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Suggested Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion. I. The structural peculiarities of the word-combinations referred to as asyndetic substantival/noun clusters

I. The structural peculiarities of the word-combinations referred
to as asyndetic substantival/noun clusters.

2.The principle of identifying the number of componental parts in asyndetic substantival clusters.

3. The correlation between the position of N components and their functional significance in asyndetic substantival clusters.

4. The structural forms of the adjunct and head components in asyndetic substantival clusters.

5. The nature/kind of syntactic connection existing between the components of asyndetic substantival clusters.

6. Factors predetermining the approaches to equivalent render­ing of meanings of two-componental (NN) substantival clusters into Ukrainian.

7. Ways of faithful expressing the meaning of the two-componental asyndetic noun clusters with extended/expanded ad­juncts or heads of the NP+NP (noun phrase+noun phrase) type.

8. Approaches to rendering the meanings of the two-componental NN substantival clusters preceded by an attributive adjective, participle, pronoun, numeral or adverb.

9. Approaches to conveying the meanings of the two-componental NN asyndetic substantival clusters with attributes to the adjunct and to the head component (ANAN, ANQN, etc.).

10. The influence of semantic relations between the compo­
nents of the asyndetic substantival clusters over the choice of an
approach to a faithful rendition of their meanings.

II. Ways of extending two-componental asyndetic substanti­
val clusters by adding adjuncts to each NN component.

12. The consecutive order of translation in the three-componental
asyndetic substantival clusters of the N+NN and NN+N types.

13. The approach to rendering the meaning of the three-componental NNN asyndetic noun clusters preceded by attributive adjectives, participles, pronouns, numerals or adverbs.

14. The approaches to faithful translating of the four-, five- and more componental asyndetic substantival clusters with and without the preceding attributes to their component nouns.

15. The way of rendering the meaning of semantically condensed two-, three-, and more componental asyndetic substantival clusters.

16. The structure of the word-combinations preferred in spoken English and in belles-lettres works instead of the multi-componental asyndetic substantival clusters.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 575 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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