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to be in a hurry

to have a mind to do smth

to fly into a passion

to get in a fury/rage

to take a fancy to

in a low voice

in a whisper

a great many (C)

a great deal (U)

It’s a pity/shame/pleasure…

What a pity/shame/pleasure…

all of a sudden

to draw to an end

as a result

to have a good time

to be at a loss

at a glance

as a whole (как единое целое)

a slip of tongue


It’s out of the question.

to take the trouble to do smth

in the original

to play the piano

to keep the house (сидеть дома)

to keep the bed (постельный режим)

on the whole (в целом – вводный оборот)

the other day (+ the other night etc.)

on the one hand… on the other hand…

to tell the truth

to be on the safe side

by the way

to tell the time

in the singular

in the plural

by the dozen/by the hundred

to be on the run

in the distance/depth (without “of”, but: at a distance of 10 miles)

to hold smb. by the hand

to go to the shops


to take to heart

to take offence

to give permission

to lose heart

at present

from morning till night

from head to foot

from beginning to end

from east to west

from side to side

at first sight

by chance

by mistake

for hours

for ages

by land/sea/air/water/train/car etc.

to go to sea (стать моряком)

on deck (the ship)

on board

to keep house (вести хозяйство)

to bear fruit

to come to terms with (1) договариваться; принять условия, пойти на уступки; 2) примириться)

at sunrise/sunset/dawn etc.

at length (1) детально, обстоятельно; с всеми подробностями; 2) наконец, в итоге)

at work

at peace

at war

by name

in debt

in case (of)

to catch sight of

to lose sight of

in search of

to be/stay in touch with

to lose touch with

to take notice of

to set fire to

to set smth on fire

by heart

on sale

on top of smth

hand in hand (but: to take smb by the hand)

arm in arm

to get into trouble.






Издание третье,


и дополненное


Министерством высшего и среднего специального
образования СССР в качестве учебника для студентов институтов и факультетов иностранных языков

Москва «Высшая школа» 1986

ББК 81.2 Англ-923 А 84


кафедра английской филологии Оренбургского государственного педагогического института им. В. П. Чкалова (зав. кафедрой д-р филол. наук Н. А. Шехтман)

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