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Air Cleaner

Fuel Tank Bracket [A] Air Cleaner Ducts Breather Tube Air Suction Valve Hose

Remove the air cleaner housing [A].


Air Cleaner Housing Installation

• Air cleaner housing installation is the reverse of removal.

Air Cleaner Draining

A drain hose [A] is provided beneath the air cleaner hos­ing, and catches the water or oil from the bottom of the hose. Usually water or oil does not collect at the bottom of the hose. In the event that rain water is drawn in through the air cleaner, or if engine oil is blown back, drain the housing.

• Check the drain hose.

• If any water or oil accumulates in the hose, drain it by pinching the lower end [B] of the drain hose.

• Be sure to install the plug firmly, or the air will be drawn in through it.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 186 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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