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Two, the two; the second, a second

Cardinal numerals always serve as descriptive attributes.

He had refused two invitations to Sunday parties.

If a noun modified by a cardinal numeral is used with the definite article, this is accounted for by the situation or context.

The two days seemed an age to him.

Two means „два”. The two means „ті обидва”.

Ordinal numerals are usually particularizing attributes.

During the second week in October she met him in Oxford Street.

However, when ordinal numerals are not used to indicate order but acquire the meaning of one more or another, the noun they modify is used with the indefinite article.

They must have a third race to decide who the real winner is.

Note 1. The above mentioned rule does not apply to the numeral the first. The com­bination a first night (прем’єра) and a first prize are to be regarded as set phrases.

Note 2. Remember the use of articles in the following patterns with nouns modified by cardinal and ordinal numerals: the third chapter but chapter 3 (three), the fifth page but page 5 (five).

Note 3. An article is not used with ordinal numbers when referring to names of prizes and when listing ideas:

First, lock the door. Second, put the key in a safe place.

First prize in the Olimpics is a gold medal.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 432 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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