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It was the deuce of a shock

2 "You never can tell, Jeeves!"

3 "Very seldom, sir."

4 "Remove the eye of authority and where are you?"

5 "Precisely, sir."

6 "Where is my wandering boy to-night and all that sort of thing, what?"

7 "It would seem so, sir."

8 "Well, we had better bring him in, eh?"

9 "Yes, sir."

So we lugged him in, and Jeeves put him to bed, and I lit a cigarette and sat down to think the thing over. I had a kind of foreboding. It seemed to me that I had let myself in for something pretty rocky.

1 Next morning, after I had sucked down a thoughtful cup of tea (следующим утром, после того, как я высосал задумчивую чашку чаю; thoughtful [TLtful]), I went into Motty's room to investigate (я пошёл в комнату Мотти, чтобы расследовать; to investigate [In'vestIgeIt]). I expected to find the fellow a wreck (я ожидал обнаружить парня развалиной; wreck [rek] сущ. – крушение, авария; развалина / о человеке /), but there he was (но там он был), sitting up in bed, quite chirpy, reading Gingery Stories (сидящий в кровати, вполне весёлый, читающий «Пикантные истории»; chirpy ['CWpI] веселый, живой, радостный = merry; gingery ['GInGqrI] – досл. имбирный, пряный = spicy, piquant ['pJkqnt]).

2 "What ho (привет; what ho! – оклик или приветствие: эй, там! привет! и т.п.)!" I said (я сказал).

3 "What ho (привет)!" said Motty (сказал Мотти).

4 "What ho (привет)! What ho (привет)!"

5 "What ho (привет)! What ho (привет)! What ho (привет)!"

6 After that it seemed rather difficult to go on with the conversation (после этого, казалось довольно сложно продолжать разговор; conversation ["kOnvq'seIS(q)n]).

Next morning, after I had sucked down a thoughtful cup of tea, I went into Motty's room to investigate. I expected to find the fellow a wreck, but there he was, sitting up in bed, quite chirpy, reading Gingery stories.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 193 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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