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Exercises. I. Answer the questions on the text:

I. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What are the stages in the course of infectious diseases? 2. What is immunity? 3. What are the kinds of immunity? 4. What is the most significant preventive measure against infectious diseases? 5. What does the treatment of infectious diseases include?

II. Check if you remember the meanings of the following words:

manifestation; inoculation; measure; resistance; to define; to transmit; to combat; to prevent; to acquire.

III. Translate the sentences paying attention to the underlined words:

a) A temporary passive immunity is transmitted from the mother
to her infant.

b) Children of the pre-school ages should also be protected
from infections.

c) Immunity may be transmitted from parent to offspring.

IV. Match the Latin words with their English equivalents and translate them into Russian:

L. Casus E. a course

Cursus a case

Causa a cause

V. Finish the sentences according to the following model:

First he looks for somebody and then he... (to look, for, everybody). First he looks for somebody and then he is looked for by everybody.

1. First the chief nurse instructs the other nurses and then
she... (to instruct, the doctor).

2. First the manager controls the workers and then he... (to
control, the director)..

3. First the little boy feeds his dog and then he...(to feed,
his mother).

4. The mother looks after her children and when she is ill
she... (to look after, they).

Part I

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 431 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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