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How to translate put offand put on into Ukrainian?

A British friend of Business Spotlight tells us his thoughts about living in Ukraine. In the story he uses two phrasal verbs 'put off' and 'put on' in different contexts. In brackets you will find translations of these verbs. You will be amazed at how distinct the meanings are.

When I thought about coming to Ukraine, I was put off the idea (мене не приваблювала ця ідея) by the fact that the winters are so cold. Indeed, in my first winter I often found that my freezing fingers put me off (відволікають від) the work I was trying to do. In fact, when I was working from home I would just go to bed and put off (відкладав) finishing the job I was doing until the next day. Also, my lack of Russian or Ukrainian language didn't help. Once, I asked the minibus driver to put me off (висадити) at a particular station but he forgot and I finished up not knowing where I was. Yet I couldn't put the blame on (звинувачувати) anyone but me, as it was my decision to come here.

However, things began to get better when I discovered a love of Ukrainian music. I bought some DVDs and I used to put them on (слухати) to cheer me up whenever I felt depressed. Things really began to improve when I started sampling Ukrainian food and since then I have put on (набрав) a lot of weight. That shows I am not just putting it on (я не обманюю) when I say, 'I love borsch!' Even fast food is great. I just put on (одягаю) a jacket and race down to my favourite cafe.

And the people are really friendly. When I am on the phone and they realise I can't speak the lingo, they readily put me on (з’єднують) to someone who can. Even more than that, my colleagues are immensely helpful. Next month we have a promotion for our new service and lots of them have offered to help put it on (підготувати).

Honestly! It's absolutely true. I know how important cultural adjustment is to our whole well-being and so I'm not just trying to put you on (обманювати). I am not a betting man. I don't put money on (роблю ставки, закладаюся) horses but I bet if you give it time, it will all come good, and you too, will put people on (познайомити) to other countries' secret life.

3. In the text below with tips lor successful meetings you will find various word combinations using the word " take ". Their translations into Ukrainian tollow in brackets.

It is easy to take a dislike to (невзлюбити) being stuck in badly managed meetings as well asin traffic jams.Although traffic jams are often taken for granted (безсумнівно визнавати). Ineffective meetings can take a lot out of anyone (відібрати багато енергії) but in fact it doesn't take a lot of doing (нескладно) to plan and manage successful meetings.

Meetings are too often taken as they come (приймати щось таким як воно є). I've taken part (приймати участь) in plenty of meetings where the purpose of the meeting was the meeting itself. Once there, it took a lot of time (віднімати багато часу) to produce only a minimum of new ideas and almost no action.

Meetings will fail to take (бути успішним, вдатися) unless we understand that they are not the destination but a tool used in order to reach strategic objectives or organizational destinations.

We should take (сприймати) meetings as a means to an end. It enables us to take the driver's seat (взяти віжки управління в свої руки) and focus our attention on the results we want to achieve and take the necessary action (починати діяти) to achieve them. This.equires taking some steps (приймати деякі заходи) such as deciding on the appropriate structure of a meeting, choosing a competent chairperson and determining the key participants in order to take advantage of (скористатися перевагою) the time and energy participants contribute. Only taking all this into account (приймати все це до уваги), can we achieve the desired results.

The success of meetings is limited only by our understanding of their purpose and our ability to plan and manage them.

4. In the text below with tips for effective time management you will find various word combinations using the word " put ". Their translations into Ukrainian follow in brackets.

Prioritization or making a list of priorities is the first step towards effective time management. It makes us aware that there are many non-essential things that we waste our time on, and consequently really important things like family, hobbies and mental stimulation can be neglected. A large number of us tend to put mental health aside (надавати менше значення, применшувати) and think only about work or business, thereby forgetting that other things make life more interesting and of greater value. So when you are considering your priorities remember to make time for, for example, your family, then move onto other things based on how urgent they are and how much time each is going to tаке. When you are doing this you should know which project or presentation you must put first (розглядати як пріоритет), and organize your time accordingly. Do not try to do things that are of little value and put your delegation skills to work (задіяти вміння делегувати), which can also help you to save time.

