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Some Recommendations

1. Don’t allow yourself to use gestures, make yourself finish the formulations commenced, learn to express feelings and emotions in words. The weak points, disability to speak correctly in a difficult situation, in the first turn, will be revealed at once. The interpreter is a specialist of active speaking in both languages in the situation of increased difficulty, where there is inequality of partners (without knowing language, they are unequal by definition).

2. Having seen your faults and gaps, try to get rid of confused articulation or tongue-tie, begin to train yourselves – this is already a professional approach to work with native language. All language genres should be under your control. Don’t avoid the possibilities, which life gives you. Tell your close more about things seen, read, retell the interesting newspaper materials. Pronounce the toasts and greeting speeches to your close ones and friends. Write letters – both personal and business letters. Try yourselves in a writer’s genre: write stories, memoirs, essays and sketches. All journalist genres will prove useful to you, too, and stand in good stead: reportage, informational brief article, satirical article, essay and feuilleton. Try to read all the press and periodicals, which fall into your hands, but it is better to read strong reliable editions with proper language.

3. Learn your native language as a foreign one! Study on an everyday basis a new text (marriage announcement, sportive information about football match, instruction to an iron). Soon you will notice how your language will be enriched and how your confidence will grow. “Try to find captious, faultfinding, controllers: if your relatives and friends become your first listeners it will even entertain them and develop at the same time” Alekseeva I. says.

Watch TV attentively, including satellite programs. Let the trained voice and language of the TV and radio program presenter serve as a model or standard for you. Work actively over the material: you may take notes, write down frequent figures of speech, and create a topical card file.

4. “Shadow repetition” of the speech of the Ukrainian radio or television announcer will become a subsidiary exercise in mastering the mechanism of simultaneous interpretation.

One more specific reason why intensive mastering native language is so much necessary for the interpreter. It’s easier for the interpreter to interpret into foreign language than into native one: the active vocabulary of foreign language often appears broader than that of the native. It seems paradoxical: the knowledge of native language is always more fundamental, comprehension of language is keener and deeper, hence the interpretation should be more diverse, variable, nevertheless, if the greater part of this knowledge exists in a passive stock, it complicates the process of choosing and slows the interpretation down – this is the so called the redundancy ballast or dead weight, which complicates the resolving of the task of adequate interpretation. From this it follows that the interpreter needs his native language in active form – the interpreter should understand it and strive to achieve this goal.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 213 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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