Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Body Language. From Head to Toe

English has many colloquial expressions to do with the body – from head to toe! Here some of the most common one’s.

To keep your head is to remain calm, but to lose is to panic and do something foolish. If something is above or over your head it is too difficult for you to understand. An egghead is an intellectual, and someone who has their head screwed on is very sensible.

If you split hairs you are very pedantic, but if you don’t turn a hair you are very calm. To be scatterbrained is to be very forgetful, but to have a brain-wav e is to have a very clever idea. If you have something on the brain, you can’t forget it, and if you pick someone’s brains, you talk a problem over with them to see if they have any good ideas.

To pay through the nose is to pay a very high price for something, but if you turn up your nose at something you despise it. If you’re all ears, you listen very attentively, and if you keep your ear to the ground you listen and watch out for signs of future events. To see eye to eye with someone is to agree with them, and if you don’t bat an eye, you show no surprise or excitement.

If you are down in the mouth, you are rather depressed. A stiff upper lip is the traditionally British quality of not showing any emotion in times of trouble. To have your tongue in your cheek is to say one thing and mean something else. To have a sweet tooth is to have a taste for sweet food, and to do something by the skin of your teeth is to just manage to do it.

To stick your neck out is to do something risky or dangerous, and to keep someone at arm’s length is to avoid getting too friendly with them. To be high-handed is to behave in a superior fashion, but to lend someone a hand is to help them. If you have a finger in every pie, you are involved in a lot of different projects, and if you have a green thumb you are very good at gardening. To be all fingers and thumbs is to be very clumsy, and to be under someone’s thumb is to be under their influence. If you have a heart to heart with someone, you have an intimate talk, and if you learn something by heart, you learn it completely. To be half-hearted is to be not very enthusiastic about something, but to be whole-hearted is to be totally committed.

To be thick-skinned is to be insensitive to criticism, but to be thin-skinned is to be oversensitive. If your blood boils, you are furious about something, and if it freezes in your veins, you are terrified. If something puts or gets your back up, it makes you annoyed, but if you put your back into something, you put a lot of effort into it.

If you pull someone’s leg, you tease them, and if you haven’t a leg to stand on, you have no reason or justification for what you do. To put your foot down is to insist on something and to land on your feet is to be very fortunate. To find your feet is to become used to a new situation, but to get cold feet is to become frightened or nervous about something. If you put your foot in it, you say or do something to upset or annoy someone else, and if you tread on someone’s toes you do the same without meaning it.

Exercise 28. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

1. âäàâàòüñÿ â ÷àñòíîñòè, (çàíèìàòüñÿ ëîâëåé áëîõ); 2. âíå (âûøå) ÷üåãî-ëèáî ïîíèìàíèÿ; 3. ãëàçîì íå ìîðãíóòü; 4. íè÷óòü íå ñìóòèòñÿ; 5. èìåòü ãîëîâó íà ïëå÷àõ; 6. èíòåëëåêòóàë (îòâëå÷åííî ìûñëÿùèé); 7. èñïóãàòüñÿ òàê, ÷òî âîëîñû ñòàëè äûáîì; 8. ëåãêîìûñëåííûé, âåòðåíûé; 9. ïðèñâàèâàòü ÷óæèå èäåè; 10. ðàñòåðÿòüñÿ; 11. ñîõðàíÿòü ñïîêîéñòâèå; 12. ñòðàñòíî óâëåêàòüñÿ ÷åì-ëèáî; 13. ñ÷àñòëèâàÿ ìûñëü, îñåíèâøàÿ èäåÿ. 14. áûòü ïîäàâëåííûì; 15. áûòü ñëàäêîåæêîé (ñëàñòåíîé); 16. ãîâîðèòü íåèñêðåííå, ãîâîðèòü ñ íàñìåøêîé, èðîíè÷åñêè; 17. äåðæàòü óõî â îñòðî (ïðèñëóøèâàòüñÿ ê îáùåñòâåííîìó ìíåíèþ); 18. è ãëàçîì íå ìîðãíóòü, è óõîì íå ïîâåñòè; 19. îòíîñèòüñÿ ê ÷åìó-ëèáî ïðåçðèòåëüíî; 20. ïëàòèòü áåøåíóþ öåíó; 21. ñîõðàíÿòü ïðèñóòñòâèå äóõà, ïðîÿâëÿòü âûäåðæêó; 22. ñõîäèòüñÿ âî âçãëÿäàõ ñ êåì-òî; 23. óìóäðèòüñÿ ÷òî-òî ñäåëàòü åëå-åëå ñäåëàòü ÷òî-òî (ñ áîëüøèì òðóäîì); 24. áûòü íåëîâêèì; 25. áûòü ó êîãî-òî ïîä áàøìàêîì, âñåöåëî ïîä âëèÿíèåì ó êîãî-òî; 26. áûòü õîðîøèì ñàäîâíèêîì; 27. âëàñòíûé, âûñîêîìåðíûé; 28. ãîâîðèòü ïî äóøàì ñ êåì-ëèáî; 29. äåðæàòüñÿ íà ðàññòîÿíèè; 30. èäòè íà ÷òî-òî íåõîòÿ, îòíîñèòüñÿ ñ íåæåëàíèåì; 31. èñêðåííå, îò âñåé äóøè; 32. ó÷èòü íàèçóñòü; 33. ïîäñòàâëÿòü ñâîþ ãîëîâó; 34. ó÷àñòâîâàòü âî âñåì, âìåøèâàòüñÿ âî âñå. 35. áûòü â áåøåíñòâå; 36. âêëàäûâàòü äóøó âî ÷òî-ëèáî; 37. âëèïíóòü, ñåñòü â ëóæó; 38. çàäåòü ÷üè-ëèáî ÷óâñòâà, íàñòóïèòü íà áîëüíóþ ìîçîëü êîìó-ëèáî; 39. êðîâü ñòûíåò â æèëàõ (îò ýòîãî); 40. ìîðî÷èòü, îäóðà÷èòü êîãî-ëèáî; 41. íàñòàèâàòü íà ÷åì-ëèáî; 42. íå èìåòü îïðàâäàíèÿ; 43. íå÷óâñòâèòåëüíûé (ê êðèòèêå, îñêîðáëåíèÿì è ò.ï.), òîëñòîêîæèé; 44. ïðèâûêíóòü ê íîâîé ñèòóàöèè; 45. ðàñêóñèòü ÷åëîâåêà; 46. ñòðóñèòü, ñìàëîäóøíè÷àòü; 47. ñ÷àñòëèâî îòäåëàòüñÿ, óäà÷íî âûéòè èç çàòðóäíèòåëüíîãî ïîëîæåíèÿ; 48. ÷ðåçìåðíî ÷óâñòâèòåëüíûé.