Procrastination is a major setback in effective time management and can prevent you from even starting on simple tasks which can easily be dealt with. So do not put off (не відкладати) doing whatever is required of you and do it in аn effective manner. Do not put a lot of energy into (прикладати зусилля) talking over the phone or mulling over the problem because contemplation alone will not achieve your ends. The best way to avoid putting your plans into disarray (зруйнувати плани) is planning and implementing without putting the task off (відкладати) and without letting anything interrupt you. There ought to be specific reasons why we put off (відкладаємо) work, perhaps because there is some kind of complication which needs to be resolved, so think about the process that you would like to follow and put it into practice (застосувати на практиці). Be result-oriented and try to meet your deadlines since that will put you in a good mood (створити гарний настрій), and encourage you to put in more effort (вкладати більше зусиль) and achieve greater success. Promise and give yourself a reward whenever you achieve your goals.

Set goals for yourself which should be flexible so that the moment you miss your first goal you can put it behind you (відкласти) and start attempting to complete your revised first and second goals within the time set for both, because your task or project is now behind schedule. To help you with this you can prepare both daily and weekly plans. Once you have put the things you have to do in order (впорядкувати справи, які треба виконати) you will be able to understand the number of tasks that you have and the way to find time for each one of them.

These are some of the tips that you can use for effective time management but all these can only bear fruit if you work and not just while away time putting on that impression (створювати враження). When you start work and then realize that what you are doing is not that important, do not put it aside (відкладати в сторону) half way since that simply converts the time that you have already spent on it into wasted time. It is always better to finish off work rather than leaving it undone, regardiess of whether it is important or not, because what you put down (записувати) as not very important today may become very important, with an "urgent" flag attached to it, tomorrow or the day after.

5. In the text below about the value of emotional intelligence at work you will find various word combinations using the word " way ". Their translations into Ukrainian follow in brackets.

Some time ago when talking about intelligence, HR managers focused on cognitive aspects, such as memory and problem-solving. However, nowadays this approach has given way to (поступився місцем) emotional intelligence appraisal.

Traditional tests of cognitive intelligence do little in the way of (мають мало спільного з) telling us about what it takes to be successful in life. A high score on an IQ test opens the way to (відкриває можливість до) a better job: EQ by the way (між іншим) is a very good predictor of job performance. Such abilities as being able to handle frustration, control emotions, and get along with other people can certainly help you make your way towards (відкрити дорогу до) promotion.

Psychologists believe that social and emotional abilities one way or another (так чи інакше) are four times more important than IQ in determining professional success and prestige. To put it another way (іншими словами), if you're a scientist, you probably needed a high IQ score to get a doctorate and a job. But having an extra 10 or 15 points of IQ doesn't clear the way (відкривати шлях) to persist in the face of difficulty and to get along well with colleagues and subordinates. In many ways (тою самою мірою) the same is true in other occupations. In one of the studies, new salesmen who were optimists sold 37 per cent more insurance in their first two years than pessimists did.

The ability to manage feelings and handle stress is another useful way to (можливість) find success. Emotional intelligence has as much to do with knowing when and how to express emotion as it does with controlling it.

Empathy is in each and every way (в кожному окремому випадку) a particularly important aspect of emotional intelligence, and researchers have known for years that it contributes to occupational success. People who are besе at identifying others' emotions are more successful in their work as well as in their social lives.

To my way of thinking (як мені здається), as the pace of change increases and the world of work makes ever greater demands on a person's cognitive, emotional, and physical resources, the ability to manage emotion will enable you to make your own way in the world (прокласти собі дорогу в житті).

6. In the dialogue below you can find translations of words with «out-» as a prefix and phrases with «out» as a preposition.

S: Jane, do you have that outline (ескіз, нарис, схема) I asked for last week?

J: Oh, Mr. Shaw. No, I actually went on an out-of-town trip (заміська прогулянка) over the weekend, and I didn't have time.

S: I see. I guess it's a good idea for all of us to experience the great outdoors (побути на лоні природи) sometimes. Perhaps I should think of an outing (заміська прогулянка, пікнік) myself. Well, we need to understand our outflow (відтік грошей, витік) to foreign projects before the week is out (до кінця тижня). Outwardly (зовні) the situation looks nice. Demand is outstripping (перевищує) supply and the outlook (перспектива) for trade is good, but we are out to (намагаємося) capture the local market and there are already enough companies trying to outshine (затьмарити, перевершити) us.

