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Balance of payments deficits — дефициты платежного баланса

Surplus — положительное сальдо платежного баланса

In December 1971 the dollar was devalued... — в декабре 1971 г. доллар был девальвирован

To generate inflation — порождать инфляцию

T5he fixed-parity system — систе ма фиксированного паритета

IMF quota — квота в Международном валютном фонде

Match the following terms with the correct definition

Work with a partner.

Liquidity teke iraceghnxmro.f2 a) A situation 3.5.4.in is rcenyisrcrutae iraceghnxroftcenyrcduahrhe international money market that when a country no longer has the wherewithal (foreign exchange,

Gold, credit, and so on) to support the price of its

Currency. A currency crisis brings forced devaluation under

A fixed exchanege rate system.

B) A currency traded in a foreign exchange market for which

Demand is persistently high relative to the supply.

C) The degree to which an asset can be quickly and cheaply

Turned into money which, by definition, is completely liquid.

D) The price of foreign currency in terms of domestic currency.

E) The market for buying and selling foreign currencies.

Read the text, complete it using the words from the box, and translate it into Russian

Interest, ratio, credit, at call and short notice, liquid, deposit, assets

By liquidity ratio economists mean the proportion of the total assets of a bank which are held in

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 217 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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