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Lighting System. • Insert the new bulb by aligning the pins [A] with the grooves [B] in the walls of the socket so that the pin closest to the bulb base is to the upper right

• Insert the new bulb by aligning the pins [A] with the grooves [B] in the walls of the socket so that the pin closest to the bulb base is to the upper right. Turn the bulb clockwise pushing it into the bulb base.

Tail/Brake Light Lens Removal/Installation

• Be careful not to overtighten the lens mounting screws.

Turn Signal Light Bulb Replacement

• Refer to the Tail/Brake Light Bulb Replacement section.
OBe careful not to overtighten the lens mounting screws.

Turn Signal Relay Inspection

• Remove the right side cover (see Side Cover Removal in the Frame chapter).

• Connect one 12V battery and turn signal lights as indi­cated in the figure, and count how many times the lights flash for one minute.

Turn Signal Relay [A] Turn Signal Lights [B] 12V Battery [C]

If the lights do not flash as specified, replace the turn sig­
nal relay.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 167 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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