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The Common Cold

All children catch 1... It's not unusual to them to have as many as eight a year and there is little you can do 2... them. But the good news is that by the time adulthood is reached, 3... people will have a certain 4... against them — which is why parents often 5... children through 6... colds with scarcely a sniffle themselves.

The 7... cold is 8... by a virus which enters the body through the nose. It is very 9... and can be passed by coughirtg or 10.... Symptoms start up to four days after catching the 11... and include a runny or blocked nose; sneezing and 12... throat. A cold is best 13... at home and there is some truth in the saying that if

you treat 14... it will 15... seven days and if you don't it will last a week (but feel like a fortnight!).

1. common 2. last 3, numerous 4. colds 5. sore 6. virus

'7. to prevent 8. immunity 9. infectious 10. most 11. a cold 12. sneezing

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 252 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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