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Belongs only to the representatives of the country-founder. TNCs have comparatively independent

Subdivisions of manufacture, cooperation, and sale of finished products, etc.

B) A large international manufacturing and marketing complex where the right of property

Belongs to the representatives of the country-founder and the representatives of affiliated

Foreign branches and subsidiaries.

C) A national monopoly or a joint stock company which does not have any foreign assets.

3. What are the reasons for TNCs coming into being, in your opinion?

A) It is a necessity to develop productive forces in poor countries.

B) It is a desire to gain political concessions from poor and developing countries and at the

Same time to attain the strategic partnership with developed countries.

C) Most common reason for their formation is the striving for superprofit through internationalization

Of production and capital on the basis of the cross-border development of productive


4. In their expansion, TNCs make use of the following means of developing the world market:

A) Agreements on noninterest bearing credits and irrevocable bank credits; rendering marketing

And research and development services.

B) Licensing, franchising (franchise); managerial contracts; rendering marketing and research and

Development services; commissioning enterprises lock, stock and barrel; joint ventures, etc.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 250 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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