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Trade or Commerce?

The words “trade” and “commerce” are very similar, but they are not completely interchangeable.

Academically the word “trade” is much more used than “commerce”, at least in the field of Economics. Literal meaning of “trade” is “to give something and take another thing for your giving”; commerce means “trading things with money.”

Commerce is a very wide process in which commodities are traded, transported, exchanged etc., whereas trading is limited to buying and selling.

Commerce refers to the field wherever something is “commercialised” or money involved as a charge for some kind of a product or service. Commerce functions as the central mechanism which drives capitalism and certain other economic systems.

A quasi-official body in the U.S. is the “Chamber of Commerce.” It is an association of local businesses, but oddly enough a certificate from this body is accepted in international trade as proof that a product came from that community. We wouldn’t call this body the “Chamber of Trade.”

The collection of shops and businesses in our downtown areas are often called the “commercial centre”, but we wouldn’t call them the “trade centre.”

We say, “That business is doing a good trade in shoes (or some product.)” We wouldn’t say, “That business is doing a good commerce in shoes.”

At the same time, business done with other countries can be “International Trade” or “International Commerce.”

“Trade” usually means retailing, whereas “commerce” is a synonym of “wholesale trade.”

Vocabulary and Cultural Notes:

1. academically [ֽækə`demıkəli] – в академічних, наукових колах;

2. charge (for sth.) [t∫α:G] – плата; ціна; витрати; занесення в рахунок;

3. quasi-official [`kweızaı ə`fı∫əl] – напівофіційний;

4. Chamber of Commerce [`t∫eımbə əv `kOmə:s] – торговельна палата (громадська організація у формі об’єднання торговельно-промислових кіл певного регіону (міста, країни, групи країн і т.п.), яка сприяє розвитку торгівлі та промисловості);

5. oddly enough [`Odli ı`nAf] – як це не дивно;

6. downtown [ֽdaun`taun] – амер. ділова частина міста;

7. to do a good trade (in sth.) – успішно торгувати.

Task 3. a) The words below frequently occur in front of “COMMERCE”.

b) Which of the above word combinations can be translated as:

1. зовнішня торгівля;

2. внутрішня торгівля;

3. електронна торгівля;

4. торгівля всередині штату, внутрішня торгівля штату (торговельна діяльність в межах одного штату);

5. морська торгівля (торговельна діяльність, яка ґрунтується на морських перевезеннях товарів, що продаються);

6. пасивна торгівля (зовнішня торгівля, за якої товари перевозяться транспортними організаціями інших країн); товари, які імпортуються / експортуються країною на кораблях, які орендуються в іншої країни;

7. активна торгівля (міжнародна торгівля, за якої експортні товари перевозяться транспортними організаціями країни-експортера, а імпортні – країни-імпортера);

8. торгівля між штатами (форма внутрішньої торгівлі в США, що підпорядковується законам, які видаються Конгресом США у відповідності з Конституцією, на відміну від внутрішньо штатної торгівлі, яка регулюється законами й інструкціями, що видаються відповідними штатами)?

c) Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Charles III (1716-1788) improved Spain’s position as an international power by increasing foreign trade, and he brought a brief cultural and economic revival to Spain. 2. Ireland has a centuries-long history of maritime trade with Great Britain. 3. Passive commerce is commerce in which goods being exported or imported by one country are transported by another country. 4. E-commerce has completely changed the way we buy goods and services. 5. Interstate commerce is moving commercial goods from one U.S. state to another. 6. In the United States intrastate or domestic commerce is trade that occurs solely within the geographic borders of one state. 7. Active commerce is an important part of international trade.

Task 4. a)To trade” is a phrasal verb. Study the following phrases.

1. to trade in – to surrender or sell (an old or used item), using the proceeds as partial payment on a new purchase. If you trade in an old car or appliance, you give it to the person you are buying a new one from so that you pay less;
2. to trade on – to put to calculated and often unscrupulous advantage; exploit. If someone trades on something, they make use of it for their own advantage, often in an unfair way;
3. to trade up – to trade something in for something else of greater value or price. If someone trades up, they sell something such as their car or their house and buy a more expensive one;
4. to trade down – to trade something in for something else of lower value or price.

b) Translate into Ukrainian.

