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Translate the following combinations into Russian

to start a business

to earn money

to travel around the world

to get more knowledge of the world

to get business experience

to be independent from anybody

to choose a business

to be based on skills and experience

chance of success

to increase greatly

to serve consumer needs

to manufacture a product

to retail a product

to wholesale goods

to provide a service

to develop successfully

to minimize the risk of failure

to estimate costs

to spend money to run the business

to include the money

to buy materials and equipment

to pay for rent

to work for smb.

to pay for advertising

enough for living

to expand your business

to borrow money from a bank

to make you a loan

a good investment

to provide them with your financial statements

to show the financial situation in your firm

to attract customers

to depend on a good promotional campaign

to provide a convenient location

to use good selling methods

to offer reasonable prices

to hire an employee

to use employment agencies

to address to consulting firms

to choose professional societies

to advertise in a newspaper or in a magazine

to have language abilities

to allow you to communicate more easily

to increase the number of business contacts

Дата публикования: 2014-12-10; Прочитано: 388 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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