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Ex. 7. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences

1. Uncle Tom worked at a small station. It means that ….

a) a few trains left this station

b) a few trains made a stop on this station

c) no trains stopped on this station

2. Uncle Tom was the station master. It means that ….

a) he was in charge of the station operation

b) he was the owner of the station

c) he was allowed to sell tickets

3. Uncle Tom was the ticket collector. It means that ….

a) he had a great collection of train tickets

b) he printed tickets

c) he sold tickets to passengers

4. Uncle Tom was the chief clerk. It means that ….

a) he was in charge of the station’s finances

b) he was in charge of the station’s locomotives and carriages

c) he was in charge of collecting tickets

5. Uncle Tom was very strict about the rules. It means that ….

a) he knew what the train fare was

b) he knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what wasn’t

c) he knew that smoking was forbidden on board the train

6. After fifty years of work Uncle Tom had to retire. It means that ….

a) he got a bonus

b) he stopped working because he has reached a certain age

c) he left his job because he didn’t like it any more.

7. The representative of the Railway Company gave Tom a small check. It means that ….

a) he received a printed piece of paper with an amount of money written on it

b) he received a small box filled with all kinds of presents

c) he received a large box filled with all kinds of small presents

8. Instead of money Uncle Tom wanted to have something that would remind him of the happy days he had spent on the station. It means that ….

a) he wantedto have something related to railway

b) he wanted to have something related to his childhood

c) he wanted to have something related to his youth

9. The day Tom’s relatives decided to visit him was a bad one. It means that ….

a) it was raining cats and dogs

b) it was snowing

c) it was very cold and windy

10. Uncle Tom didn’t go inside the car because it was a non-smoker. It means that ….

a) he didn’t smoke

b) he was very strict about the rules

c) he wanted to welcome his guests

Ex. 8. What do you think might be the best translation of the story’s title?

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