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We are going to buy this machine whatever price they ask for it

b) Paraphrase using “whatever”

1. You'll have to take all kinds of measures you think will help to support the sales.

2. You must follow any instructions given in the manual.

3. The demand is not expected to be very great due to high prices and it doesn't matter what the quality of the goods is.

4. He spent all the money he had.

5. No matter what reasons he can give, we must insist on the work being finalized as soon as possible.

c) Translate into English

1. Работа менеджера на любом уровне включает в себя принятие ответственных решений.

2. Необходимо составить смету предстоящих расходов.

3. Фирма предлагает большое разнообразие товаров.

4. Каждый товар имеет свой собственный жизненный цикл, который состоит из нескольких этапов.

5. Проект не был принят из-за высокой сметной стоимости.

6. Управленческая деятельность подразделяется на стратегический, тактический и оперативный уровни.

7. Одной из задач является определение рынка или его сегмента для внедрения товара.

8. На выставке вы сможете познакомиться со всеми новшествами, появившимися за последнее время.

9. Ему удалось добиться успеха благодаря большой работе.

10. Какие бы ни были трудности, мы должны обеспечить продвижение товара на рынок.

Ex. IX a) Compose and translate

long + term — long-term - долгосрочный

1. short + term —...

2. large + scale —...

3. long + distance —...

4. high + quality —...

5. light + weight —...

6. low + grade —...

b) Complete the sentences

1. The agreement is valid for a short term. This... agreement was signed only recently.

2. They produce equipment of high quality. This... equipment is in great demand on the market.

3. The distance from here to that town is very long. You can get there only by a... train.

4. The plant produces these goods on a large scale. The... production enabled the plant to cut unit costs.

Ex. X Supply the correct forms of the verbs

1. The marketing management (to decide) that the funds (to spend) better on a new product

2. Producers (to plan) to serve markets.

3. Marketing strategies (should, to develop) for markets.

4. The product (to be) package of benefits the customer (to receive) when he (to buy).

5. Many decisions managers (to make) (to connect) with risk and (to require) that they (to consider) possible future events.

6. How the cultural environment (to influence) the marketing strategies? The activities of the Wimpy company, one of tile success stories in the United States, (to meet) with different response in Europe. Wimpy (to be) highly profitable in the United Kingdom, but (to fail) in France. McDonald's (to achieve) only moderate success in the French market. On the other hand, Kentucky Fried Chicken (to flourish) in France, Germany and the U.K. What (to explain) these differences? Geographic, demographic and economic factors (to be) partly responsible, but they (to be) by no means the total explanation. The different business success of these companies in Europe (to depend) on the special characteristics of the respective consumer markets — ways of living, habits and values, in other words, cultural factors.


1. moderate — умеренный 2. to flourish — процветать

Ex. XI Supply the prepositions where necessary

1. Marketing has been defined... different ways... different writers.

2. Marketing is generally defined as a process... which people obtain what they need... exchanging products... others.

3. The decision aimed... winning a market share must be based...evaluation... market opportunities and other relevant information.

4. As sales go... decline, the product is subject... continuous price pressure.

5. Management was faced... a problem... making innovations... the technological process.

6. The company's increase... profits was due... large-scale sales support developed... management.

7. A thorough knowledge... computer technology and the introduction... the computer... the regular activities... a company are a must... marketing managers.

Ex. XII a) Choose and use “reach or achieve”

1. They soon... a compromise.

2. They... recognition for their services to the country.

3. He will never... anything.

4. We easily... an agreement on most of the problems.

b) Translate into English

1. Многие годы упорной работы помогли ему достичь цели.

2. Мы пришли к заключению, что предлагаемая модель не отвечает нашим требованиям.

3. Он достиг всего, что мы от него ожидали.

4. В процессе обсуждения стороны пришли к взаимопониманию.

Ex. XIII a)Choose and use “between or among”

1. There is a difference... these two words.

2. At the reception he found himself... the people he didn't know.

3. This machine-tool is the cheapest... similar models.

4. We must choose... these alternative proposals.

b) Translate into English

1. Среди них не было никого, кто бы мог ответить на этот вопрос.

2. Между нашими фирмами имеется соглашение.

3. Между этими городами нет железнодорожной линии.

4. Товары будут распределены между заказчиками в соответствии с их заказами.

Ex. XIV a) Read and translate the dialogue

The Director of a company discusses with the Product Manager the market position of some of their products.

Director: Well Mr. Fox, I'd like to hear your evaluation of the present position of our major product on the market.

Manager: The situation on the market nowadays is generally characterized by much more stringent requirements to chemical products, due to growing environmental pollution control. In this connection we'll probably have to give up using raw materials containing phosphates1 for our production, since the demand for such products is gradually declining.

Director: The situation seems really serious. What are your suggestions in the circumstances?

Manager: In the first place, we'll have to work out a new chemical composition2 for our products and carry out a number of tests, which is a regular procedure for new products. Then some serious changes will have to be made in our technology.

Director: I'm afraid; the change-over to new products will require a lot of expenses.

Manager: No doubt, but the new investments will certainly be repaid. And we should not forget that in future there may be no demand for phosphates-based products at all. Some countries have already imposed state restrictions on the production of such materials.

Director: Well, I'll get our planning department to make an estimate of our expenses and submit it for approval. Now, let's look at the problem from another point of view. I understand, new products will be positioned on the market at higher prices.

Manager: The new materials will certainly be more expensive. But we'll get products of much higher quality, which will be in great demand on the market and may be sold at higher prices.

Director: The new products will require a wide advertising campaign to support them on the market. Have you given thought as to how it should be arranged?

Manager: I believe we could use both — press advertisements and tele- and radio-advertising. But it's not my line, actually.

Director: No, but I just wondered. I will instruct our adver­tising department to think it over and come out with their suggestions.


l. phosphates — фосфаты

2. chemical composition — химическое соединение

b) Think and answer

1. Why is the demand for products containing phosphates de­clining at present?

2. What expenses will the change-over to the new products re­quire?

3. Why is it necessary to run an advertising campaign for a new product?

Ex. XV Read and translate

Some of the Rules for the Manager (from «Murphy's Law» by Arthur Koch)

1. Try to look very important.

2. Try to be seen by important people.

3. Speak with authority.

4. Don't engage in arguments.

5. Always keep the office door closed. This makes it look as if you are always in an important conference.

Ex. XVI Answer the questions

1. Which of the rules should be observed, from your point of view?

2. Which of them are senseless? Why?

Ex. XVII Make a list of rules manager should follow

Ex. XVIII Give extensive answers

1. What is management?

2. What does the concept of marketing management cover?

3. What is a manager?

4. Why is the concept of the product life cycle important in marketing problems?

5. What is a marketing mix?

Ex. XIX a) Read and translate the text

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