Exercise 29. Idioms to describe people. Match the people 1-15 with the correct definitions a-o. Write your answer in the boxes on the next page.

1. a big shot a. has a lot more capabilities than he or she shows or that other people are aware of
2. a blackleg b. is a failure or weak in some way and has to be helped by others
3. a busybody c. is usually expected to lose in a competition with someone else
4. a chatterbox d. always wants to know about other people’s private lives
5. a daredevil e. is a wife who is alone because her husband is temporarily away
6. a dark horse f. is a very selfish and careless driver
7. a gatecrasher g. is a real nuisance and most people can’t stand him or her
8. a grass widow h. is someone who spoils the atmosphere or prevents others from enjoying themselves by being very boring and negative about everything
9. a guinea pig i. can’t stop talking
10. a lame duck j. is someone with lots of modern ideas, energy and enthusiasm and who achieves a lot while still young
11. a pain in the neck k. is a very important or influential person
12. a road hog l. is used as a subject in medical or other experiments
13. an underdog m. loves taking dangerous risks
14. a wet blanket n. carries on working when his or her fellow-workers are on strike
15. a whiz kid o. turns up at parties without being invited to them
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Exercise 30. Complete these sentences with the expressions to do with the body given in the box on page 28.

1. We got up so late this morning that we had to run to the station, and we just caught the train…

2. All the children had to learn the poem …

3. I’ve got a problem I’d like to discuss – can I come and … this afternoon?

4. John does everything his mother says – he’s certainly …

5. Tom and his sister disagree about everything – they simply don’t …

6. I don’t know whether Sam is being serious or whether he’s …

7. Sue certainly has … – her plants grow very well.

8. You really … – you’re involved in so many things!

9. James is very sensible – he certainly …

10. I can’t forget that song – I’ve got it …

Exercise 31. HOROSCOPES

Psychology studies personal qualities of human beings. But there is another branch of science which is called astrology. Astrology is also connected with different traits of person’s character, but it touches them upon as the result of influence of stars and planets. Zodiac is an imaginary band of sky that follows the Sun’s annual path as seen from Earth. In astrology, the band is divided into twelve equal parts, each containing a different astrological constellation. The word zodiac comes from the Greek word ‘zodiakos’, which literally means circle of animals. Do you believe in horoscopes? Is astrology nonsense or nor? Can horoscopes influence a person’s life?

ARIES [′eǝriz] (the Ram 21.03 – 20.04)

As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries represents beginnings of all kinds. Aries people are very active, like to be first, and are often in a hurry. They have a natural tendency to be assertive and single-minded. The Fire element of Aries brings assertive “I” energy. This is a flaming drive and the desire to do something! The Aries will is full of tension and passion; the “I” brings a need for independence. In a negative situation, this can lead to stubborn aggression, but when channelled positively, the Aries personality exhibits leadership and creative accomplishments. Endurance and confidence make it possible for Aries to achieve things that might seem impossible to other people. Aries people usually know what they want, and are rarely shy about making their needs known. They do not like to lose an argument, and may have to practice very hard to learn the art of compromise. Fair in their opinions, they make good friends because of their honesty and reliability. Aries will never desert a friend in need. “Pioneer” is a key word often used for Aries. This inventive soul has the courage to try new things, and the optimism to believe in ultimate success.

