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Influenza virus vaccine for all ages

Industrial production of inactivated split influenza virus vaccine, has been launched at the Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera in Ufa (Bashkiria).

All vaccines protecting the human organism against the invasion of viruses have a serious drawback: it is not safe to innoculate them, for the development of immunity, to people suffering from chronic ailments, and also to children, for this may entail undesirable complications. So it happens that those for whom flu is particularly pernicious remain practically defenceless in the fight with it. It is for them that the new vaccine is, meant. To explain its advantage in comparison with the existing preparations, it will be enough to decipher the notions "inactivated" and "split".

The first means that the virus in the vaccine has been killed. But that is not all. The destroyed pathogene has been split, with only those components isolated from it which are responsible for protection against flu. Due to this, the vaccine has become harmless, while the immunity it produces is no less stable than any other. For the first time it has become possible to vaccinate children beginning approximately from three-year-olds, and people susceptible to chronic diseases of the respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 232 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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