1. He traded on the credulity of a client.

2. Mini-car owners are trading up to “real” cars.

3. The government is trading on fears of inflation.

4. Richard refused to trade in his old Canon cameras.

5. Children of celebrities often trade on their family names.

6. He was a man who traded on the achievements of others.

7. People will trade down to own brands which are cheaper.

8. I bought a new, smaller car, trading the old one down for economy.

9. The value of our house soared, enabling us to trade up to a larger place.

10. Homeowners will feel more comfortable and they may feel ready to trade up.

11. He had a Rolls-Royce, and he traded it in for two matching silver Range Rovers.

c) In the above sentences find the phrases that mean:

· міняти / продавати що-небудь більш цінне та / або дороге з метою купівлі більш дешевого, наприклад, купувати квартиру з меншою площею після продажу квартири з більшою площею;

· віддавати стару річ (автомобіль і т.п.) в рахунок купівлі нової; міняти з доплатою – використовувати якийсь товар (як правило, старий та такий, що був у використанні) як часткову оплату нового товару;

· зіграти (на чомусь); спекулювати; обманути, скористатися чиєсь довірливістю;

· продавати або купувати за більшу ціну; переконувати купити за вищою ціною; міняти / продавати дешевшу річ з метою купівлі більш дорогої;

Task 5. a) Study the definitions of the following words paying attention to the underlined words.

product · товар; те, що вироблено людиною; · продукт, виріб, фабрикат (предмет, створений людиною, машиною або природою; найчастіше маються на увазі предмети, створені з метою продажу); · продукція; виробіток; · продукт, обсяг продукції (кількість вироблених товарів / послуг); · результат, продукт (підсумок якої-небудь діяльності); · артефакт.
commodity · товар, продукт, предмет споживання, продукт для продажу (предмет, з яким можуть здійснюватися операції купівлі-продажу; як правило, маються на увазі однорідні товари, які купуються і продаються великими партіями, особливо сировинні товари та сільськогосподарська продукція); · щось цінне, корисне.
goods · вироби; · товар, товари (матеріальні рухомі продукти виробництва, які призначені для продажу); · матеріали; · речі, майно (усі рухомі предмети, які комусь належать); · багаж, вантаж (загальна назва усіх товарів, призначених для перевезення або таких, які перебувають у стані перевезення, на відміну від пасажирів); · рухомість; · докази, які видають злочинця.
merchandise · товари (на відміну від goods, це слово використовується для позначення не сировинних і проміжних товарів (напівфабрикатів) і не корисних предметів (обладнання та витратних матеріалів), а предметів торгівлі; у торгівлі цей термін часто використовують для позначення всього, що продається у магазині).
wares · товар, товари; продукти виробництва; · однорідні вироби (наприклад, глиняні, металеві); · гончарні вироби; кераміка, керамічні вироби; · керамічний посуд.

b) Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B paying attention to the underlined words.

1. goods 2. wares 3. product 4. commodity 5. merchandise a) a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee; a useful or valuable thing; something that is sold for money; b) goods that are bought, sold, or traded; products used to promote a film, pop group, etc., or linked to a fictional character (goods such as records, badges, T-shirts etc, connected with a popular performer or show, and sold at a performance); c) physical things that are produced to be sold, including things that are manufactured or prepared and raw materials; objects that someone owns that can be moved from one place to another; things (not people) that are transported by rail, road, ship etc.; d) goods that someone is selling, especially at a market or on the street; manufactured articles of a specified type; pottery, typically that of a specified type; e) something that is made, grown, or obtained in large quantities so that it can be sold; a thing produced during a natural, chemical or industrial process; a service that people can buy, especially a way of investing or saving money;

Task 6. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. The country is heavily dependent on its exports of agricultural commodities. 2. There have been big rises in commodity prices, especially copper and tin. 3. The company is involved in purchasing rice, flour and other basic commodities. 4. There’s a large variety of consumer goods in the shops. 5. It is a well-known French luxury goods company. 6. New orders for costly manufactured goods are falling. 7. Customers feel more confident about buying goods and services on the Internet. 8. We make more from the merchandise than we do from ticket sales. 9. The supermarket has expanded its range of non-food merchandise. 10. They are selling the official Olympic merchandise. 11. The country’s main products are cocoa and gold. 12. There has been a decline in our exports of manufactured products. 13. The bank is now offering two new financial products. 14. Agents can use the site to sell their wares over the Internet. 15. Vendors displayed their wares in baskets or on the ground.