TAURUS [′to:rǝs] (the Bull 21.04 – 20.05)

People born under the sign of Taurus generally make good partners and companions. Taurus has great emotional depth. They are willing to share both the good and the bad in any relationship, and are good at taking responsibility rather than leaving everything for someone else to do. They are decisive people with strong character, energy and will. The Taurus personality is typically straightforward and assertive, qualities that make it possible to accomplish a great deal and still have the time and energy to thoroughly enjoy the leisure hours. For the most part, other people are positively influenced by the Taurus character, which can serve as an encouragement to be tenacious about the issues that matter most in life. The Taurus man or woman can often be identified by clearly defined facial features and a dynamic personality. Friends and lovers rely on the warmth and emotional accessibility of this sign. Taurus represents consistency, loyalty, and patience. Fixed by the earth they can be very rigid, too cautious to take some of the risks necessary in life. Taurus may be often stubborn and quite often it becomes very, very passive – even lazy. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, symbolizing romantic love and artistic pursuits. These qualities reflect the fun-loving side of the Taurus character and provide an excellent balance for its more pragmatic qualities.

GEMINI [′ʤeminai, -ni] (the Twins 21.05 – 20.06)

This is one of the joy-of-life signs, one that reaches out, expands and expresses. Gemini is an inquisitive student with a quick grasp of subjects. Mutable motivation brings adaptability. This is wonderful because variety-loving Gemini needs change. A flexible personality ensures that Gemini can connect with others. Gemini’s active energy can go too far, and then Gemini has a hard time finding the right direction. Members of this sign need a countervailing force of stability. The desire to communicate quickly and rapidly benefits when tempered by receptivity. Then not only can the Twins speak, they can listen in return – and complete the circuit! Balance comes from slowing down, listening, and learning the fine art of follow-through! Gemini has so many talents and interests, sometimes you may find that your attention gets split between too many things at once. It’s just so easy for you to start doing something, then get distracted by something else that seems equally as fascinating. Yet this diversity will also be the root of your success, for you have the ability to accomplish much more than the average person, often in a relatively short time. You’re able to keep track of a wide range of information that would confuse a lesser person. Rather than causing undue stress, the many demands on your time and attention actually seem to increase your energy and motivation. Famous Gemini personalities include the poet Walt Whitman, who summed up a significant aspect of the Gemini character when he wrote, “Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself. (I am large, I contain multitudes.)” Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini celebrates not just the duality, but the multiplicity of human nature. Gemini recognizes the complexity of life, and is open to the abundance of possibilities that exist in a single moment.

CANCER [′kænsǝ(r)] (the Crab 21.06 – 20.07)

The Cancer personality is usually deeply concerned with matters relating to home and family. This does not mean that you cannot succeed in a business career, and it certainly does not exclude your artistic talents – but usually you will find yourself making the welfare of your loved ones your top priority. Few work as hard and as tenaciously as Cancer. Since you take so much responsibility for their immediate physical and emotional well-being, there can be times when you need help with the more external concerns of business and finance. People born under the sign of Cancer are usually intuitive and nurturing. They generally know what they want from life, and are not readily discouraged by temporary setbacks. People who come in contact with the Cancerian personality are usually impressed by its many strengths, and the seriousness with which such a person builds important values in life. Cancerian men and women can often be recognized by their physical agility and mature outlook on life. Cancer’s confidence can be a bit wobbly. After all, the Crab is so very sensitive to everything. Cancer often experiences mood-swings. Sometimes the desire to love results in giving too much. In such cases, the Crab can become over-protective or dependent. Balanced, the Cancer adds personal independence to his or her priorities.

LEO [′li:ǝu] (the Lion 21.07 – 19/20.08)

Leo is characterized by the lion, a symbol of pride, dignity, and nobility. Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead. The sign radiates mega-confidence. Of course, the Lion must have an audience. Without applause, what else is there? The fixed motivation adds self-reliance, a characteristic that works well in leadership positions. Perhaps more than some other personality types, Leos can be deeply wounded by an insult or personal slight, yet their generosity and good nature can make them very forgiving. Traditionally, the Leo personality is famous for its magnificent charm. Most Leos have a persuasive smile that can get them just about anything they want. They like to take good care of their physical appearance, and usually have an animal magnetism that gets attention wherever they go. But Leo doesn’t rely on charisma alone. There is a lot of creativity and strength in this sign. Natural leaders, Leos are sometimes accused of being arrogant or stubborn, but in fact it is their confidence and persistence that produce success. Even when things don’t go as planned, Leo’s inborn grace may save the situation. Appealing in social situations, as a friend, Leo can be counted on to brighten anyone’s day. The mature Leo exudes big, beautiful heart and sheds sunshine on all who care to enjoy this bold spirit.

