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B) Find synonyms for the words in italics

c) What is the difference between such words as: goal, aim, objective; task; purpose.

8. Fill in the blanks and translate the sentences:

1. Management is based on... and today we can say that it is....

2. The owner of a sole proprietorship may be the only... in the organization.

3. Management is the process of coordinating the resources of the organization to achieve the... of the organization.

4. Managers are concerned with four types of....

5. Material resources are... resources.

6. Human resources are perhaps the most... resources.

7. To keep employees content, a variety of... are used.

8. A large bank... and... money.

9. External environment is changing so rapidly that an organization that does not adapt will probably not....

10. Companies are finding it increasingly important to gather... about their …

11. Managers must coordinate the complex group of specific re­sources to produce... and....

9. Translate into English:

1. Менеджмент основан на научных теориях и представляет собой процесс координации ресурсов организации для достижения организационных целей.

3. Менеджеры связаны с четырьмя видами ресурсов: материальными, финансовыми, людскими и информаци­онными.

4. Наиболее важными ресурсами любой организации являются ее людские ресурсы.

5. Ряд стимулов помогают служащим работать успешно.

6. Материальные ресурсы – это материалы, из которых из­готовлена продукция, а также оборудование, используе­мое для ее производства.

7. Финансовые ресурсы – это фонды, которые использует организация для выполнения своих обязательств перед различными кредиторами.

8. Внешнее окружение, включая экономику, потребительс­кие рынки, технологию, политику и культурные факторы, изменяется очень быстро.

9. Организация, которая не приспосабливается к внешнему окружению, как правило, не выживает.

10. You’ve misheard the information. Make it more exact, putting questions:

Example: A: A good management style is a blend of both efficiency and effectiveness.

B: What is a good management style?

1. The verb ‘manage’ comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle — especially tools), which in turn derives from the Latin manus (hand).

2. Motivation is also a kind of basic function of management, because without motivation, employees cannot work effectively.

3. A good environment and team spirit is required within the business.

4. Demand for project management educational and academic programs is growing.

11. Match the terms and their definitions:

1. management a) a fixed regular payment made by an employer, often monthly, for professional or office work as opposed to manual work;
2. employee b) an aim or object;
3. assembly line c) companies who are trying to sell similar goods or services to the same people;
4. goal d) the control and organizing of a business or other organization;
5. employer e) a sum of money charged for teaching by a college or university;
6. salary f) a printed or written statement of the money owed for goods or services;
7. bill g) a person who is hired to work for another or for a business, firm, etc., in return for payment;
8. competitor h) a person or organization that employs people;
9. tuition i) money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments;
10. income j) a sequence of machines, tools, operations, workers, etc., in a factory, arranged so that at each stage a further process is carried out.

12. a) Fill in the gaps with the words from the box and translate the text:

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