Task 7. Which phenomenon is being defined? Classify the following items putting a tick in the correct box.

ITEMS goods wares product commodity merchandise
1. A product or a raw material, such as grain, coffee, cotton or metals, that can be bought and sold in large quantities, especially between countries;          
2. objects that someone owns that can be moved from one place to another; BrE heavy articles which can be carried by road, train etc.;          
3. things you can buy that are connected with or that advertise a particular event, organization, film / movie, etc.;          
4. a thing that is manufactured, developed, produced or grown, usually for sale; a person whose character and identity have been formed by a particular period or situation;          
5. articles for sale, usually not in a shop; things that somebody is selling.          

Task 8. a) Study the following words.

Trade / to trade
Торгівля; комерційна діяльність; заняття, ремесло, професія; ходити по магазинам, робити покупки; вести справи, мати справи; обмінювати, міняти;
Service / to service
обслуговування, надання послуг, сервіс; обслуговувати; здійснюваьти технічний огляд; ремонтувати (машини і т.п.); слугувати;
Merchandise / to merchandise
товари; продавати, торгувати; просувати на ринку (товари); рекламувати;
Produce[`prOdju:s]/ to produce [prə`dju:s]
виріб, вироби; продукт, продукція; сільськогосподарські продукти; вихід (виробів); випуск, обсяг випуску; результат, підсумок; виробляти; випускати; викликати, слугувати причиною;
Wholesale / to wholesale
оптова торгівля; продавати оптом, вести оптову торгівлю;
Retail / to retail
роздріб; роздрібний продаж; роздрібний торговець; продавати вроздріб; переказувати, повторювати, поширювати.

b) Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in italics.

1. A new breakfast food can easily be merchandised. 2. About 60% of the fruit is wholesaled, 38% is processed, and 2% is retailed through a roadside market. 3. Almost a quarter of the country’s export earnings go to service a foreign debt of $29 billion. 4. Domestic companies are losing trade to foreign importers. 5. Each product will be wholesaled in lots of 50. 6. Farmers in the vicinity of large towns, may be compared to retail shopkeepers. 7. We should be able to retail most of these products to overseas customers. 8. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas will service our needs for some considerable time to come. 9. Global trade in manufactured goods has increased dramatically. 10. He took his car in for a service. 11. If you decide to return the merchandise, you have 15 days.

12. If your store is well equipped, your pleased customers will buy more merchandise from you than they did before. 13. It has been a bad year for the retail trade. 14. Many people come to the market every day to sell their produce. 15. Local shops offer an astonishing range of merchandise. 16. Mining rose by 9.1%, manufacturing by 9.4% and services by 4.3%. 17. Never try to retail gossip. 18. On our web site, we show the merchandise that we display in our stores. 19. Our aim is to provide better quality of service. 20. Our company manufactures and wholesales knives to the EU. 21. Paper is produced from wood. 22. Retail is the sale of goods directly to the public for their own use. 23. She has traded millions of dollars’ worth of metals. 24. The best product will be ignored if not attractively merchandised. 25. The company can no longer service its debts. 26. Their firm has changed its focus from wholesale to retail. 27. The corporation has just produced a luxury version of the aircraft. 28. The euro has made it easier for European countries to trade with each other. 29. The housewife went to the marketplace to buy some garden produce. 30. The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade. 31. The product retails for around £20 in the local market. 32. The region produces some of the best wine in France. 33. The supermarket has expanded its range of non-food merchandise. 34. The two businesses will continue to trade under their original name. 35. The leaders signed agreements on trade and sporting links. 36. The work was in some degree the produce of their joint efforts. 37. Their efforts produced no results. 38. There has been considerable growth in the service sector. 39. They are middlemen trading in luxury goods. 40. We drive some small retail trade. 41. The firm imports tea and wholesales it to retail stores. 42. They may refuse to trade, even when offered attractive prices. 43. We plan to merchandise Mexican food products in grocery stores. 44. They traded freedom for security. 45. This book retails at $10 overseas. 46. This car model is produced under license. 47. This shop has a reputation for excellent customer service. 48. Ukraine exports its dairy produce to many CIS countries. 49. We aim to provide a first-class service. 50. They are now producing the same quantity of goods with far fewer workers. 51. We can retail our high-quality products direct to the public. 52. They manage to get most of their produce in Britain. 53. Ukraine needs to trade with the EU more. 54. Wholesale is the activity of buying and selling goods in large quantities and, therefore, at cheaper prices, usually to shopkeepers who then sell them to the public. 55. Winter produce will cost more for the next few weeks.

