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Воспитательное мероприятие

(Я думал, что пойду в субботу на концерт, но заболел) – Теперь событие, которое должно было произойти в субботу («пойду»), является будущим только в определенный момент в прошлом (когда я думал, что пойду на концерт). При этом нам не важно осуществилось ли это будущее действие или нет. По отношению к моменту речи (сейчас), в любом случае, это событие уже стало прошедшим, поэтому мы будем использовать «future in the past». Его иногда называют «будущее, обозримое из прошлого», что как нельзя лучше объясняет сам принцип употребления этой формы.

Будущее в прошедшем можно образовать, используя любое из будущих времен, но вместо глагола will будет использоваться would:

Название   Схема
Future Simple in the Past Would + глагол (would do) He had a feeling that he would find a better job. Он чувствовал, что найдет работу лучше.
Future Continuous in the Past Would be + глагол с –ing (would be doing) She said that she would be waiting for you at the park. Она сказала, что будет ждать тебя в парке.
Future Perfect in the Past Would have + глагол c –ed/третья форма. He assured me that he would have finishedthe work by the end of the week. Он уверил меня, что закончит работу к концу недели.
Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Would have + been + глагол с –ing. We thought that we would have been waiting for him for an hour when we arrived. Мы думали, что будем ждать его целый час, когда приедем.

В английском языке будущие события можно выражать, не только используя соответствующие «будущие» времена, но и другие конструкции. В таких случаях мы будем использовать эти конструкции в прошедшем, а не в настоящем времени, для того чтобы показать насколько изменились временные отношения между действиями.

Обратите внимание, в данном случае наша цель указать, что событие было будущим, а сейчас оно уже будущим не является.

Present Continuous for future à Past Continuous

(I need to get off early because I am meeting the doctor at 5:30)– Present Continuous of Future

(I got of early off Monday because I was meeting the doctor) – Past Continuous.

Is/are going to à was/were going to

(I’m going to go to Bangkok)

(I was going to Bangkok but I didn’t because of the floods)

Воспитательное мероприятие

“The Independence Day”

Класс: 3-4

Время: 45 мин

Тема внеклассной работы: “The Independence Day”


· Образовательная: Систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Казахстан»;

· Воспитательная: Воспитывать учащихся патриотами своей страны; Поддерживать у школьников интерес к иностранному языку.

· Развивающая: Развивать память, внимание; Формировать навыки общения.

· Практическая: Практиковать в восприятии на слух и понимании иноязычной речи; Практиковать в развитии языковой догадки.

Методы применяемые по внеклассной работе: игровой, метод наглядности, метод тренировки, коммуникативно-познавательный.

Межпредметная связь: пение, русский язык, казахский язык.

Средства обучения: Две небольшие ёлки, рождественские подарки, открытки, игрушки, гирлянды, снежинки, плакаты, цветная бумага, фольга, клей, ножницы, картон, карандаши, фломастеры, задания на карточках для игр.


I. Организационный момент:

Teacher: I am very glad to see you at our lesson. It will held in the form of competition between three teams. You must show what you know about Kazakhstan, its history, culture and famous people. This competition consists of 5 tasks. For each right answer you’ll have 2 points and 1 point for the additional answer.

Now, let me introduce our participants.

II. Основная часть:

What date is it today?

You know that in 2 days on the 16-th of December all people in our country will celebrate a great holiday the Independence Day of Kazakhstan. In 1991 a Declaration about the Independence of Kazakhstan was adopted. 21 years have passed since that memorable date. Now our country has its own flag, anthem and the state emblem. During these years of Independence much had been done for economic and political life of our country.

The theme of our lesson is “Independent Kazakhstan”. Today we’ll speak on different topics about our country.

Working with the text.

What countries does Kazakhstan border on? (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, China, Russia).

We’ll speak about Kazakhstan.

It is one of the biggest countries in the world. This country is situated in Asia. This country is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. The Urals form a natural border between two continents. The population is about 17 million people. The Volga is the longest river. It flows into the Caspian Sea. The main rivers are the Irtysh, the Syr-Dariya, the Ural.

It is a very rich country. It is rich in gold, silver and other minerals. This country is rich in natural resources: coal and iron, copper and ore, oil and gas can be found on its territory. But this land is rich in golden wheat too; it gives people rice, apples, cotton and grapes, which are grown in the south.

One of its symbols is the national flag. The flag of this country combines 2 colours: blue and yellow, which symbolize values common to all mankind. The flag has three wide stripes on it. The stripes are white, blue and red. The native inhabitants are the Kazakhs, but the representatives of more than 100 nationalities and ethnic groups live in this country. The other symbol of this country is the birch tree.

The capital is Astana. The capital of this country is Moscow. It is more than 800 years old. It was founded in 1830 as a fortress.

