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By market share we mean either (a) the sales of the product or products of a firm as a proportion

Of the sales of the product or products of the... (1) as a whole, e.g.... (2) of Ford motor cars

Compared with total UK motor-car sales; or (b) the sales of a...... (3) compared with the total sales

For the class of commodity of which the particular commodity is a member, e.g., sales o f... (4)

telephones compared with sales of all telephones. The presumption is that the firm’s product and

The particular commodity are faced with.......(5) in their respective markets.

Market shares may also be calculated.......(6) of the proportion of the product in the total

Existing stock of that class of products, as opposed to its share of the flow of new sales.

15.7.4. Written/Oral Practice

Make up sentences and microdialogues with the following word combinations on the subject of the unit.

А) конъюнктура — market situation, state of the market, economic situation,

Economic conditions, conjuncture

P r e v a l e n t m a r k e t

C o n d i t i o n s - г о с п о д с т в у ю -

M a r k e t

C o n d i t i o n s,

M a r k e t

S i t u -

Господствуюю -

Шая конъюнктура

Ation, sales oportunities, market performancebusiness

Inflation rate behaviour — динамика loan iovиbu -erahа суисднкнм аохпырцаеий динфляции

Dynamics of prices, behaviour price

Business spending behaviour — динамика п behaviрour, trend еin prices—д динамикацен

Принимательских расходов

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