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Leadership Styles

Every organization needs leaders at every level. A leader is anyone who influences a group toward obtaining a particular result. It is not dependant on title or formal authority.

Although all successful leaders must necessarily act as managers, the reverse may not hold true. That is, an individual may gain appointment to a management job but through lack of competence, bad luck, and other circumstances, be unable to exert effective leadership.

Leadership is one of the most salient aspects of the organizational context. However, defining leadership has been challenging. Most definitions of leadership normally state or imply that one of the actions within leadership is that of influencing.

Thus, leadership is influencing people – by providing purpose, direction, and motivation – while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization.

Leadership can be also defined as one’s ability to get others to willingly follow.

The behavior of leaders has been described traditionally by various leadership styles that they employ. Major leaders­hip styles are classified into several general categories.

The three major styles of leadership are:

· Authoritarian or autocratic;

· Participative or democratic;

· Delegative or free reign.

Although good leaders use all three styles, with one of them normally dominant, bad leaders tend to stick with one style.

Authoritarian or autocratic style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers. Some of the appropriate conditions to use it are when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated.

Some people tend to think of this style as a vehicle for yelling, using demeaning language, and leading by threats and abusing their power. This is not the authoritarian style, rather it is an abusive, unprofessional style called bossing people around. It has no place in a leader’s repertoire.

The authoritarian style should normally only be used on rare occasions. If you have the time and want to gain more commitment and motivation from your employees, then you should use the participative style.

Participative (democratic) style involves the leader including one or more employees in the decision-making process (determining what to do and how to do it). However, the leader maintains the final decision-making authority. Using this style is not a sign of weakness, rather it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect. This is normally used when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts.

Note that a leader is not expected to know everything – this is why you employ knowledgeable and skilful employees. Using this style is of mutual benefit – it allows them to become part of the team and allows you to make better decisions.

In delegative (free reign) style, the leader allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it.

You cannot do everything! You must set priorities and delegate certain tasks. This is not a style to use so that you can blame others when things go wrong, rather this is a style to be used when you fully trust and confidence in the people below you. Do not be afraid to use it, however, use it wisely! This is also known as lais…sez faire (or lais…ser faire), which is the non-interference in the affairs of others.

Unfortunately, at present we do not know exactly what leadership style is appropriate for each and every situa­tion. Leadership styles that are effective in one situation may be obsolete or even result in adverse effects in another. A good leader uses all three styles, depending on what forces are involved between the followers, the leader, and the situation.

Leaders should be flexible with regard to their leadership style, and they should not be “trapped” by their past styles when overwhelmed by the novelty of a new situation.

The role of leadership in management is largely determined by the organisational culture of the company. Some organizations have adopted group leadership. In this situation, more than one person provides direction to the group as a whole. Some organizations have taken this approach in hopes of increasing creativity, reducing costs, or downsizing.

Vocabulary and Cultural Notes:

1. salient [`seıliənt] – помітний, характерний, що впадає в око;

2. challenging [`t∫ælın G ıŋ] – такий, що стимулює; спонукаючий; той, що вимагає напруження всіх сил;

3. to imply [ım`plaı] – мати на думці / на увазі; передбачати; натякати; містити в собі; значити, мати значення;

4. influencing [`ıntfluəntsıŋ] – виявлення впливу;

5. to provide purpose [prə`vaıd `pə:pəs] – надавати ціль; забезпечувати мету;

6. to provide direction [prə`vaıd daıə`rek∫ən] – забезпечувати керівництво; давати спрямування;

7. to accomplish [ə`kAmplı∫] / [ə`kα:mplı∫] – завершувати; виконувати; досягати; доводити до кінця; робити досконалим; вдосконалювати;

8. mission [`mı∫ən] – (бойова) задача; завдання; доручення; місія;

9. to get sb. to do sth. – примушувати / переконувати когось щось робити;

10. willingly [`wılıŋli] – охоче, з готовністю;

11. to follow [`fOləu] / [`fα:lou] – іти слідом; наслідувати;

12. to employ [ım`plOı] (leadership styles) – вживати, застосовувати, використовувати;