There are many famous people in this country. We can name many people who are known all over the world. In America, in Europe and Asia people read novels by A.Chekhov, L.Tolstoy, F.Dostoyevsky. Everybody knows famous scientists such as D.Mendelleyev. People of the country are proud of their outstanding writers such as A.Kunanbayev, G.Musrepov, M.Auezov, a famous scientist, traveler and geographer Ch.Valikhanov, and a famous akyn D.Dzhabayev.

When foreign guests leave this country they usually say that people in this country are open, kind and very hospitable.


1й тур викторины «Пословицы»

Teacher: Please, take these cards with English, Russian, Kazakh proverbs and match them.

1. Everything is good in its season.

Всему своё время.

Әр нәрсенін өз уақыты бар

2. A cat in gloves catches no mice.

Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.

Еңбегіне қарай- өнбегі

3. Business before pleasure.

Сделал дело- гуляй смело.

Бейнет түбі зейнет

4. East or West, home is best.

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Өз үйім кең сарайдай боз үйім

5. First think, then speak.

Слово- не воробей, вылетит- не поймаешь.

Айтылғансөз атылған оқпен тең

3. 2й тур викторины «Полиглот»

Teacher: Put the missing word in the Russian, English languages, please.

1. Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что ты можешь _____ (сегодня, today)

2. Нет дыма без ____ (огня, fire)

3. Горбатого ____ исправит. (могила, tomb)

4. Куй железо, пока ____ (горячо, hot)

5. На вкус и ____ товарищей нет. (цвет, colour)

6. Встречают по ____, провожают по уму. (одежке, clothes)

4. 3й тур викторины «Ответь на вопросы»

Teacher: Please, look at the blackboard. There is a table with the numerals. You should choose a numeral and answer the question.

1. When do we celebrate the Independence Day? (on the 16th of December)

2. Who is the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (President Nursultan Nazarbaev)

3. What is the official language in Kazakhstan? (the Kazakh language)

4. When did Astana become the capital of our Motherland? (on the 10th of December in 1997)

5. Who is the author of the State flag of Kazakhstan? (Shaken Nijazbekov)

6. What is the symbol of peace on the State Flag of our Republic? (the sun)

7. What the biggest river in our country? (the Irtysh)

8. What is the popular national holiday in Kazakhstan? (Nauryz)

9. Who is the first Kazakh cosmonaut? (Tohtar Aubakirov)

10. When was the last Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted? (on the 30th of August in 1995)

11. Who translated works of Pushkin, Lermontov and Tolstoy from Russian into Kazakh? (Abay Kunanbaev)

12. What is national currency of Kazakhstan? (tenge)

5. 4й тур викторины «Составь предложения»

Teacher: Please, put these words in the right order, make up sentences and translate them.

1. The / country/ nations/ in/ Kazakhstan/ where is live many peace/

(Kazakhstan is the country where many nations live in peace.)

Казахстан- страна, где живут в мире люди многих национальностей.

2. Independence/ the/ flag/ eagle/ of/ symbol/ the steppe/ national/ the on /is/ Kazakhstan/ of/

(The steppe eagle on the national flag of Kazakhstan is the symbol of Independence.) Символ независимости- степной орел на национальном флаге Казахстана.

3. In/ was/ 1830/ Sary-Arka/ founded/ the/ of/ Astana/ in/ steppes/

(Astana was founded in 1830 in the steppes of Sary- Arka.)

Астана была основана в 1830 году в степях Сары-Арки.

6. 5й тур викторины «Знаменитые личности Казахстана»

Teacher: Please, listen to me and guess who are these people?

1. He is a great poet, a founder of Kazakh Literature. He finished medresse.

He started writing poetry at school. He was born in Semipalatinsk region in the rich family. (Abay Kunanbaev)

2. He was a writer, one of the founders of Kazakh Soviet Literature.

In 1928 he graduated from the faculty of History and Philology of Lenindrad University. The most famous of his works is the novel “Abay”.

(Mukhtar Auezov)

3. He learned to read and write, studied Literature and Arabic languages in private

Kazakh school. He graduated from the Omsk Military college in 1853.

He communicated with such famous Russian persons as Potanin, Annensky, Semenov- Tianshansky, Dostoevsky. (Tchocan Valihanov)

III. Подведение итогов:

Teacher: Dear friends! Our competition is over. Let see at our results. I

congratulate the winner of today’s competition. You’ve worked hard today. Tell me, what new facts have you learnt from the lesson?

Thank you for the lesson. Good-buy! I wish you success and good luck!

Приложение 1:

1. Everything is good in its season.

Всему своё время.

Әр нәрсенін өз уақыты бар

2. A cat in gloves catches no mice.

Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.

Еңбегіне қарай- өнбегі

3. Business before pleasure.

Сделал дело- гуляй смело.

Бейнет түбі зейнет

4. East or West, home is best.

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Өз үйім кең сарайдай боз үйім

5. First think, then speak.

Слово- не воробей, вылетит- не поймаешь.

Айтылғансөз атылған оқпен тең

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 155 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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