VIRGO [′vç:gǝu] (the Virgin 21.08 –22.09)

Virgo works hard to stability. This sign analyzes and organizes life; the goal is to build a firm foundation. A good educational background is important to the Virgo. Virgo is often associated with a drive for perfection. You are willing to spend as much time as is needed to do a job correctly, and you will naturally expect the same kind of thoroughness from those who work with you. Your willingness to refine all the significant details that others may overlook is one of the keys to your success. You are known for delivering what you promise, and you can generally be counted on to get things right the first time. People know that they can count on you, and this means that your services will be in demand for the most important projects and complicated undertakings. The Virgo character is considered one of the more pragmatic signs in the zodiac. Certainly, a Virgo can enjoy a good time as much as anyone else. But you probably feel more comfortable when you can balance the merely recreational with that which is also practical. The less dedicated souls around you may sometimes urge you to “lighten up”, but in the long run most folks appreciate your knack for getting things done without making a big fuss about it. Humbleness and the ability to work behind the scenes, without complaining, often cause Virgos to miss more opportunities than they should. A dose of self-confidence helps Virgo promote what he or she has to offer. Virgo gets stuck if he or she expresses too much earthy energy. He or she may try too hard. When frustrated, Virgo can get trapped in that notorious perfectionism. Because of the desire for security, Virgo may worry constantly about work. Balance comes with trusting that he or she will be OK and that imperfection is only human!

LIBRA [′li:brǝ] (the Scales 23.09 – 22.10)

It is a sign that is very extroverted and active. Libra people are committed to the principles of fairness and equality. Thus, you may often find yourself in the position of arbitrator, asked to render opinions and advise others on a wide variety of issues. You are able to express yourself with a quiet charm that makes people more inclined to agree with you. For Venus-inspired Libra, beauty, balance and harmony are important. There is a great need to share, to be fair and impartial. Even with this need for calm, Libra remains a very active, outwardly radiating personality. Libra is the cheerleader we all need to work together and build a team! People recognize and admire your balanced approach to life. You seek harmony in your environment, and as a result you probably have a well-developed aesthetic sense, which you try to apply to your surroundings both at home and at work. On a deeper level, you also seek harmony and balance within yourself. For most Librans, this is best achieved with the help of a loving partner, a life mate who can help them discover their own inner beauty. As a friend, you get along best with people who share your appreciation for the finer things in life. Sometimes loving Libra can need others too much and fall into the trap of dependency. The need for partnership leads this sign to falsely believe that there is no personhood with a partner. The temptation is to give away too much to others and reserve too little for oneself. Then life reels out of control. Trying to be too fair undermines decision-making abilities. Libra may fear making the wrong choice or upsetting others. Inward-focused energy restores balance. Libras thrive when they give themselves permission to take care of themselves.

SCORPIO [′sko:piǝu] (the Scorpion 23.10 – 21.11)

Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign. Scorpio is known for its intensity and personal magnetism. Members of this sign have tremendous inner strength, which when properly developed, gives them great power to turn negative situations into positive outcomes, and to re-channel destructive energy into constructive purposes. There may be times when you feel that you must constantly struggle with difficult situations. Yet this ability to turn adversity into fortune strengthens you each time, and as you continue through life you grow stronger and more skilled, with ever-increasing confidence. Scorpio is often compared to the Phoenix, a mythical bird which was reborn from its own ashes, more powerful and beautiful than ever before. Scorpios are usually inspiring and dynamic. Through intelligence, determination and a persuasive personality, they can often be found in positions of leadership or influence. Well-liked and admired, Scorpios are generally identified by forceful yet graceful body movements and an intense, honest gaze. You’ll find great love, feeling, desire and sensitivity when you probe the depths of mysterious Scorpio. A fixed nature makes Scorpio favor stability. Without some positive energy, Scorpio can go to extremes. The Scorpion may use his or her strength to exert power over others. Love can become a stronger passion than even the Scorpio can handle, and possessiveness or jealousy can surface. Independence brings balance. The Scorpio with inner security can let partners explore and remain receptive to their needs

SAGITTARIUS [ˏsæʤi′teǝriǝs] (the Archer 22.11 – 20.12)

Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted, mobile, expansive sign. The Archer is always ready for action, bursting with goals and idealism. This sign is the very personification of jovial, outward-bound, enthusiasm. Famous Sagittarian personalities include Winston Churchill, who wrote, “It is better to be making the news than taking it; to be an actor rather than a critic.” This seems to sum up at least one important aspect of the Sagittarian character, which is the desire to be constantly active and involved in life. People born under this sign often like to travel, to change jobs fairly often, or to take up different interests at different times and then drop them in favor of something else. This should not be seen as frivolity or inconsistency, but rather as a sign of tremendous vitality and a mind which has the ability to encompass many concerns. When a Sagittarian discovers a matter of significance, he or she is quite willing and able to pour all the necessary attention and energy into it. Sagittarians are known for vivacity, a zestful spirit, and a seemingly tireless energy which enables them to accomplish many great things. Without balance energy, Sagittarius can become too changeable; he or she may bend to every force or influence. Restlessness can diffuse energy, and finding a secure position in life isn’t as easy as we would think. Quiet contemplation can temper the fire and heighten the intuition. Receptivity can slow the impatient desire to move way too fast at times. What a wonderful balanced energy this is!

