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Language work. Exercise 1.Financial vocabulary covers several areas, including economics, banking, marketing, personal finance and financial planning

Exercise 1. Financial vocabulary covers several areas, including economics, banking, marketing, personal finance and financial planning. Here is a selection of key words. Complete them.

  Verb Personal noun General noun Adjective
1. to analyze      
2.   competitor    
3.     advice -
4. to merge -    
5. to industrialize      
6.   trader    
7.       exporting/ importing
8.   producer    
9.   supplier    
  to guarantee      
  to credit      

Exercise 2. Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right.

pension   bank tax dividends   shares   inflation bankruptcy     capital spending     profit interest   assets   turnover   liabilities accounts     mortgage a) something that the government collects and no one likes to pay; b) where you go to borrow money or get cash; c) how you are charged for borrowing money; d) how can pay to buy a house, unless you can pay for it in a single payment; e) a type of investment made by a company when buying equipment; f) what, in financial terms, a business hopes to make; g) what a company has to prepare every year for presentation to its owners and to the relevant authorities; h) the situation where a company does not have enough money or property to pay its debts, and so the company closes; i) the total amount of sales in a year; j) rising prices, rising costs and rising wages in an economy; k) what do you buy if you invest money in a company; l) individuals who invest their money in a company hope to receive these regularly; m) when you are old, you hope to have one of these; n) the name for all the property, equipment, investments and money owned by a company (or individual); o) the name for everything that a company owes.

Exercise 3. Complete the words below to match the given meanings.

1. The description of income and expenditure in a specific accounting period c_ _ p_ _ _ a_ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Items of value which are not easily changed into cash but which the business needs. p_ _ _ _ _ and l_ _ _ _ c_ _ _ _ _

3. Documents showing income, expenditure, assets and liabilities, sales records, etc. _ _ l_ _ _ _ _ h_ _ _

4. Major spending on large items necessary for the business, such as property or equipment. o_ _ _ _ _ _ b_ _ _ _ c_

5. Cash items, or items that can easily be changed into cash for the present financial year. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l_ _ _ _

6. The cost of borrowing from a bank f_ _ _ _d _ss_ _ _

7. Money made by the company, less all costs, but before tax has been paid _ _ rr_ _ _ a_ _ _ _ _

8. The amount of money held in cash or near cash at the start of the accounting period n_ _ s_ _ _ _

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks.

The Accounting Function.

The ___ (1) function of the Chief Accountant is to ensure that ___(2) funds are available for such capital ___(3) on new plant and equipment as is required in the Corporate plan. Adequate working capital will also be required to meet revenue expenditure such as ___(4) and salaries, purchases of raw materials and the inevitable administration expenses. Whenever ___(5) or sales are made records will need to be kept. In many ways, the accounts are like a ___(6) telling you what has happened since the business commenced. The date tells management what ___(7) are at their disposal and what commitments they have to be prepared to meet. By ___(8) the accounts managers can see how much cash is available, how much they owe to their ___(9), and how much they are owed by their ___(10). The accounts make a vital contribution to the decision-making process.

assets debtors adequate storybook primary expenditure creditors examining purchases wages

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences. In each of the blanks spaces below write any one of the following words:

a)company’s b)companies c)its d)it’s

1.When …buy goods from you on credit the transaction has to be recorded on your accounts.

2.The … accounting department will prepare the annual Trading and Profit and Loss Accounts.

3.When … are short of working capital usual for them to turn to their bankers for assistance.

4. … not uncommon to find a company making substantial paper profits but being unable to pay dividents to shareholders.

5.If a company cannot meet … commitments an Official Receiver may have to be appointed.

6. … a legal requirement that a … annual accounts are audited by a professional accountant.

7.A company may declare a dividend if … accounts show that a profit has been made.

8.A … share capital will be shown on … Balance Sheet.

Exercise 6. Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence.

1. If a company needs to raise a lot of money, it may _____ shares.

a) put up; b) issue; c) supply; d) purchase.

2. Pension _____ play an important role in the stock market.

a) companies; b) trusts; c) societies; d) funds.

3. As an ordinary shareholder, you are _____ to vote at the meeting.

a) entitled; b) titled; c) nominated; d) persuaded.

4. The share _____ which is made up of a cross-section of shares,

reflects the general activity of the market.

a) indication; b) index; c) measure; d) indicator.

5. A _____ is someone who buys shares, expecting the market to rise.

a) bear; b)b ull; c) dog; d) stag.

6. A _____ is a speculator who expects share prices to fall.

a) bear; b)b ull; c) dog; d) stag.

7. A _____ is a person who buys new issues of shares hoping to sell

them quickly at a profit.

a) bear; b) bull; c) dog; d) stag.

8. I’ve put part of the money into an instant _____ account.

a) access; b) excess; c) exit; d) entrance.

9. Bonds issued by the government are often known as _____.

a) golds; b) guilts; c) gilts; d) debits.

10. What kind of _____ can I expect on my investment?

a) reward; b) prize; c) surplus; d) return.

11. You should have as diversified a _____ of shares as possible.

a) case; b) file; c) portfolio; d) folder.

12. In real _____ the $1,000 you invested would be worth $5,000 today.

a)words; b) facts; c) factors; d) terms.

13. The higher the risk you _____, the more money you could make.

a) take; b) do; c) make; d) invest.

14. The market has been extremely _____ over the past few years.

a) volatile; b) wavering; c) shocking; d) moving.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Найбільша кількість грошей, що використовується бізнесом, надходить з продажу продукції та різних послуг. 2. Оскільки фірма продає товари або послуги, вона одержує гроші та використовує їх з метою покриття своїх витрат. 3. Бізнесові позики зазвичай класифікуються як довгострокові та короткострокові. 4. Короткострокові позики використовуються для фінансування повсякденних вартостей для створення фірми, таких як платіжні відомості, сировина, товари. 5. Довгострокові позики існують для купівлі обладнання, будинків та інших цінних предметів. 6. Фондова біржа – це ринок, де зустрічаються посередники для купівлі й продажу акцій та облігацій своїм клієнтам. 7. Чи існує певний ризик невиплати за облігаціями найсильніших корпорацій?

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