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Uses Examples
1. Before plural nouns: My friends are students.
2. Before abstract nouns except when they are used in a particular sense: Men fear death. but: The death of the Prime Minister left his party without a leader.
3. After a noun in the possessive case, or a possessive adjective: the boy’s uncle = the uncle of the boy It is my (blue) book = The (blue) book is mine.
4. Before names of meals: The Scots have porridge for breakfast. but: The wedding breakfast was held in her father’s house.
5. Before names of games: He plays golf.
6. Before parts of the body and articles of clothing, as these normally prefer a possessive adjective: Raise your right hand. He took off his coat.
7. When home is used alone, i.e. is not preceded or followed by a descriptive word or phrase: He is at home. He went home. I arrived home after dark. I sent him home.
8. Before the nouns: bed, church, court, hospital, prison, school/college/university, when these places are visited or used for their primary purpose. We can be/get back from school/college/university. We can leave school, leave hospital, be released from prison. But: When these places are visited or used for other reasonsthe is necessary. We go: to bed to sleep; to church to pray; to court as litigants; to hospital as patients; to prison as prisoners; to school/college/university to study; similarly we can be: in bed, sleeping or resting; at church as worshippers; in hospital as patients; at school as students. Sometimes he goes to the prison to give lectures.
9. work = place of work. He is at work. He’s on his way to work.
10. We go to sea as sailors. To be at sea = to be on a voyage (as passengers or crew). But to go to or be at the sea = to go to or be at the seaside. We can also live by/ near the sea.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 223 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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