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Payments arising mainly from German war reparations

C) Innovation purposes were persuaded, i.e. realizing credits connected with some risk (venture


2. Is there any analogy in the profile of the activities of the Bank for International Settlements and the

International Monetary Fund?

A) Sure there is. Many functions carried out by the Bank for International Settlements were taken

Over by the International Monetary Fund — a specialized financial institution of the UN.

B) No, there is no any analogy. The International Monetary Fund deals mostly with the functioning

Of the world currency system.

C) Probably, there is some analogy. But the International Monetary Fund deals mostly with the

Developing countries.

3. Do you know how many members there were in the Internationa! Monetary Fund in 2005?

A) I would say there were about 184 members; Russia was going to join it.

B) I think in 2005 the Fund had 184 members, and just that year Russia joined it.

C) I know exactly that in 2005 the Fund had 184 members, including Russia.

4. What purposes was the International Monetary Fund established for? When did it happen?

A) It was established as the main mortgage (ипотечный) bank of the UN. It specializes in

Making long-term loans. It has been functioning since 1947.

B) The Fund was established to encourage international cooperation in the monetary field and

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 170 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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