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Mass media and racism

Mass media has played a large role in the way white Americans perceive African-Americans. The media focus on African-American in the contexts of crime, drug use, gang violence, and other forms of anti-social behavior has resulted in a distorted and harmful public perception of African-Americans. African-Americans have been subjected to oppression and discrimination for the past few hundred years. According to Stephen Balkaran in his article Mass Media and Racism, "The media has played a key role in perpetuating the effects of this historical oppression and in contributing to African-Americans' continuing status as second-class citizens". This has resulted in an uncertainty among white Americans as to what the genuine nature of African-Americans really is. Despite the resulting racial divide, the fact that these people are undeniably American has "raised doubts about the white man's value system".

Organize a debate.

Suggested statements are:

1. Mass media should be censored.

2. A successful journalist never takes ethical issues into consideration.

3. Press isn’t the 4th power, it’s the first and foremost.

4. Everything is as good as you perceive it.

5. There is no racist problem in a contemporary society – it’s extinct.

Half of the students should take a “pro”-position, supporting this statement, the other half should stick to “contra”-position, supporting the opposite viewpoint. Then, with pre-prepared arguments the sides should debate. There may be two judges to see who was more convincing and accurate in argumentations and announce the winner.

Professions involving mass media:

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 332 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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