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Ex. 2. Copy the following words and phrases and memorize their meanings

1. aim – цель 2. to allow – позволять, разрешать 3. as well as – а также 4. to attend – посещать (занятия и т.п.) 5. to broaden – расширять broad (= wide) – широкий 6. to carry out – выполнять, осуществлять, проводить 7. to discuss – обсуждать discussion – обсуждение 8. to devote – посвящать 9. to divide (into) – делить (на) 10. length – длина, протяжённость 11. to link (= to connect) – соединять, связывать 12. major – крупный, важный; специальный предмет 13. to own – владеть, быть собственником; иметь own – свой, собственный 14. to provide (with) – снабжать, обеспечивать чем-либо; предоставлять (услугу, информацию и т.п.) 15. to record – записывать 16. to recruit– нанимать на работу 17. skill – навык, умение skilled – квалифицированный 18. to vary – отличаться, различаться variety – ряд, множество 19. to use – использовать, применять useful – полезный

Ex. 3. Read the sentences and translate them.

1. In Spain, most of the railroads were built by foreign investors, although the Spanish government provided major subsidies.

2. To allow the train to travel at speeds of up to 250 km/h between Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russian Railways modernized the infrastructure of this line.

3. The library is installing new equipment to broaden access to its huge database.

4. Containers can be divided into two categories: a large type used for transporting a load of up to 5-7 tons and a small type suitable for a load of about 1 tonne in weight.

5. The Trans-European expresses are passenger trains linking major cities of Europe and running at high speeds.

6. The aim of modernizing the 567-km Ankara-Istanbul railway is to cut the journey time from 6h 30min to 3h 30min.

7. Arizona law limited train lengths to 14 passenger cars or 70 freight cars in the interests of safety (безопасность).

8. Flatcars can transport a wide variety of freight, including steel beams (балка, брус), timber, farm machinery, construction materials and equipment as well as many other large, heavyweight materials.

9. John Smith was recruited as an electrical engineer on a six-month trial basis.

10. More than 1000 people attended the conference devoted to the problems of developing environmentally-friendly kinds of transport.

11. Skilled engine drivers are needed to operate modern locomotives.

12. Trainspotting is recording the names and registration numbers of locomotives. It used to (раньше) be a popular hobby in Britain but is less common now.

13. For the first time, the idea of building the underground railway in Moscow was discussed before the revolution but the construction of the first line (from Sokolniki to Central Park) began only in 1932.

14. Russian Railways is the state- owned railway company. It owns 19,700 locomotives, 24,100 long-distance passenger carriages, 15,600 short-range passenger carriages and 624,900 goods wagons. A further 270,000 freight cars in Russia are privately owned.

15. The first plans for constructing a new railway line along the west coast of India were offered in 1880s, but they were not carried out because of financial and technical difficulties.

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