CAPRICORN [′kæpriko:n] (the Goat 21.12 –20.01)

Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac. The Mountain Goat has intense powers of self-concentration, but not in an egotistical sense. Members of this sign find a great deal more confidence in what they do than in who they are. When you find that you are smarter or more knowledgeable than those around you, you are also too clever to be arrogant about it. The Capricorn personality succeeds best through steady perseverance. Capricorn is symbolized by the goat, an animal sometimes considered stubborn, but one with great endurance. A mountain goat may not be able to go straight to the top, but must carefully find its way around boulders and along steep paths until it reaches the peak. So, too, the Capricorn personality does not always achieve immediate gratification, but will triumph in the long run. People who know you well will come to admire your wisdom, and to place a high value on your advice. Most Capricorns make good friends because of their discretion. They don’t force themselves into situation where they aren’t wanted – but they are usually wanted! The Capricorn personality may sometimes be a little too practical. Don’t let yourself become so serious that you forget to have your fair share of fun in life. Capricorn can become too rigid. To be able to move with the winds of change, the Mountain Goat must bend and flex a little bit! That makes life much easier. Capricorn can also focus too much on achievement. Then they forget the little joys in life. When the Goat finally relaxes and enjoys life, his or her most delightful secrets emerge. No one has a better sense of humor than the Capricorn.

AQUARIUS [ǝ′kweǝriǝs] (the Water-Carrier 21.01 – 19.02)

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, a symbol of progress. You have a talent for anticipating future trends, and you adapt well to new technology. Your inventive mind gives you the potential to rise quickly to a position of successful leadership. Changes in behavior and policy generally do not upset you very much, because you are so adaptable. Your flexibility makes it possible for you to accept new requirements and to move forward where others may falter. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill. Aquarius may be the sign of the rugged individualist, the mad scientist and the lone eccentric, but this visionary also represents social interaction and higher consciousness. Aquarius’ title, the “Humanitarian of the Zodiac,” is well earned! Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. Attribute this to the need to accommodate others. A passion for life, new things, and novel situations sends Aquarius in all directions! Traditionally, Aquarians love dreams and fantasy. Overly pragmatic types may sometimes accuse you of not knowing the difference between fact and fiction, but this is not true. You will be better understood by other creative people and by those who appreciate your inventive sense of humor. Aquarians make good friends because they rarely judge anyone harshly, and because they are excellent at keeping secrets. You will get along best with people who respect your need for privacy. Without stability and a willingness to listen, however, this sign can become erratic. Aquarius can try many new things but end up mastering none. That can stifle the great success potential here. Slowing down long enough to establish a solid foundation gives Aquarius the ability to ground his or her electrical energy.

PISCES [′paisi:z] (the Fishes 20.02 – 20.03)

This sign is extremely receptive, nurturing, compassionate, and other-directed. Pisceans are selfless and spiritual, often strongly intuitive and artistic. The people of this sign are charitable and self-sacrificing, but may sometimes be too passive and gullible. People born under Pisces tend to be idealistic, but sometimes their dreams are vague and impractical. When reality intrudes they can become pessimistic, but they are very adaptive and broad-minded so they can rework their ideals when necessary. Pisceans are compassionate, sensitive, and imaginative; they are sympathetic to the feelings of other people. They tend to be romantic and sentimental, but they may give in to escapism. They are devoted to their goals, but they can be disorganized when things become difficult. People born under Pisces are devoted and gentle, but they are fragile and may become timid if their emotions are abused too often. Pisceans tend to be shy and quiet. They are sometimes elusive, refusing to show their real selves. They are modest and thoughtful, sometimes displaying remarkable musical talent. In their leisure time, Pisces may work to alleviate their emotional stress through exercise. They are very artistic, and may excel at music and drama. In love relationships, Pisces is caring, devoted, and romantic. The great strength of the Pisces-born is in their compassion. They reach out to other people more skillfully than most other Signs, and especially enjoy helping others reach their fullest potential. Their natural sensitivity makes them one of the most understanding characters of the Zodiac. Without balance, Pisces can sink into the whirlpool of emotion. This can bring out hidden fears and insecurities. Lack of ego-strength can make Pisces feel dependent and helpless. Then they can fall into the martyr trap. Pisces benefit by truthfully sharing their own difficulties, feelings, and need. They need to remember that they too have the right to receive all the help and support they are so used to giving! A happy, confident Pisces brightens the world and all our lives.

Some people strongly believe in horoscopes and try always to follow advice given in them. But nevertheless some people think that traditional horoscopes don’t reflect their personality. Imagine that you are a famous astrologist. Try to create a new sign of zodiac and think over the personal qualities which a man of this sign can possess. What will be the name of your new sign of zodiac? What is its symbol? What famous people were born under this sign and what qualities do they have?