Task 9. Study the function of the following word-building prefixes.

bi- [`baı] di- [`daı] / [dı] multi- [`mAlti] inter- [`ıntə] / [`ın t ər]
дво-; двояко-; бі-; ди-; дво-; багато-; мульти-; між-, поміж-, серед-, внутрішньо-, пере-, взаємо-
1) is used at the beginning of nouns and adjectives that have “two” as part of their meaning; 2) is used to form adjectives and adverbs indicating that something happens twice in a period of time or happens once in two periods of time that follow each other. means “two” or “twice”; is used with some adjectives and nouns. is used to form adjectives indicating that something consists of many things of a particular kind. combines with adjectives and nouns to form adjectives indicating that something connects two or more places, things, or groups of people. For example, inter-governmental relations are relations between governments.

Task 10. Make up as many compounds as it is possible using the prefixes and the stems from the table below. Use your dictionary if it is necessary.

BI- DI- MULTI- INTER- lingualism cultural media lateral lingual million party national

Task 11. Study the following definitions.

1. bi-di [ֽbaı `daı] (bi-directional) [ֽbaıdaıə`rek∫ən ə l] – двонаправлений (термін, який використовують для опису системи письма, наприклад, арабського або єврейського, у якому слова зазвичай пишуться справа наліво, а цифри – зліва направо);
2. biennial [baı`eniəl] – подія, яка відбувається раз у два роки;
3. bi-media – двомедійний, такий, що стосується двох видів засобів масової інформації, особливо радіо та телебачення; працюючий у двох різних засобах масової інформації;
4. bilateral [ֽbaı`lætər ə l] – двосторонній, взаємний;
5. bi-partisan [ֽbaıֽpα:tı`zæn] / [ֽbaı`pα:rtəz ə n] – двопартійний, узгоджений (такий, що під-тримується обома основними партіями, тобто партією при владі та опозицією; у США – такий, що стосується спільного заходу Республіканської та Демократичної партій); міжпартійний (такий, що стосується міжпартійної співпраці);
6. cross-border trade міжн. ек. транскордонна торгівля (форма торгівлі, за якої товари пересуваються з митної території однієї країни на митну територію іншої країни); прикордонна торгівля;
7. cross-Channel – пов’язаний з подоланням Ла-Маншу, особливо на плавзасобах;
8. inter-country project – міждержавний проект; проект за участі двох або більшої кількості країн;
9. inter-industry trade – міжгалузева торгівля (міжнародна торгівля, за якої країни обмінюються продукцією різних галузей; наприклад, Бразилія експортує каву в США і закуповує в США автомобілі);
10. multiskilling – багатопрофільна підготовка (навчання низці спеціальних навичок чи спеціальностей);

Task 12. Study the following words.

  The meaning of bimonthly (and other similar words such as biweekly and biyearly) is ambiguous. Such words can either mean: 1) “occurring or produced twice a month” or 2) “occurring or produced every two months.”   The only way to avoid this ambiguity is to use alternative expressions like every two months and twice a month.

Task 13. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the words in italics.

