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Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 an important asset - важная особенность.

2 in transit - в пути.

3 a forwarding agent - экспедитор.

4 an unmarked consignment - немаркированный груз.

5 the goods become practically untraceable - товары практически невозможно отследить.

6 through a metal stencil - по металлическому трафарету.

7 weights and dimensions - размеры и вес.

8 both for the owner’s and the carrier’s benifit - в интересах как владельца груза, так и перевозчика.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

React to the statements according to the pattens. Use the words and phrases given below the patterns.


Read and translate the text.

2. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation:

carrier; cargo; assets; hazards; dimensions; transit; pilferage; theft; consignment; consignee; phenomena; acid; proximity; crate; stencil; infuriating; untraceable; forwarding; inflammable; perishable; regular; official; mislaid; distinctive; required

3. Translate the following English collocations:

to make something secure; to handle a problem; to be under regular control; to play the role of identification; to be mislaid; to become untraceable; to reveal excess information about something; to avoid the risk of theft; through a metal stencil; for somebody’s benefit

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 391 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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