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Арендодатель — lessor

Лизинг финансовый и оперативный — financial leasing and operative leasing

Соглашение — agreement

Выкуп по остаточной стоимости — residual (written-off) value buy-out

Пролонгировать — prolong, extend

Базисный период — basic (base) period (term)

Факторинг — factoring

Фактор-фирма — factoring company (firm)

Инкассирование дебиторской задолженности — collection (payment for collection) of debit


Сконто — anticipation discount

Форфетирование — forfaiting

Мировая экономика

Oral Practice. Round Table

A) Hold a discussion.

In our panel discussion let us have a talk about the influence of capital export on world (global)

economy in the form of international credit (lending) and give answers to the following questions:

1. Is the international reproduction of capital secured?

What international commercial and financial credits facilitate the effectiveness of economic


3. Is a considerable import of foreign capital capable of ousting (вытеснить) the national capital?

Why do international corporations transfer (переводят) the production (especially labour-consuming

and primary) from industrial nations to developing countries?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 164 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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