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Coolant Deterioration Inspection

• Visually inspect the coolant in the reservoir tank.

OIf whitish cotton-like wafts are observed, aluminum parts in the cooling system are corroded. If the coolant is brown, iron or steel parts are rusting. In either case flush the cooling system.

OIf the coolant gives off an abnormal smell, check for a cooling system leak. It may be caused by exhaust gas leaking into the cooling system.

Coolant Level Inspection

• Referto the Coolant Level Inspection in the Periodic Main­
tenance chapter.

Coolant Draining

• Referto the Coolant Change in the Periodic Maintenance

Coolant Filling

• Referto the Coolant Change in the Periodic Maintenance

Visual Leak Inspection Any time the system slowly loses water, inspect for leaks.

• Check the water pump body drainage outlet passage [A] for coolant leaks.

• If the mechanical seal is damaged, the coolant leaks through the seal and drains through the passage. Re­place the mechanical seal.

• If there are no apparent leaks, pressure test the system.

Cooling System Pressure Testing

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 152 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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