents crimes and other violations in the area of _____.

2. Tax militia searches taxpayers, that _____ taxes and other mandatory payments.

3. Tax militia ensures protection of workers employed at bodies of the STS against _____ infringements related to the fulfillment of their service duties.

4. Tax militia shall perform interrogation and _____ investigation within the scope of their competence.

5. Human resources departments of tax militia accept citizens of Ukraine on the ____ basis.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 643 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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