13. authoritarian [O:ֽθOrı`teəriən] / [O:ֽθO:rə`teriən] – авторитарний; владний;

14. autocratic [ֽO:tə`krætık] – автократичний, самодержавний, єдиновлад-ний; повний, необмежений (про владу тощо); владний, деспотичний;

15. participative [pα:`tısıpeıtıv] / [pα:r`tısəpətıv] – такий, що передбачає участь; той, що ґрунтується на залучені (когось) до участі (у якійсь діяльності);

16. democratic [ֽdemə`krætık] – демократичний;

17. delegative [`delıgeıtıv] – делегуючий; такий, що ґрунтується на делегуванні (повноважень);

18. free rein [ֽfri: `reın] – свобода дій та вибору;

19. appropriate [ə`prəupriət] / [ə`proupriət] – підхожий, відповідний; доречний, придатний (для чогось); властивий, притаманний;

20. a vehicle (for yelling) [`vi: ıkəl] / [`vi:əkəl] – засіб вираження і поширення (думок); провідник (звуку, світла тощо); інструмент, засіб;

21. yelling [`jelıŋ] – репетування; волання; крики;

22. demeaning language [di`minıŋ `læŋgwıG] – принизлива мова; лайка;

23. threat [θret] – загроза, погроза;

24. abusing (power) [ə`bju:zıŋ] – зловживання (владою);

25. rather [`rα:ðə] / [`ræðər] – радше; скоріше; правильніше;

26. abusive [ə`bju:sıv] – образливий, лайливий;

27. bossing (people) around – погано поводитися з людьми, даючи непотрібні накази; заправляти людьми;

28. to have no place – не мати місця;

29. repertoire [`repətwα:] / [`repərtwα:r] – репертуар; професійні знання; навички; досвід;

30. rare occasions [reə ə`keıჳənz] – рідкісні випадки; рідкісні події; рідкісні приводи;

31. to gain [geın] – діставати, одержувати, домагатися; здобувати;

32. commitment [kə`mıtmənt] – вірність, відданість; здійснення (дії); обов’язок, зобов’язання;

33. decision-making process [dı`sıჳənֽmeıkıŋ `prəuses] – процес прийняття рішень;

34. to maintain [ (ֽ)meın`teın ] (the final decision making authority) – відстоювати; підтримувати; залишати за собою;

35. the final decision making authority – право прийняття кінцевого рішення;

36. knowledgeable [`nOlıGəbəl] – добре обізнаний; інформований;

37. skilful [`skılfəl] – майстерний, умілий;

38. to be of mutual benefit [`mju:t∫u ə l `benıfıt] – бути взаємовигідним;

39. to set priorities [set praı`Orətiz] – встановлювати пріоритети;

40. to blame [bleım] – гудити; винити, вважати винним, звинувачувати;

41. to confidence [`kOnfıd ə nts] / [`kα:nfıd ə nts] – довіряти;

42. laissez-faire [ֽleıseı`feə] / [ֽleıseı`feər] – невтручання; потурання; принцип необмеженої свободи підприємництва; невтручання держави в економіку;

43. non-interference [ֽnOnֽıntə`fıər ə nts] / [ֽnα:nֽın t ər`fır ə nts] – невтручання;

44. obsolete [`Obsəli:t] / [ֽα:bsə`li:t] – що вийшов з ужитку; застарілий;

45. adverse (effects) [`ædvə:s] / [æd`və:s] – протилежний; несприятливий;

46. follower [` fOləuə ] / [` fα:louər ] – послідовник; наступник; слуга;

47. flexible [`fleksəbəl] – нучкий; поступливий, податливий;

48. with regard to [rı`gα:d] / [rı`gα:rd] – стосовно;

49. trapped [træpt] – захоплений; втягнутий; який потрапив у пастку;

50. overwhelmed [ֽəuvə`welmd] / [ֽouvər` h welmd] – сповнений; охоплений; приголомшений; вражений;

51. novelty [`nOvəlti] / [`nα:vəlti] – новизна; новинка; новина; нововведення;

52. downsizing [`daunsaızıŋ] – розукрупнення; зменшення розмірів компаній; скорочення апарату; скорочення штатів.