J: I know, Sir. We don't want to be outdone (ми не хочемо, аби нас перевершила) by another company.

S: Correct. We'd be out of favor (в немилості) with all our retail outlets (торгові точки) if that happened. I hope we will outlast (протримаємося довше) our rivals. Can you make sure to include the outlay (витрати) on outdoor advertising (зовнішня реклама) and financial outlook (фінансовий прогноз) in your outline?

J: Yes, of course. All the outgoings (витрати) will be included. I promise to have it in my outbox (приготувати до відправки електронною поштою) by 2pm tomorrow. Will that be enough time?

S: Outstanding (Чудово)! If the figures from last month's meeting aren't outdated (застаріли), I'd say we are due to outperform (перевершити) the competition this year. I know our team was born to outclass (піти далеко вперед), outrival (випередити), outdistance (вирватись уперед), outrun (переганяти), outwit (перехитрити), and outsell (продавати більше, ніж будь-хто)!

J: Well...At least, outtalk (переговорити)... I haven't yet calculated our output tax (вихідний податок) for this month, so I'd say those figures wouldn't give you a realistic outcome (результат) for this month. Better to wait for my outline.

S: That sounds good Jane. By the way, is that a new outfit (вбрання, костюм)? It looks good.

J.: Thanks, Mr. Shaw.

7. In the text below about how to behave during an interview you will find various idioms using the word " go ". Their transitions into Ukrainian follow in brackets.

· Be a good listener. From the word go (з самого початку) let your interviewer know that you're listening attentively by nodding, using facial expressions that make you look interested, picking up on key words they've used and asking them to expand on subjects that genuinely interest you. Never interrupt your interviewer and don't let his words go right over your head (не звертати уваги на те, що він говорить; пропускати повз вуха).

· Be honest. If you don't understand a question don't go red in the face (не червонійте), but simply ask for an explanation. If you're faced with something you really are unable to deal with, be truthful about it – honesty is more likely to impress than pretending to have the answer to everything.

· Be consistent. Many interviewers ask the same things in different ways as a means of checking you out. Listen to yourself as well as them and don’t say anything that goes against your principles (протирічить вашим принципам). If you feel you've made a mistake, put things right by saying, “ going back to what I said еаrlier (повертаючить до вищезазначеного) about… what I really meant was…”

· Avoid the temptation to talk too much. If there are awkward silences when you've finished saying what you want, don't fill them with nervous chatter. Some interviewers use silence to see how you'll react. Pass the lead back to them bу pleasantly saying, "Does that answer your question'" or go through the main points again (повторіть головні пункти) – doтєе inundate the interviewer with information they don't need.

· Be aware of your body language. Maintaining eye contact with the interviewer is essential, but don't overdo it – take your cues from (діяти згідно вказівок) the interviewer. It goes without saying that (очевидно, безсумнівно) leaning forward makes you appear attentive and enthusiastic – being slumped conveys boredom оr laziness.

· Be positive. Even if your last job was the pits, if asked for your reasons for leaving, don't let a negative word pass your lips — let good will come out of it. Instead say: “I genuinely enjoyed it as job, but I’m eager to move onto a different challenge and use the skills I’ve gained”. Then go on (продовжуйте) and impress them even more by stating how those skills make the difference.

· If you’re not asked about something that you feel essential, don’t let the opportunity go by (не втрачай нагоди) and raise the subject yourself. This is your one chance, so don’t waste the opportunity.

· If you follow these tips you can’t go wrong (не помилитесь) and interview will come up to your expectations and your dream to get a new job will come true.

8. The word «cut» can be used in many different contexts and expressions in English. Read a text below about how a company can hold its cut in a global market (утримувати свою долю) and find Ukrainian translations of such expressions.

