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Checking in

Receptionist: - Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

Mr. Lavrov: - My name’s Victor Lavrov. I believe you have a room booked for me.

R: - Just a second … Yes, it’s a single room with bath on the third floor facing the park. Just bed and breakfast, right?

Mr. L: - Yes, that’s right. What time’s breakfast?

R: - From 8 to 10, sir.

Mr. L: - Would you call me at 7.45, please?

R: - Certainly, sir. Just sign here.

Mr. L: - (Puts his signature.) Is that all?

R: - Yes, sir. Here’s your key. Room 327 on the third floor. I’ll have your luggage sent up.

3) Receptionist: - Good evening. What can I do for you?

Mr. Kozlov: - I’ve booked accommodation from the 5th of January to the 7th of January inclusive, for three nights.

R: - Just a moment, sir. I’ll check the reservation. Will you spell the name, please?

Mr. K: - O.K. K-o-z-l-o-v.

R: - Right. We can give you a suit on the third floor. Fill in this check-in card, please: full name, address, nationality, occupation, date and place of birth.

Mr. K: - What’s the number of the room?

R: - 305. The porter will help you with the luggage and take you to your room. Here’s the key to your room.

Mr. K: - Thank you very much. Good night.

R: - Good night.

4) Two fellow-travelers have just embarked from the train. They want to stay at the hotel:

Mr. A: - Where do you intend to put up, Mr. B?

Mr. B: - No idea. And you?

Mr. A: - The last time, I was here I stayed at “Europe”. Let’s try our luck there. It’s a pity I hadn’t time to book a room beforehand.

Mr.B: - Do you think we’ll get anything there?

Mr. A: - Well, I hope we shall. The touring season is over now.

Mr. B: - Well, here is a taxi. Hotel “Europe”, please.

Driver: - Yes, gentlemen.

Mr. B: - Here we are.

Desk-Clerk: - What can I do for you, gentlemen?

Mr. B: - We should like rooms – two single rooms or one two-bedded room. (To Mr. A.) Do you mind being together, Mr. A?

Mr. A: - Not in the least.

D-C: - I’m sorry, gentlemen, but we are all booked up. We are expecting a delegation.

Mr. B: - No chance at all?

D-C: - Sorry. We have nothing at the moment.

Mr. B: - You couldn’t possibly direct us somewhere?

D-C: - One moment, gentlemen. I’ll ring up the “Astoria”. Perhaps they can put you up there.

Mr. B: - Please do.

D-C: - In whose name shall I book it in case you are lucky.

Mr. B: - Mr. Black, please. (The D-C talks over the phone.)

D-C: Yes, gentlemen, they have rooms. Do you happen to know where the hotel is?

Mr. B: - Sorry, but I don’t.

D-C: - It’s in Green Street. Not far from the General Post-Office.

Mr. B: - Thank you. (To Mr. A) Well, let’s go, Mr. A.

3. Use the substitutions:

1) I’d like to reserve a single room with bath overlooking the sea.

a) a double room facing the park; b) a single room with shower; c) a double room with bath not overlooking the street; d) a table in your restaurant; e) a table for two on Sunday evening;

2) Unfortunately, Mr. Bennett isn’t available at the moment.

a) the book you’ve ordered; b) the wine you want; c) a room like that; d) accommodation like that;

3) The hotel is situated in a very quiet part near the sea.

a) in a quiet street; b) in a beautiful place; c) near an underground station;

4) Whenever you make a reservation there’s always a room available.

a) accommodation; b) a table; c) convenient accommodation; d) a quiet room; e) a nice room facing the sea.

5) I haven’t got much luggage.

a) any carry on luggage; b) any luggage to leave in the left-luggage office; c) any luggage to take from the left-luggage.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 726 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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