Exercise 30. Horoscope Game. Are we the kind of people we are because of the time of the year we were born? See if you can complete the adjectives below. Each one has a clue beside it to help you and a dot for each letter that you need to add.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
You won’t find him in the corner at the party. o. t g. i. g
That’s her doing the can-can on the table ex... v. rt
She has no problems c.. ef. ee
He never frowns. l... t-h. a. t. d
She tells no lies. t. u. hf..
He has few secrets. o.. n
He’ll tell you if he doesn’t like your make-up. c. n. id
She’ll tell you if she doesn’t like your after-shave. f... k
He’s the person to ask for that five pounds you are owed. e.. y-g... g
TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)
He knows what he wants and he usually gets it. s. r. n. –wi.. ed
She never gives up without a fight. d. t. r. i. ed
He knows he’s good s. l. –as. u.. d
She knows she’s as good. s. l. –co.. i.. nt
She likes to be the boss, the one on top. d. m. n. nt
He wants to be even bigger, even better – the best am.. t. o. s
and expects high standards of performance from others. d. m. n. i. g
He works 18 hours a day, jogs, and plays squash. e. e. ge.. c
She hates to lose, in business or at tiddlywinks. c. mp... t.. e
GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 20)
She thinks she’s good. p. o. d
He thinks he’s superior to everyone. a. r. g.. t
‘As the most experienced and sensible person present, I …’ p. mp.. s
‘Of course, I could have beaten him even more easily, but I wanted to give him a chance.’ b.. stf. l
She won’t share her presents with her sister. s.. f.. h
He spends half the day in front of the mirror. v.. n
She thinks the whole world revolves around her. s.. f-c. n. r. d
He thinks he’s the centre of the universe. e. oc.. t.. c
She looks down on anyone who hasn’t got a heated indoor swimming pool at home. s. o b.. h
CANCER (Jun 21 – Jul 20)
She seems to enjoy finding fault with others. c. it... l
He’ll take off marks if you don’ dot your i’s. p. t. y
She can only ever see one side of things. na... w-m. n.. d
He always likes the fat taken off his bacon. f. s. y
He’s like a donkey s. u. b. r.
She’s like a mule. o. s. in. t.
He loves money, loves having ‘things’. m. t. r. a. i. t. c
Oh, yes, he’ll help you – if you make it worth while. m. r. en. ry
She never lets her husband out of her sight. p. ss. ss.. e
LEO (Jul 21 – Aug 21)
You never know what he’s going to do. u. p. ed. ct.. le
He never knows what he’s going to do. i. d. c. s. ve
There are two things I don’t like about her – her face! t. o-f... d
Be careful what he’s saying about you behind your back. h. po. r. t. c. l
Be careful what she’s doing while your back is turned. d. sh. n.. t
He behaves like the weather in April. cha. g. a. le
She behaves like the proverbial primadonna. t. mp. r. m.. t. l
He says what I want to hear, not what he thinks. i. s. nc. r.
He never does all the things he says he’ll do. u. r. l. a. l.
VIRGO (Aug 22 – Sep 22)
Other people’s points of view always impress him. i. p. e. s. on.. le
She’d believe you if you told her pizzas grew on trees. g. ll. ble
She lacks will-power. w.. k-w.... d
He lacks courage c. w.. d. y
He doesn’t do much – he just sits back and watches. p. s.. v.
She’ll do what she’s told. ob. d... t
You never know what he’s thinking. s. cr. t.. e
‘It was an honour just to be on the same court as McEnroe. h. mb. e
How I beat him 6-0, 6-0, 6-0? It was just luck.’ m. d.. t
LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
He uses his common sense. s. n. i. le
She never does silly things under pressure. l. v. l-h.. d.d
She’s like the Libran symbol of the scales. w.. l-b. l. n. ed
She’d solve all the problems on a deserted island, p. ac.. c. l
and nothing would upset her. c.. m
He’d be a good judge or referee. f.. r-m.. d. d
She’s got both feet on the ground and is really down-to-earth. r. al.. t. c
His heart rarely rules his head. r. t.. n. l
I think, therefore I am. That’s my approach. l. g. c. l
SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 22)
Keep out of her way when she loses her temper. a. gr.. s. v.
He’s always the first one to put his fists up, v.. l. nt
and he’s quick to use them – to the full. b. u. al
He may even a boot or two for good measure. v. c. o. s
She won’t let anything stand in her way. r.. hl.. s
He has no principles about hurting other people. u. sc. u. u. ous
He almost seems to enjoy causing trouble. m. l. c. ous
She’s a strong believer in an eye for an eye, sp. t... l
and a tooth – or, in her case, teeth – for a tooth. v. n. i. t. ve
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 – Dec 20)
Those with some Latin blood in their veins. p. s. i. n. t.
They are fiery and emotional. h.. –bl.. d. d
She’s not afraid to go mountain climbing, b. a. e
or to join a mountain rescue team. c. ur. g... s
He wants to go to wild and unexpected places. a. v. nt. r.. s
They’re vivacious, like champagne bubbles. l. v. l.
She puts her heart and soul into her profession. d. d. c. t. d
On the sinking ship, the dog never left its master’s side. d. v. t. d
These friends do not desert you in a crisis. l. y. l
CAPRICORN (Dec 21 – Jan 19)
He’d always stop to help a disabled person cross the road. c. ns. d.... e
That’s her on the beach wiping oil off the sea-birds’ feathers. t. nd..
She wouldn’t hurt a fly. g. nt..
He leaves £10 tips. g. n. r.. s
He wouldn’t mind if she dyed her hair green. t. l. r.. t
She lets him sleep when he gets back from a hard day’s work. u. d. rst. n. i. g
He defends her in any argument. p. o. ect. ve
She kisses him on the cheek every minute or so. a. f. c. i. n. te
She always sends a card on her parents’ anniversary. th.. g. tf. l
AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
If she likes you, she’ll fling her arms around you and say so. i. p. l. i. e
He jumps into the bath without testing the water. i. p. t. ous
Lose your way with her in the car? You’d better not! i. p. t. e. t
He’s constantly like a child on Christmas Eve. ex. i. abl.
He’s a typical ‘angry young man’. r. b. l. i.us
She’s Trotsky, Castro and Guevara all rolled into one. r... lut. o.. ry
He’s got a memory like a sieve. f.. g. tf..
He thought a double brandy would help the baby sleep. i. res... s. ble
If she gets an idea in her head, there’s no stopping her. u. c. n. r. l. a. l.
PIECES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
There she is, over there, on her own in the corner. s. y
He’s afraid that the whole world is looking at him. s. l. –c.. s.. ous
She peeps round her front door like a mouse. t. m. d
He’s always the last to introduce himself. r. s.. ved
Be careful not to upset her. It’s easily done. s. n. i.. ve
He can see beauty in the pile of rubbish. i.. gin.... e
He can then turn the pile of rubbish into a work of art. c. e. t. v.
I was moved to tears by the beauty of his sculpture. em. t.... l
He doesn’t know who he is, where he is, what to do or why. u. sta. le

