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Grammar. Exercise 7.Change these sentences according to the models

Exercise 7. Change these sentences according to the models.

Model A: Are they still discussing the problem? – No, they’ve just finished discussing.

1. Are they still examining the arguments for and against international trade? (to finish). 2. Has the country been buying goods and services from the rest of the world long? (to begin) 3. Is the country still importing morel? (to stop).

Model B: I don’t like it when you miss lectures. – I don’t like your missing lectures.

1. He enjoys it when she sings. 2. I hate it when he takes the floor. 3. I don’t mind it if you play the piano. 4. She dislikes it when thay make noise.

Model C: What did he say about the film? – He said it was worth seeing.

1. What did they say about the agreement? (to reach) 2. What did he say about the document? (to sign) 3. What did he say about the proposal? (to think over) 4. What did she say about his article? (to read) 5. What did they say about his ideas? (to listen to)

Exercise 8. Translate the sentences paying attention to Gerund.

1. I dislike borrowing things from people. 2. Before signing the contract he wanted to receive the approval of the chairman. 3. There was no chance of finding a vessel of the required size. 4. The sellers were informed of the importance of preparing the goods for shipment immediately. 5. Upon receiving the charterer's orders he communicated them to the captain of the vessel. 6. The cost of repairing the damage sustained by the steamer through being delayed in the ice is estimated at 4,000 roubles. 7. Extensions are being made to the plant with a view to increasing the output. 8. There is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold after the 15th of September. 9. The loss resulted from the vessel being prevented from loading a full cargo.

Exercise 9. Put the verb into the Gerund form using the proper preposition.

1. I have no intention... (to stay) here any longer. 2. She insisted... (to help) me. 3. Are you fond... (to play) chess? 4. He has had very much experience... (to teach). 5. There is no possibility... (to find) his address. 6. There is little chance... (to see) her today. 7. We have the pleasure... (to send) you our catalogues. 8. I think... (to go) to the south in summer. 9. He is afraid.,. (to catch) cold. 10. I am proud... (to have) such a son. 11. The rain prevented me... (to come). 12 He is engaged... (to write) a book. 13. They had much difficulty... (to find) the house.

Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the Infinitive or Gerund form.

1. We will keep on ___ (provide) support for local education projects. 2. We have decided ___ (raise) money for the local secondary school. 3. At present the school cannot afford ___ (buy) all the computers it needs. 4. We hope ___ (set up) a number of different fund raising projects. 5. We hope that the students themselves will enjoy ___ (take) part in them. 6. In fact, the students have suggested ___ (publish) a local business directory. 7. We feel sure that other local business will not mind ___ (support) this venture. 8. And we have offered ___ (meet) all the costs of printing the directory. 9. We also want ___ (do) something to help unemployed school leavers. 10. We believe it is worth ___ (organize) a programme to give them experience of working in commerce and industry.

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences.

1. Ці аргументи варто розглянути. 2. Цю статтю варто обговорити. 3. Ми не заперечуємо, щоб ви до нас приєднались. 4. Я не ображаюсь, коли мене критикують. 5. Ми наполягали на повторенні дослідження. 6. Ми зайняті: обговорюємо шляхи економічного розвитку. 7. Пробачте, що ми турбуємо вас знову. 8. Вони не могли не погодитися з ним.

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