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Bank, one signs a promissory note. Particular forms

of promissory notes, known as commercial paper, can be

Bought and sold. They are usually issued by large corporations,

But in some countries, for example Spain and Japan,

Promissory notes are a common form of small business finance.

Мировая экономика 161

Read the text, complete it using the words from the box, and translate it into Russian.

Labour, income, raw materials, production, buildings, tool, generating

Capital. 1. Assets which are capable of generating... (1) and which have themselves been produced.

Capital is one of the four factors of... (2),and consists of the machines, plant and... (3)that

Make production possible, but excludes raw materials, land and labour. All capital is itself, however,

The product of labour a n d.......(4) and can be seen as holding the stored value of them. If a

Stone Age man spent one day producing a tool (a capital good) he gained no utility from doing so

At the time. He did, however, save labour by using the... (5) thereafter. By building the tool he had

In effect put some... (6) away for use at a later date. The essence of capital, therefore, is that it

Represents deferred consumption. 2. In more general usage, any asset or stock of assets — financial

Or physical — capable o f... (7) income.

11.7.4. Written/Oral Practice

Make up sentences and microdialogues with the following word combinations on the subject of the unit.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 194 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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