1. A cross-party committee of MPs was created to work out the draft agreement. 2. A new multilingual radio station is very popular among teenagers. 3. American children are growing up in a multicultural society. 4. Bilingualism is widespread in many countries of the world these days. 5. Cross-border trade occurs between companies in different countries. 6. Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade. 7. Dieppe has plenty to attract cross-Channel visitors. 8. Dioxins are poisonous chemicals that occur as a by-product of the manufacture of certain weed killers and disinfectants. 9. Due to hard work she mastered Arabic and some other bi-di (bi-directional) scripts. 10. Educational reform received considerable bipartisan approval. 11. Every union has its own annual or biennial conference. 12. He has built a multi-million-dollar outfit. 13. She is a bi-media journalist as she is involved in two of the mass communication media – radio and television. 14. In electronics, a diode is a two-terminal junction device. The most common function of a diode is to allow an electric current in one direction and to block the current in the opposite direction. 15. Interactive media, a type of collaborative media, refers to media that allow for active participation by the recipient, hence interactivity. 16. International trade is essential for the maintenance and growth of prosperity in all countries. 17. Interpersonal skills are crucial for managers at all levels. 18. It put me in a difficult moral dilemma. 19. It was a very successful multimedia presentation. 20. Many of the West’s large multinational companies have substantial operations in the poorer African countries. 21. Minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict. 22. Multilateral negotiations resulted in signing a new trade agreement. 23. Multiskilling is the fact that a person is trained in several different jobs, which require different skills. 24. She very much believes that she is living in a bi-cultural society. 25. She’s my other diad (dyad). 26. The bimonthly magazine can be bought by subscription. 27. The conference is dedicated to cross-cultural studies. 28. The USA has developed as a multicultural society. 29. The country needs the introduction of multi-party democracy. 30. The famous bilingual dictionary by Vladimir Karlovich Müller was first issued in 1931. 31. The government is actively controlling cross-border traffic. 32. The group meets on a regular basis, usually weekly or biweekly. 33. The inter-country project got support by some influential international organizations. 34. The parties concluded a bilateral contract. 35. The parties have struck a multimillion-pound deal. 36. The speaker hopes to be able to announce a date for inter-party talks. 37. The stock market is convinced that more cross-border deals will take place. 38. There are several cross-Channel ferries from Dover every day. 39. There are various cross-cultural barriers to business communication. 40. There is a substantial inter-regional trade in petrochemicals of all kinds.

Task 14. Practice reading the following words.

1. to assemble [ə`sembəl] 2. B2C[`bi: tə `si:] 3. bilateral[ֽbaı`lætər ə l] 4. bulk [bAlk] 5. commerce [`kOmə:s] / [`kα:mərs] 6. consumption kən`sAm pən] 7. delivery [dı`lıv ə ri] 8. direct [ֽdaıə`rekt] 9. distribution[ֽdıstrı`bju:∫ən] 10. domestic[də`mestık] 11. either [`aıðə] / [`ı:ðər] 12. end-user [`end ֽju:zə] 13. exportation [ֽekspO:`teı∫ən] 14. to facilitate [fə`sıləteıt] 15. fixed location [`fıkst lə u `keı∫ən] 16. foreign[`fOr ə n] / [`fO:r ə n] 17. frequently [`fri:kwəntli] 18. importation [ֽımpO:`teı∫ən] 19. importer [ım`pO:tə] / [ım`pO:rtər] 20. institutional[ֽıntstı`tju:∫ən ə l] 21. jobbing [`GObıŋ] / [`Gα:bıŋ] 22. kiosk [`ki:Osk] / [`ki:α:sk] 23. machine [mə`∫i:n] 24. mall [mO:l] 25. manufacturing[ֽmænju`fækt∫ ə rıŋ] 26. merchandise [`mə:t∫ ə ndaız] 27. multilateral[ֽmAlti`lætər ə l] 28. necessary [`nesəseri] 29. package[`pækıG] 30. parcel[`pα:səl] 31. physically [`fızıkəli] 32. post [pəust] 33. process [`prəuses] / [`prα:ses] 34. purchaser [`pə:t∫əsə] 35. quantities [`kwOntətiz] / [`kwα:ntətiz] 36. to redistribute [ֽri:dı`strıbju:t] 37. resale [`ri:seıəl] 38. residential[ֽrezı`dentəl] 39. retail[`ri:teıəl] 40. strategy [`strætəGi] 41. subordinated[sə`bO:dıneıtıd] 42. supply chain[sə`plaı `t∫eın] 43. technological [ֽteknə`lOGıkəl] 44. trader [`treıdə] / [`treıdər] 45. user [`ju:zə] 46. vending[`vendıŋ] 47. wholesale[`həulseıəl] 48. within [wıð`ın]

Task 15. Read and translate the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 241 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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