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B) The size of the retail and wholesale trade turnover, the movement of stocks of goods

c) The indices of the wages (salary), the size of consumer’s loan (consumer credit), the value of

The consumer basket, the movement of the stock of commodities (goods).

4. What can the decrease of the rate of discount point out in research offinance and credit sphere of the


A) It can point out that the demand for loan capital (interest-bearing capital) decreases and the

Economy is in stagnation.

B) It can point out that the demand for capital increases and the economy is on the rise.

C) If the rate of discount decreases, it is more profitable to use a credit. It points out that the

Turnover increases.

5. What does the change of the level of capital investments in the country point out?

A) The increase of the level of capital investments points out that the growth vector of business

Activity is on the rise.

B) If the level of capital investments decreases, the business activity declines (ухудшается).

C) This index is not taken into account in researching the economic situation.

6. Why is the price referred to the most important index (barometer) of the market economic situation?

A) Bbecause all other economic indices are accumulated in the price.

B) Because the trend of one commodity market may be automatically transferred to other commodity

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 198 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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