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Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion. Expand on the following points concerning the verbal con­structions/complexes:

Expand on the following points concerning the verbal con­structions/complexes:

1. The for-to-infinitive construction/complex, its functions in the sentence and ways of rendering its meanings into Ukrainian.

2. The objective with the infinitive constructions/complexes, their functions in the sentence and ways of translating them into Ukrainian.

3. The subjective with the infinitive constructions/complexes, their functions in the sentence and ways of rendering their meaning in Ukrainian.

4. Ways of rendering the meaning of English word-groups with prepositive and postpositive present and past participles into Ukrainian.

5. Ways of translating the objective with the present and past participle constructions/complexes into Ukrainian.

6. Ways of translating the subjective with the present/past par­ticiple constructions into Ukrainian.

7. Define the nature and structural forms of the nominative abso­lute participial constructions and give all possible ways of rendering their meanings into Ukrainian.

8. Give examples of Ukrainian semantic equivalents rendering the meanings of the English nominative absolute participial construc­tions in the sentence.

9. Give examples of the verbal and nominal functions of the active and passive gerund in English sentences and offer your ways of faithful rendering of these functional meanings into Ukrainian.

10. Give examples of different functions of gerundial complexes
in the sentence and offer your ways of rendering them into Ukrainian.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 446 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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