Task 5. Correct the following false statements.

1. Any organization must have only one leader.

2. Only profit-seeking organizations need leaders at every level.

3. A leader is anyone who holds a managerial position.

4. All successful managers must necessarily act as leaders.

5. Leadership has got an exact definition.

6. Most definitions of leadership are based on the concept of formal authority.

7. Leadership can be defined as one’s ability to get others to follow even unwillingly.

8. Good leaders must stick with one leadership style.

9. Bad leaders tend to employ different styles.

10. Some of the appropriate conditions to use a democratic leadership style are when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated.

11. Autocratic leadership style is a vehicle for yelling, using demeaning language, and leading by threats and abusing their power.

12. Autocratic leadership style is rather unprofesional and has no place in a leader’s repertoire.

13. Bossing people around is a sign of strength that your employees will respect.

14. Participative style should normally only be used on rare occasions.

15. If you have the time and want to gain more commitment and motivation from your employees, then you should the autocratic style.

16. When a leader employs a participative style it is the staff who maintain the final decision making authority.

17. Using the democratic leadership style is a sign of weakness.

18. A leader is expected to know everything – otherwise his knowledgeable and skilful employees will deceive him.

19. In delegative (free reign) style, the leader allows the employees to make the decisions who are eventually responsible for the decisions that are made.

20. The democratic style is a leadership style which is appropriate for each and every situa­tion.

21. When overwhelmed by the novelty of a new situation leaders should stick to one leadership style which proved to be most effective in the past..

22. Some organizations have adopted group leadership in hopes of preventing of misuse of power on the part of one person.

Task 6.Odd man out.” In each line cross out a word (word combination) that in its meaning differs from the others. Explain your choice.

1. title – influence – leader;

2. title – leader – formal authority;

3. leader – appointment – manager;

4. leader – manger – formal authority;

5. trust – authoritarian leadership style – confidence;

6. lack of competence – effective leadership – bad luck;

7. sign of weakness – delegation of authority – sign of strength;

8. good leaders – combining various leadership styles – bad leaders;

9. lack of time – well motivated employees – participative leadership style;

10. using demeaning language – autocrative leadership style – abusing power.

Task 7. The words below are frequently confused. Study each pair of words. Pronounce them and translate into your native tongue. Explain the difference between the words in each pair.

1. this – thus; 6. to adopt – to adapt;
2. rare – rear; 7. obsolete – absolute;
3. lack – luck; 8. effective – efficient;
4. reign – rain; 9. particular – particle;
5. salient – silent; 10. competence – competition;

Task 8. a) Make the difference between the following terms.

Eeffective vs. efficient

  · Effective: “stresses the actual production of or the power to produce an effect.”   · Efficient: “suggests an acting or a potential for action or use in such a way as to avoid loss or waste of energy in effecting, producing, or functioning.”   · Effective is doing the right things. Efficient is doing the things right. If you don’t do the right things, but do them very well, you still are not moving toward the result you want. If you do the right things, but execute them poorly, you will end up expending more energy and thought than necessary, leaving less energy for other tasks. Getting Best of Both The key to productivity is really doing the right things, and doing them efficiently. Most productivity systems that show huge improvement in people’s outputs are focused on their efficiency. Getting to the right things is much more tricky. Every early productivity system addressed efficiency. More modern ones are addressing effectiveness. Are they any more successful? It’s hard to say. You can measure efficiency. You can’t measure effectiveness across a whole spectrum of people as the criteria change. One can even wonder if any system can handle the effectiveness question, because it really is truly personal.

b) Read and translate the passage.

Effective and efficient are very common business / marketing terms. However, many people tend to mix their meanings and usage occasionally.

First of all if you look for both terms in most dictionaries you’ll find very similar definitions (which makes the matter even more confusing). Some dictionaries get it right, however. Here is the definition from Dictionary.com:

· Effective adj.: adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result.

· Efficient adj. performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort.

If you want an easier way to memorize the difference, remember this sentence: “ Being effective is about doing the right things, while being efficient is about doing the things in the right manner.