For a company to remain competitive in today's market, it is important to be at the cutting edge (передовий край) of its field, using new technology, strategies and an open mind regarding change. The most significant changes in business have been caused, of course, by globalisation. If we cut out the details (прибрати, пропустити деталі), in general the situation looks like this: these days it is no longer possible for a medium-sized company to cut itself off from (відгородитися від) the rest of the world, as the rest of the world has already come to it.

Any local company's goods or services have to compete with those offered by an international company trying to cut in on (попасти, проникати на) the local market, to take their cut (отримати свою долю) of the opportunities for profit and of course to cut out their rivals (витіснити суперників). Larger multi-national companies are ready for cut and thrust (сутичка). In fact, they are a cut above (на голову вище) local companies because they can take more risks than family businesses as failure in one area can be compensated by another. Smaller companies of course do not have this level of security. It’s no surprise then, that competition has become more cut throat (запеклий, жорстокий) and causes such a high level of stress that many people find they are not cut out for this work (вони не створені для цієї роботи) and even sometimes cut their connection with (розривати стосунки з) the world of business.

While fifty years ago a typical company had a distinct ‘nationality’, medium to large companies today are more cut and paste (складний, непростий) affairs – skilled employees are recruited from an international labour pool, and various sectors of the company cut across (пересікають) national borders: manufacturing in one country, developing products in another, and marketing in a third.

One of the main reasons for this, of course, is to cut costs (зменшити витрати), by relocating to countries with cheaper labour. A further cost-cutting measure (захід щодо зменшення витрат) is 'downsizing' a company, that is, by cutting back (зменшувати) on labour costs by cutting back the number of employees. But this is only an option if restructuring means a smaller workforce can still maintain the same level of productivity. In some cases, to avoid job cuts (скорочення штату), employers and employees have cut deals (неформально: укладати угоди) where the employee gets job security (at least in the short term), in exchange for accepting a salary cut (зменшення зарплати).

9. How do you say " notice " in Ukrainian?

The most common and basic use of "notice" is as a verb, which is translated as помітити or звернути увагу: "Really? I hadn't noticed." – "Правда? A я й не помітив(-ла)".

As a noun, "notice" often refers to the advance warning employees give to their employers – or vice versa – before ending a working relationship. In Ukrainian, one speaks of строк подання заяви про звільнення here "I have to give two weeks' notice." — "Мені потрібно подати заяву про звільнення за два тижні". We also use the phrase "hand in one's notice" (подати заяву про звільнення). In this sense of advance warning, "notice" is also used in the phrases "at short notice" ('I had to cancel the appointment at short notice" – "Я змушений був терміново відмінити зустріч") and "until further notice" (аж, надалі до подальшого повідомлення).

A notice is also a written public announcement, such as a no-smoking notice, and it is best translated as вивіска, знак, оголошення "I'm sorry, this is a no-smokmg area: didn't you see the notice?" – "Це зона для тих, хто не палить, ви не бачили знак?" The place in а company where notices are displayed is called a "notice- board" (дошка для оголошень).

10. How do you say " meet " in Ukrainian?

The verb "meet" is commonly used to mean "get together to discuss work topics". In this sense it is translated as " провести нараду, зустріч ": "When are meeting today?" – " На котру годину призначено сьогоднішню зустріч?"

It is also used to mean "get to know someone for the first time" and is translated as знайомитись "Where did you meet her?" – "Де ви з нею познайомилися?"

"Meet" is often used in the sense of "pick up", in which case it is translated as зустріти "I will meet you at the airport." — "Я зустріну вас в аеропорту".

We also use " meet " in the sense of " arrange to see someone ": "I can't make it this evening; I'm meeting someone for dinner." This is best translated into Ukrainian as домовитись з кимось or зустрітись з ким-небудь "Сьогодні ввечері я не можу цього зробити, я домовився (-лась) на вечерю".

In numerous collocations, "meet" is used in the sense of " fulfil ". "Meet expectations" is translated as виправдати очікування, "meet (a) demand" as задовольнити попит, "meet sb’s demands" as задовольнити чиїсь потреби, "meet certain conditions" as відповідати певним умовам, "meet a deadline" as завершити роботу в строк, "meet a claim" as задовольнити претензію and "meet a bill" as погасити рахунок.

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