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Answer the questions. 1. Why did it become possible to make elements artificially?

1. Why did it become possible to make elements artificially?

2. What problem did many scientists work at?

3. What does it mean to alter an element artificially?

4. What element was produced by Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot?

5. What is cyclotron used for?

6. What element was found in 1955?

7. Why was element number 104 named “kurchatovium”?

8. How many elements in the Periodic Table are known now?

2.Translate the following word-combinations:

first of all; by bombarding alpha-particles; man-made isotope; highly

radioactive substance; half-life; alkali-metal family; in honour of; the field of

nuclear physics.

4. Translate into English:

штучні елементи; на честь; період напіврозпаду; стало можливим;

викликати; винайдений; лужний метал.

4. Open the brackets translating the Ukrainian words into English:

1. (За допомогою) of a new cyclotron it became possible to open up the nucleus of any atom. 2. The new device was created (замість) an old one. 3. The element produced (таким чином) was named “technetium”. 4. The element behaved (подібно) an alkali-metal. 5. Radioactive neptunium (призвів) to another element - number 94. 6. The isolation of element number 102 (мало місце) in 1963. 7. (Не дивно) that many new discoveries have taken place recently. 8. (Нарешті) they succeeded in creating a new type of machine. 9. This element was named (на честь) of this famous scientist. 10. It was (особливо) difficult to distinguish this substance. 11. It was (практично) impossible to create a new type of machine at our plant.

5. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The research-workers of our institute had to carry on hard work to find out all the missing properties of this substance. 2. He has to work hard this term as he missed many lectures. 3. It was hardly possible to distinguish the properties of this substance at a glance, therefore a powerful microscope had to be used. 4. They worked hard and their hard work resulted in new interesting discoveries. 5. If you studied hard, you would hardly fail at the exam. 6. She will hardly come as she is very busy. 7. The molecules of even the hardest steels can be separated by enormous distances compared to the size of the molecules.

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