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Definitions. 1. not paid on time, past the correct date = overdue

1. not paid on time, past the correct date = overdue

2. note to a bank asking them to pay money from your account

3. money that you have to pay. e. g.: for goods and services

4. amount of money which a person or company can take out of a bank account, with the bank's permission and which is more than there is in the account

5. to take something, e. g.: money, from someone for an agreed period of time

6. payment made for the use of money

7 to give one type of currency for another

8. to have to pay money

9. the value of one currency against another

10. money paid to a salesman or agent, a percentage of the sales made

11. to ask for money to be paid


12. to give money back to someone

13. to take out money from an account

14. note asking for payment for goods or services

15. place you can rent to keep documents, jewelry etc.

IX. Writing Practice. Make a short summary about banking in the USA from the text "Banking System in the USA". Use the opening phrases from Appendix 1.



SECTION A. Central Banking System.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 341 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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