Exercise 31. Describing people: Moods and feelings. Match the following adjectives 1-15 with the correct meaning a-o to form complete sentences. Write your answers in the boxes below.

People who are/feel:

1. annoyed a. are feeling sad and depressed.
2. apprehensive b. find it hard to think clearly or move steadily. You can often feel like this after drinking alcohol.
3. baffled c. are nervous and can’t seem to relax or behave in a calm way.
4. complacent d. are unable to say anything because they are angry, upset or shocked.
5. down e. are so frightened that they can’t move.
6. edgy f. feel slightly angry.
7. furious g. are confused and unable to decide what to do. This is often because of personal or emotional problems.
8. homesick h. are angry and bitter about something they think is unfair.
9. light-headed i. are worried and nervous about the future or something they’re going to do.
10. mixed-up j. are extremely angry.
11. paranoid k. are too sensitive and are easily offended or annoyed.
12. petrified l. are completely unable to explain or understand something.
13. resentful m. are unhappy because they’re away from home and missing their family, friends, etc.
14. speechless n. are constantly convinced that people hate them or that bad things will happen, even though this isn’t true.
15. touchy o. are so pleased with their achievements or the situation they’re in that they don’t think there’s any need to worry or make an effort.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Exercise 32. Answer the following questions, using the topical vocabulary.

1. What traits of character would you appreciate in a wife? 2. What traits of character would you appreciate in a husband? 3. What traits of character do you think are necessary to a perfect mother? 4. What traits of character should a good father have? 5. What traits of character would you appreciate in a son (daughter)? 6. What traits of character are necessary for a bosom friend? 7. What traits do you detest more? 8. What traits of character are required to make a good teacher (doctor, interpreter, lawyer, journalist)? 9. What traits might prevent one from becoming a good specialist in this fields?

Exercise 33. Describing people: Moods and feelings. Match the following adjectives 1-16 with the correct meanings a-p to form complete sentences. Write your answers in the boxes on page 33.

People who are/feel:

1. amazed a. feel bitter and disappointed because they’ve lost their belief that someone is good or that an idea or plan is right.
2. anxious b. are frightened.
3. bad-tempered c. feel very ashamed and upset, especially because they’ve been made to look weak or stupid.
4. cheerful d. are very unhappy.
5. contented e. are very easily affected by emotions such as sympathy, love or sadness.
6. disillusioned f. are happy and in good spirits.
7. fed up g. are easily annoyed and tend to get angry at small things, often because they already feel bad-tempered about something.
8. heartbroken h. like remembering happy events or experiences from the past, often because they are not so happy with their lives now.
9. humiliated i. are unhappy and feel dissatisfied or bored.
10. irritable j. are so surprised that they find it hard to believe what has happened.
11. miserable k. don’t really believe what other people tell them.
12. nostalgic l. get angry very easily and behave in a very angry and unfriendly way.
13. scared m. are extremely pleased, happy and excited. It could be because they’ve been told some good news or are going to so something that they’ve always wanted to.
14. sceptical n. are feeling very worried and nervous about something that may or may not have happened.
15. sentimental o. are very sad because they have been upset or deeply hurt by something that has happened.
16. thrilled p. are satisfied and quite happy with their lives.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Exercise 34. Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. They are to be found in the previous exercises.

1. They were really … when their daughter told them she was expecting a baby. At last they would have their first grandchild. 2. She was … when she heard that someone else had been given the job she was after. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so angry before. 3. We were all … when she told us she was nearly seventy-three. She really didn’t look a day over sixty. 4. My parents have a burglar alarm, locks on every window, large bolts on the doors, an Alsatian dog and security lights outside. They’re … about being burgled, which is strange as they live next door to the police station. 5. When the mugger put a knife to her throat and asked her to hand over her money she was … and for a minute she thought she was going to die. 6. After so many years under Margaret Thatcher many people became … with politics in general and the Conservative Party in particular. 7. When his dog died the old man was …. It had been his friend and faithful companion for over sixteen years and it felt as painful as losing a child. 8. When they first moved to France they were very …. They missed Britain, their family, and their friends. They even missed complaining about the weather! 9. The police are … as to how the thieves managed to steal the painting from the gallery without the alarm going off. 10. Don’t mention work tonight at dinner. John’s become … about things like that since he lost his job. 11. Listening to old Beatles records always makes me feel … and wish I was still living in the ‘60s. 12. The young man felt … as he sat in the waiting-room before his interview. It was the first time he had ever applied for a job.

