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Suggested Topics for Self-Control and Class Discussion

1. The main terms and notions of the theory of translation/inter­pretation.

2. Ambiguity of some terms concerning translation (free trans­lation vs. free adaptation/free interpretation, etc.).

3. Social and political significance of translating/interpreting.

4. Translating as a successful means of enriching national lan­guages, literatures, and cultures.

5. Translating/interpreting in establishing, maintaining, and strengthening diplomatic, political, economic, scientific, cultural and other relations between different nations in the world.

6. The role of translating/interpreting in providing the successful proceedings of international conferences, congresses, symposia, meet­ings, etc.

7. Translating/interpreting and the progress of world science, technology and dissemination of new ideas/doctrines.

8. Translating/interpreting while teaching and learning foreign languages.

9. Literal, verbal, word-for-word translation and restrictions in their use out of a contextual environment (cf. revolution оберт but not революція).

10. The main difference between the interlinear and literary/
literary artistic kinds of translating.

11.The requirements to faithful prose and poetic translation/ver­sification.

12. The machine translation, its progress, present-day potenti­alities and spheres of employment.

13. Kinds of translating/interpreting: a) the written from a writ­ten matter translating; b) the oral from an oral matter interpreting; c) the

oral from a written matter interpreting; d) the written translating from an orally presented matter.

14. Ways and devices of translating (descriptive and antonymic



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