Let’s use a practical example to illustrate the concepts. Suppose that two guys, Mark and John, are trying to change a flat tire on their cars.

Mark starts by taking out the jack and placing it under the car. He doesn’t know where to position it, so he goes by trial and error and wastes a lot of time doing it. After 20 minutes he finally manages to fix it, so he proceeds to lift the car and change the tire.

As you can see Mark was doing the right thing, but he was doing it poorly. We can say that he was being effective, but not efficient.

John, on the other hand, starts by grabbing a towel and cleaning the tire. He wants to make the thing shiny before he changes it. Indeed, he is very good and fast at cleaning every little detail of the tire.

We can say that John is being efficient, because he is cleaning the tire fast and thoroughly, but he is not being effective, because cleaning is a step that is not required at all when changing a flat tire.

Now if we had a third person, Peter, who could change the flat tire using the right steps and doing it quickly, we could say that he was both effective and efficient.

c) Make further distinction between “EFFECTIVENESS” and “EFFICIENCY”.

The leader must discover that “doing things right” is not as important as “doing the right things.” A comparison between the effective leader and the efficient one is helpful.

Effectiveness   Efficiency
Focuses on the desired result. Focuses on doing one’s work in the correct manner.
Seeks successes. Seeks to avoid failure.
End of task most important. Means or resource to do a task most important.
Oriented toward strategy and setting and keeping priorities. Oriented toward keeping the present system going.
Uses a job description to define the work to be done and to set goals based on priorities. Performs each of the stated duties of a job description in the correct manner.
Attempts to find new ways to perform the task better. Concerned with keeping the status quo (things the way they are).
Anticipates change. Reacts to change.
Flexible when change requires it. Inflexible – determined to carry out plans regardless of change.
Motivated toward growth. Comfortable with keeping things as they are.
Constantly giving critical evaluation of a task. Prone to keeping record of what is going on.

Task 9. Match the terms in column A with their synonyms in column B.

1.salient 2.vehicle 3.adverse 4.to exert 5.obsolete 6.to blame 7.the reverse 8.demeaning 9.to maintain 10.commitment 11.overwhelmed 12.knowledgeable a)dedication; responsibility; b)the opposite; the contrary; c)well informed; educated; d)harmful; unfavourable; e)shameful; humiliating; f)outdated; out of date; g)notable; remarkable; h)to hold responsible; i)overcome; affected; j)to apply; to deploy; k)to assert; to retain; l)medium; means;

Task 10. In the text “Leadership Styles” (Task 4) find antonyms of the following words.

1.strength; 6.indifference; 11.unimpressed; underwhelmed;
2.frequent; 7.interference; 12.define; explicate; express; state;
3.follower; 8.professional; 13.easy; unstimulating; unprovoking;
4.unskilled; 9.dignified; elevated; 14.uneducated; uninformed; inexperienced;
5.favourable; 10.current; up-to-date; 15.inconspicuous, unimportant, unnoticeable.

Task 11. Participle or gerund? Determine which of the non-finite forms of the verb are used in the following sentences.

1. A leader is anyone who influences a group toward obtaining a particular result.

2. Defining leadership has been challenging.

3. One of the actions within leadership is that of influencing.

4. Leadership is influencing people – by providing purpose, direction, and motivation – while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization.

5. Some people tend to think of this style as a vehicle for yelling, using demeaning language, and leading by threats and abusing their power.

6. This is not the authoritarian style, rather it is an abusive, unprofessional style called bossing people around.

7. Participative (democratic) style involves the leader including one or more employees in the decision-making process (determining what to do and how to do it).

8. Using this style is not a sign of weakness, rather it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect.

Task 12. Fill in the blanks with adjective or verb forms. Use your dictionary if necessary.

1.----------- to participate;
2.accomplished -----------
3.----------- to delegate
4.determinate -----------
5.----------- to depend
6.successful -----------
7.----------- to challenge
8.dominant -----------
9.----------- to abuse
10.responsible -----------

Task 13. Use the correct adjective or verb forms in the sentences. Change the grammatical form of the words if necessary.

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