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The old man looked carefully in the glimpse of vision that he had. Then he took two turns of the harpoon line around the bitt in the bow and hid his head on his hands

"Keep my head clear," he said against the wood of the bow. "I am a tired old man. But I have killed this fish which is my brother and now I must do the slave work."

Now I must prepare the nooses and the rope to lash him alongside, he thought. Even if we were two and swamped her to load him and bailed her out, this skiff would never hold him. I must prepare everything, then bring him in and lash him well and step the mast and set sail for home.

He started to pull the fish in to have him alongside so that he could pass a line through his gills and out his mouth (он начал подтягивать рыбу поближе так, чтобы он мог продеть лесу через жабры и рот) and make his head fast alongside the bow (и привязать ее голову к носу). I want to see him (я хочу увидеть ее), he thought, and to touch and to feel him (и дотронуться, и почувствовать ее; to feel — щупать; чувствовать). He is my fortune (она — мое богатство), he thought. But that is not why I wish to feel him (но не поэтому я хочу почувствовать ее). I think I felt his heart (я думаю, я ощутил ее сердце), he thought. When I pushed on the harpoon shaft the second time (когда надавил на древко гарпуна во второй раз). Bring him in now (подтащи ее сюда) and make him fast (и привяжи) and get the noose around his tail (и накинь петлю ей на хвост) and another around his middle to bind him to the skiff (а другую — посередине ее туловища, чтобы привязать ее к лодке).

"Get to work, old man (за работу, старик)," he said. He took a very small drink of the water (он сделал маленький глоток воды). "There is very much slave work to be done now that the fight is over (теперь, когда битва окончена, предстоит сделать очень много черной: «рабской» работы; slave — раб)."

He looked up at the sky and then out to his fish (он посмотрел вверх в небо, а затем на свою рыбу). He looked at the sun carefully (он смотрел на солнце очень внимательно). It is not much more than noon (недалеко за полдень), he thought. And the trade wind is rising (а пассат усиливается). The lines all mean nothing now (лесы теперь ничего не значат = не нужны). The boy and I will splice them when we are home (мы с мальчиком срастим = починим их, когда будем дома; to splice — мор. сплеснивать, сращивать /концы тросов/).

"Come on, fish (давай = иди сюда, рыба)," he said. But the fish did not come (но рыба не шла).

He started to pull the fish in to have him alongside so that he could pass a line through his gills and out his mouth and make his head fast alongside the bow. I want to see him, he thought, and to touch and to feel him. He is my fortune, he thought. But that is not why I wish to feel him. I think I felt his heart, he thought. When I pushed on the harpoon shaft the second time. Bring him in now and make him fast and get the noose around his tail and another around his middle to bind him to the skiff.

"Get to work, old man," he said. He took a very small drink of the water. "There is very much slave work to be done now that the fight is over."

He looked up at the sky and then out to his fish. He looked at the sun carefully. It is not much more than noon, he thought. And the trade wind is rising. The lines all mean nothing now. The boy and I will splice them when we are home.

"Come on, fish," he said. But the fish did not come.

Instead he lay there wallowing now in the seas (вместо этого она лежала там, качаясь на морских волнах; to wallow — качаться на волнах) and the old man pulled the skiff upon to him (и старик подтянул лодку к ней).

When he was even with him and had the fish's head against the bow (когда он поравнялся: «был вровень» с ней, и голова рыбы оказалась прижатой к носу) he could not believe his size (он не мог поверить в ее размеры = удивился, насколько она велика). But he untied the harpoon rope from the bitt (но он отвязал бечеву гарпуна от кнехта), passed it through the fish's gills and out his jaws (продел ее сквозь жабры и челюсти рыбы: «/вывел/ наружу через челюсти»), made a turn around his sword (обмотал лесу вокруг меча) then passed the rope through the other gill (затем продел веревку через другие жабры), made another turn around the bill (сделал еще один моток вокруг меча) and knotted the double rope (и завязал веревку двойным узлом) and made it fast to the bitt in the bow (и привязал к кнехту на носу). He cut the rope then and went astern to noose the tail (затем он обрезал веревку и пошел на корму, чтобы накинуть петлю на хвост). The fish had turned silver from his original purple and silver (рыба из своего первоначального фиолетово-серебристого цвета превратилась в серебристую), and the stripes showed the same pale violet colour as his tail (и полоски были того же бледно-фиолетового цвета, что и хвост: «показывали тот же…»). They were wider than a man's hand with his fingers spread (они были шире, чем мужская рука с растопыренными пальцами) and the fish's eye looked as detached as the mirrors in a periscope (а глаз рыбы был таким же отрешенным, как зеркала в перископе; detach — бесстрастный) or as a saint in a procession (или как у святых в крестном ходе; procession — шествие).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 198 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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