Exercise 35. Study the results of shyness among Americans by Stanford University psychologist Philip Zimbardo. Discuss with your group-mates the questions below.

Of the Americans surveyed …

5% tend to be shy in most situations

15% used to be shy as children, but are not shy as adults

40% have never experienced shyness

40% are shy in certain situations

1. Do these results surprise you? Why or why not? 2. Why do most non-Americans believe Americans are outgoing? 3. In your opinion, is shyness a positive or negative quality? Explain.

Are you shy or not? Take the quiz. Add up the points to find out!

Discuss the results of the shyness quiz with your group-mates. How did your group’s scores compare with the results of Zimbardo’s study? When you speak English, do you feel shy or bold? Explain.

What does it mean to be shy? For some people, it may simply mean being introverted, or quiet and cautious. In the sense, shyness can protect us from moving into new experience too quickly. However, for other people, it may mean not being able to do or say what they want. In these, shyness can be a serious obstacle to social and professional growth.

A shy person experiences high anxiety in social situations. The heart races, the hands perspire, the throat feels dry, and the stomach may get butterflies. Some very shy people may avoid social situations or cling to dead-end jobs.

Shyness exists universally, although it may be experienced or defined differently in every culture. In the United States, however, shyness is perceived as a problem that needs to be overcome. Books with such titles as Overcoming Shyness, Beat the Shyness Trap, or Shyness: What to Do about It, crowd the shelves of libraries and bookstore. Garrison Keillor, a famous radio host and comedian, is shy. On his radio program he advertises a fictional product, Powdermilk Biscuits, which shy people can eat to overcome their shyness. “Powdermilk Biscuits,” the ad claims, “Help shy people stand up and do what needs to be done.”

Working with a partner, read the factors that psychologists believe make people shy. Decide how important each may be in causing shyness. Write V (very important), S (somewhat important), or N (not very important) next to each factor. Then discuss the reasons for your choices.

1. heredity

2. cultural values

3. birth order (oldest, middle, or youngest)

4. life experiences (moving, changing schools, divorce in family)

5. gender

6. competition

7. electronic revolution

8. parents’ behaviour

9. lack of social skills

10. physical attractiveness

Exercise 36. Preparing to Listen

Read the following sentences. Try to determine the meaning of the underlined words from the context of the sentences. Then write a definition or similar expression.

1. In the English class, some students tend to speak out a lot. Others are somewhat reticent.

2. A public-speaking phobia, called glossophobia, prevented the businessman from delivering formal presentation at work.

3. If people cannot explain their ideas well, others may assume those ideas have no merit.

4. One of Philip Zimbardo’s students indicated that Israelis were not shy and introverted. On the contrary, they were outgoing and extroverted.

5. Some shy people are comfortable with their personality. However, for others, shyness had adverse consequences.

6. Some psychologists describe shyness as a syndrome with patterns of physical and emotional symptoms.

7. Chronic shyness that persists from childhood to adulthood can have negative consequences such as low self-esteem and loneliness.

8. My friend and I regard each other as kindred souls. We are both painfully shy.

9. People often make terrible misattributions about those who are shy. They assume shy people are cold and unfriendly instead of merely bashful.

10. Of the Indian students surveyed, 82% reported that shyness was a problem or handicap that made them unhappy and unfulfilled.

11. Many employees thought the company president was aloof and unfriendly. But in truth, she was just painfully shy.

12. It was not her intention to be rude or condescending toward her staff. She behaved this way in order to cover up her extreme shyness.

Now match the words 1-12 with a definition or similar expression a-l. Write the appropriate letter in the boxes on the left.

  1. reticent   a. condition   1.  
2. phobia   b. distant   2.  
3. merit   c. very strong fear   3.  
4. extroverted   d. negative   4.  
5. adverse   e. disadvantage   5.  
6. syndrome   f. silent   6.  
7. chronic   g. false assumption   7.  
8. kindred souls   h. very sociable   8.  
9. misattributions   i. people having similar traits   9.  
10. handicap   j. value   10.  
11. aloof   k. treating others as inferior   11.  
12. condescending   l. continual (in medical sense   12.  


You will hear an interview from the radio news program Morning Edition aired on National Public Radio in the United States. The interviewee, Philip Zimbardo, comments that many of the shy people he interviewed say, “shyness is undesirable, it has adverse consequences.” Work with a partner. Predict some of the problems that you think shy people may have as a result of their shyness (for example: staying in a dead-end job, avoiding social situation, etc.) Read the questions. Then listen to Part One of the interview and write short answers to the questions. Do the same for Part Two.

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