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Replacement of Syndeton by Asyndeton

In English and Ukrainian coordination may be expressed by both syndetic and asyndetic ways; again for Ukrainian (oral colloquial), asyndetic way is more typical than for English. This fact is reflected in frequent replacement of syndetic type of connection by asyndetic in translating from English:

So I opened my suitcases and took out a clean shirt, and then I went in the bathroom and washed and changed my shirt.

Я відкрив валізи, витягнув чисту сорочку, пішов у ванну, помився й переодягнувся.

In the source sentence copulative conjunction and is used four times, in Ukrainian – only one, at the last member of enumeration.

After I made the date with old Sally, I got out of bed and got dressed and packed my bag.

Домовився з Саллі, потім встав, одягнувся, склав валізу.

In English sentence three conjunctions (after and 2 and) are used, in Ukrainian — none (conjunction after is replaced byadverb потім).

It was hot as hell and the windows were all steamy.

Спека була нестерпна, всі вікна запітніли.

All you do is make a lot of dough, and play golf, and play bridge, and buy cars, and drink martinis, and look like a hot-shot.

Будеш просто гнати монету, грати в гольф, у бридж, купувати машини, пити сухі коктейлі й ходити таким собі півнем.

In translation from Ukrainian into English, on the contrary, asyndeton in most cases is replaced by syndeton:

І сушені вишні тоді були м’які, соковиті, солодкі, духмяні (Чехов. Вишневий сад).

The dried cherries were soft, and juicy, and sweet, and sweet-smelling then.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 254 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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